11 years ago
#MINECRAFT - In better news, I played on my first Minecraft server with my new friend from work and had an awesome time~
latest #11
11 years ago
Can't wait to play again! spawning at night in the middle of an open field sort of sucked though LOLOLOL
11 years ago
I am hoping she opens it up again tonight so I can play. it really helped relax me last night
11 years ago
we got a lot done. iron armor, I found 8 diamonds so I made a pick. we have an ender portal and an enchanting table. started the enchantment room. our friend found a temple so we have more stuff but no saddles
11 years ago
yeah it's awesome
11 years ago
it really helps to distract me when I need to just chill
11 years ago
like who has time to worry about your job when you're like MUST. PLANT. WHEAT.
11 years ago
my goal today is to work on the enchantment room so we can put a lv30 on the pick and sword, make a larger place for the animals, explore for new biomes, and if I have time look for a nether fortress
11 years ago
eventually we'll each have our own area in The Overworld. I could definitely tell we will get lag when we load new chunks omg it was so laggy when I first got on LOL
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