This is not the sort of response I was expecting.
Like, is it arrogant of me to post them all like this, or...
Or maybe someone is pulling my leg or something. I hope I'm responding to them constructively oh god
Are you getting a lot of love confessions??
But hey, don't worry about coming off arrogant
But if it makes you uncomfortable, there's no rule that you have to reply to them all
something to do to make it just one post might be to take a screen cap of all the asks?
I mean it's super flattering, but I don't want to keep answering them and posting them and making myself comes off as.. I dunno
and then just address it all at once
Oh yeah, that makes sense
But don't worry about coming off conceited or anything. That's not what's been coming across as far as I can see
You've been really gracious in your replies, and it's a meme, a lot of people get love confessions for memes like this I think
Honestly I'd go ahead and answer them--I'm sure the people who sent them would appreciate it
Agreeing with what Em said about you handling it gracefully/graciously
You're not obligated to answer them but at least in that I know people get weird/nervous about love confessions and if you didn't answer one the person might think you were weirded out?
Not to put pressure on you, but just additional incentive if it was a thing you already meant to do
A big screen cap post would also help avoid any concerns of dash spam, though I wouldn't worry about that either. The people who follow you dun care, it's a meme.
I was worried about posting too much too
Yeah, and I mean, it's your blog. You get to post what you want. If people don't like it they'll unfollow but who curr
The UltraCrush Suplex Husbando
As long as I'm not touching your precious Nanako, right Banchou
Boy, please. Tumblr just gives people an anonymous means to approach you.
I'll kill you, protein head.
I feel kinda bad lmfao but maybe that's selfish?? But I know Rhi and I keep encouraging you to put yourself out there. Sorry it made things
awkward for you in some ways.
No no, I mean I want to put myself out there too. It's not like I don't enjoy attention. I just don't like the prospect of making people sad or uncomfortable, since it's sometimes a fine line
Whatever sadness they have, it's self-inflicted. You don't write 'SINGLE N' LOOKIN'' on your chest or anything. And I totally get feeling bad anyway for not being readily available for others' every need,
at the end of the day you just gonna be you and let the chips fall where they may
But from my perspective, nothing you are doing personally is creating this other than you being a nice cute boy
Hey, if I could date every single girl or guy who has eyes for me and make their lives better, I would.
But it doesn't work that way and I don't ever take the prospect of a relationship lightly when making decisions
And there's your life, too
you also deserve to have a better life
haha as someone who cries over rejecting people I feel your pain 8C
But yeah really, it's your blog and you can do whatever you want
and to make choices about your life for your own benefit
I'd like to think anyone with a modicum of self-awareness would realize that
Well of course! It's not like I don't have people I feel really strongly for for a variety of reasons
And of course, the reason I've avoided relationships for a while now is because I want to reconnect with myself and my own happiness before I attempt to enter someone's life, no matter who it ends up being.
You disgust me with your concern and compassion for other people. And don't even get me started on your gross honesty bullshit.
echoing jive genuine nice guy kevin
anonymous confessions are always kind of strange to deal with but I'm gonna echo that I think you've been handling them really well/thoughtfully so far and have nothing to worry about!
This is why you're getting confessions with all your consideration and thoughtfulness and good-hearted. BE MEANER. HARDENED MAN.
But anon things are just weird because being anon gives so much power.
I always viewed stranger / non-close friends crushes as less important, no matter how bent out of shape the bearer gets.
Think of it like this: if they don't know you extremely well prior to crush development, then they dont know YOU, so it's not your concern
How attached they let themselves become to this concept of you they've created and convinced themselves of their affections for.
So don't worry about their feelings past a certain point, when they're ultimately the one responsible for cultivating them. If someone is
Close to me, only then do I try to handle their feelings for me with a deeper level of concern. I think too many people, especially internet
Dwellers, have learned this ultimately unhealthy mindset where they believe Love/lust is this mysterious, uncontrollable force, something
They have zero control over, that happens TO them. Instead of something they participate in. Which leads to this attitude of entitled
"YOU lead me on, YOU made this happen, YOUR mere existence is responsible for my emotions, so what are YOU going to do about them?!"
Which is, frankly, total bullshit.
I don't necessarily blame people for thinking that way initially, but aside from a general level of kindness and politeness, you really
Don't owe anyone anything, not even an explanation for your lack of interest. Thank them for the implied compliment, if you like. But its
Not arrogant in the slightest to publicize what they sent you, or to express confusion at the sheer volume of it.
Its one thing to be nice, its another to coddle delusional attitudes, society instilled or not.
It sounds mean, maybe. But if they knew you well, they should be able to mention it in person. If not, you're not responsible for their
Crushes on you. I got damned good at ignoring or shutting down people, early on. But at 13, the logic of "You don't even know me, you can't
Possibly be in love with me" seemed pretty straightforward.
And there's a gross double standard in your case, since you're male.
So be kind if you want, but dont let anything guilt trip you.
Hopefully that makes sense?
Oh, totally! Thanks for thinking and formulating a response to that. I think it'll definitely serve me well to steel myself as you say.
I might just do a general response to the rest of them and just leave it at that.
Wow that's really well-put * A *
And so true--I agree that to an extent you can't help the way you feel but I do believe that individuals are responsible for cultivating their feelings and getting their hopes up without any solid hope
Yeah, that was really thoughtful. Thanks Rhi! See, this is because we know each other well already~
Agreed with everything Rhi said, and I also think Tumblr can be a bad place for that because everyone takes their own feelings so very, very seriously, and are especially encouraged to there?
Not that most of the confessions you've gotten so far sound like they're someone leaning toward OMG HOW DARE YOU LEAD ME ON levels of obsession, but it is something to consider. Tumblr has a tendency to tell
people that their feelings >>> everyone else's, so people get really fucking entitled beyond reasonable expectation.
which is probably why the best tactic is to gracefully accept the compliment for what it is and feel more at ease just straight-up telling people you aren't interested.
if they don't get the opportunity to stew in it, they'll move on faster. a lot of these people are probably young and as much as we joke about it, you are very anime, which makes me worry for anyone who
develops an interest in you superficially. I mean, there's obviously more to you than that, and we all know it, but I doubt most casual observers of your blog stop and think about it.
Yeah, that's a good view of how tumblr is-- no, how young people can be with relationships. I can sense a lot of this same idea with those High Schoolers I'm around now...
They don't even need an anon ask to be in your face about "interest".
Ughhh that's what this reminds me of