[轉湯] 這作者有許多圖都是平行世界的cross over, interesting if not a little sad.
ASK:如果r9kElsa, You Are Elsa, A Snowflake in Spring Elsa 碰到了Frozen裡變身前的Queen Elsa?
ASK: r9k, You Are, A Snowflake in Spring 和Frozen的Elsanna在一起開派對?
R9K Elsa and Anna both get roaring drunk immediately and start making out
SiS Elsa is sexually frustrated because of them and is silently flipping a shit while SiS Anna sits there dense as ever
Canon Elsa and Anna are somewhat intrigued by the new information that incest is totally okay as long as you’re somewhat intoxicated.
You Are Anna is drunk and horny but You Are Elsa is still really scared of herself so she’s not doing anything back.