10 years ago
A choice to make, for anyone pursuing the mission in the UE!
latest #52
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
i'm so sorry exsilium
zee art
10 years ago
you are not
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
who let me near a keyboard
zee art says
10 years ago
i wish i knew
zee art says
10 years ago
but i will still cackle appreciatively
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
why am i still near a keyboard
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
go to bed
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
stop making me sob
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
/flops over on side!!!
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
/rolls you down hill
plurk pings plz
10 years ago
being freeee
no maidens?
10 years ago
sollux can computer. do a thing, sollux.
no maidens?
10 years ago
And wow it took awhile to convince my phone to spell that name.
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
sollux can do a lot of thing with computer
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
i know, my phone for a while kept turning sollux's name into all sorts of things
no maidens?
10 years ago
be the hero save an ai.
no maidens?
10 years ago
My phone is convinced his name is Silly.
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
...you know, he probably COULD save the AI but he might need convincing to do so because in his culture when someone is dying/in pain, the general reaction is to just put them out of their misery.
Be Maki-Mine🎆
10 years ago
yeah ngl that was my Alternian culture thought too...
no maidens?
10 years ago
gdi trolls
Be Maki-Mine🎆
10 years ago
a chance to kill the UE AI!!! Take it, tbh
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
Be Maki-Mine🎆
10 years ago
he is up to the technical challenge! as he is to every technical challenge.
Be Maki-Mine🎆
10 years ago
I was v busy this weekend and had plans to do an SOL V-day plot so I still dk where Kan is in all this
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
oh right i forgot to actually do it
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
thats where she was. there's your excuse. she was lowering her face into her hands at their stupidity
no maidens?
10 years ago
would loudly assuming that obviously his refusal means he's full of it and can't actually do it
no maidens?
10 years ago
like his skills are terrible. just terrible.
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
... probably
mme neurotoxin
10 years ago
cakejustice if you love the computer so much why don't you marry it X-(
mme neurotoxin
10 years ago
Fef can help convincing if you want though, she would need a reason to know but.
no maidens?
10 years ago
excellent caesar's ability to make people mad pays off
Be Maki-Mine🎆
10 years ago
no maidens?
10 years ago
the highlight will be how human hackers are probably so much better than him do we have any of those
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
hey human hackers totally arent better than him!!! he's the best!!!!!!!!! forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no maidens?
10 years ago
proooove iiiit loser
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
hahaha how would we even go about this. i guess tagging peter parkers post?
no maidens?
10 years ago
i have no clue
no maidens?
10 years ago
caesar went on the mission
no maidens? is
10 years ago
the post saying they'd be able to see/communicate through the post regardless of that?
no maidens?
10 years ago
Be Maki-Mine🎆
10 years ago
Peter went into the past, right...? Jean I'm gonna IM you when I get to lunch
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
graNma sWeetie
10 years ago
ive been out of the rp loop on all fronts for the last 2 weeks
no maidens?
10 years ago
tbh it isn't actually clear who went to the past since
no maidens?
10 years ago
/squints at log
no maidens?
10 years ago
I guess the OOC post says it happens in that timeframe?
zee art
10 years ago
zee art
10 years ago
so yeah it's fine if people haven't tagged into the log
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