Caster of Red
11 years ago
【Jabberwocky】 「唔!老實說以吾輩的思考實在是難以理解。不過像這樣莫名其妙不可理喻又無比詭譎的詩句也是存在的,看來就算是鼎鼎有名的文學家也不乏紊亂無序的思考呢!」靠在走廊的窗邊高歌著手中書本的詩句。
latest #10
Caster of Red
11 years ago
Twas brillig,and the slithy toves.(是滑菱鲆在缓慢滑動)
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.(時而翻轉時而平衡)
Caster of Red
11 years ago
All mimsy were the borogoves.(展示了所有的扭捏作態)
And the mome raths outgrabe.(蠢人的早熟、懶人的平庸)
Caster of Red
11 years ago
Beware the Jabberwock, my son!(提防炸脖龍啊,我的孩子! )
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!(舌能傷人 、撓破脸皮!)
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun.(小心啾啾的鳥兒,躲避吧)
The frumious Bandersnatch!(毒蛇猛獸都畏懼它!)
Caster of Red
11 years ago
He took his vorpal sword in hand。.(他手持Vorpal之劍)
Long time the manxome foe he sought.(渴望交戰尋覓對手)
So rested he by the Tumtum tree.(他佇立在瑟瑟作響的樹旁)
And stood awhile in thought.(拭目以待稍假思索。 )
Caster of Red
11 years ago
And as in uffish thought he stood.(他豪情萬丈)
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame.(炸脖龍目帶光芒)
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood.(在清風中渡水穿林)
And burbled as it came!(竊笑登場!)
Caster of Red
11 years ago
One、 two! One、 two! And through and through!(一、二!一、二!勇往直前!)
The Vorpal blade went snicker-snack!(Vorpal的劍鋒渴望飲血!)
He left it dead, and with its head.(他離開牠的屍體,手提著頭。)
Caster of Red
11 years ago
He went galumphing back.(他得意洋洋地凱旋而歸。)
Caster of Red
11 years ago
And thou hast slain the Jabberwock?(你已經除掉炸脖龍了吧?)
Come to my arms, my beamish boy! (得意的孩子啊,快來到我懷抱!)
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!(啊,多麼快樂的一日!不必躲避!重見天日!)
He chortled in his joy.(他抿嘴偷笑。 )
Caster of Red
11 years ago
Twas brillig,and the slithy toves.(是滑菱鲆在缓慢滑動)
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.(時而翻轉時而平衡)
All mimsy were the borogoves.(展示了所有的扭捏作態)
And the mome raths outgrabe.(蠢人的早熟、懶人的平庸)
Caster of Red
11 years ago
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