Lishi has
10 years ago
taken Step 1: Install Blender.... now to Step 2: Create cool things :-D
latest #6
10 years ago
\o/ good luck!
if you need tutorials, I seen these the other day and bookmarked them thinking one day I might get around to learning it lol Blender Basics - Introduction for Beginners - Blender Cookie Blender Cookie | Great Blender tutorials and training
10 years ago
Thanks, Sadie!! I appreciate those!
10 years ago
Also, look up tutor4u on youtube, that's how I learned blender :-) I just CONSTANTLY watched videos…took me a good month or two to actually get a good grip on modeling
10 years ago
but I was real slow, and totally impatient…I'm sure you'll learn better than me LOL
lishim: you're welcome!
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