[廚][該] 最近r9kElsa, You Are, A Snowflake in Spring這幾個文老被擺在一起討論,除了r9k太OOC看不下去之外都看過的我真的是自己找虐, 但我得說,被一篇fanart騙去看You Are的我真是太甜,太甜了啊
看完整個超鬱悶的,除了Elsa從頭到尾都處於受驚嚇的狀態,其他人全部OOC沒有一個角色made sense的,行動想法說的話都搭不起來啊親!
latest #13
Hans整個腦殘前後表現像是個人格分裂患者,而且我超討厭他一副 I know best and you know nothing, it's for your own good or that I'm so much better than you all additude.
更狗血的是還被Elsa看到,後面還來段"Are you happy?""Yes""That's all I want", I mean come on!! Are you two BLIND or what!!?
I could understand why Elsa won't say anything out of fear of her power and her self-hate, but WTF are you doing Anna!!?
這篇的Anna真的配不上Elsa,weak spirit, wavering heart and indecisive mind,最後這女人居然還有膽在跟驢子交往期間藉酒強推?! 完全不顧Elsa的心情想法和恐懼,最後引發了Elsa的魔力暴動被打到腦袋,居然還害怕?! 甚至在Hans稱呼Elsa是怪物的時候也沒有反駁?!
Kristoff大概是You Are裡面唯一正常點的人,卻對Anna一見鍾情成為第三者,然後又慘遭玩弄感情身體後被拋棄(無誤
11 years ago
I can't agree you more.... YOU ARE看到弟7章我就忍不住直接右上角...
s91404 Good for you, 後面的劇情一點都沒好轉,I keep hoping but...
Now I'm just in it for Anna's quilt and misery, very vain I know, but I just felt she deserve all these pain, and got this weird sense of justice for what she put Elsa through.
Plus I want to know what'll happen to Elsa, as a modern au she can't very well go build herself an ice palace in the middle of a city now can she?
11 years ago
akatsuki_yu: not only that.. I wonder that, since she said she never came out from her apartment before she met Anna, where the hell the foods come from to sustain herself? What did she eat?(直接叫外賣?
11 years ago
And didn't she need to buy some daily supplies or something? How about the financial income? Didn't she need to work or go to school or anything? (well.. maybe her parents just sent her money
11 years ago
Not to mention that weird weather... Just no one in New York suspicious of or find that it is insane to snow in summer!!?
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