11 years ago
Question 1) is anyone else playing? (okay if you're not, Sunset solo could be interesting). Question 2) are there any teams which would cause undue fallout if targeted accidentally?
latest #11
11 years ago
She knows not to target Coral and Emerald, and she just plain won't ever target Sapphire, Iolite or Kunzite. Probably not Turquoise as well.
Jack's canon-mate is on Carnelian, so definitely don't target them! And Jade would also never target Ruby or Onyx... but I'm not sure if she's ICly made that clear to the team
11 years ago
Oh! Yes, knights are separate teams. Sunset would never target those either
11 years ago
And I believe she's seen Breeze/heard her mentioned
11 years ago
I think she knows Galaxy's canonmate is on TE, in addition to teams already covered, so that's out as well
11 years ago
Right now, she's most likely to go for Coral/Jasper/Heliodor/Peridot. Unless there's something I'm forgetting
iii think those are the "safest" teams to target unless I'm forgetting someone
I am not playing and don't have any objections to give.
a perfect day
11 years ago
I'm still debating if it's too much trauma too soon but Mimori might jump in on GM game as of today/tonight :|a but even if I don't... Uh, I think Mimori would say no to Kunzite, Tiger's Eye, and Sterling
a perfect day
11 years ago
b/c idolfriends. tho if i do throw her in she'll be no ,atter wut
a perfect day
11 years ago
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