10 years ago
[meme] annnd i am awake! smutty sunday, ask ashe or... me i guess smutty questions
latest #29
10 years ago
gettin' around to tags after i eat everything in my fridge
worlds best dad is
10 years ago
there anything that ashe is excited to try, or at least... will be, once she uh. gets used to ariel.
lσrd snσw
10 years ago
top three characters from her canon that ashe wants to bang
10 years ago
justajoker LOL well... i think once ashe gets used to ariel (whenever that is 8|) she would like to try light/medium bondage, restraints, gags, orgasm control, things like that. oh, also toys... eventually
10 years ago
first that requires learning more about how these are all things that happen but w/e
worlds best dad
10 years ago
sounds like an excellent place to start
10 years ago
shoddily hmmmmm... i would say balthier, basch and vossler 8|b ashe likes all the handsome men okay. but actually it's probably more that it used to be vossler and now it's more likely fran could get it
10 years ago
because lbr it's fran (not that ashe would admit that) (... probably)
10 years ago
i did realise while replaying xii that the game shipteases ashe with basically all the dudes at one point or another though so
worlds best dad
10 years ago
balthier/ashe foreverrrrr
worlds best dad
10 years ago
fran can come too tho
lσrd snσw
10 years ago
good tastes, ashe
10 years ago
ashe/balthier is my main ship in that game ngl but i also ship like almost every pairing so
worlds best dad
10 years ago
I shipped ashe/balthier even during the period where I didn't ship anything much :'|
10 years ago
ashe/balthier is great that's why
worlds best dad
10 years ago
it really really is
worlds best dad
10 years ago
aaaaugh I want to play it again why do I not have access to my ps2
worlds best dad
10 years ago
/shakes fist at
10 years ago
8'( i know, my ps2 still... works technically but it freezes a lot so it's always a gamble when i play games on it!!
10 years ago
but it's worth it for xii tbh
worlds best dad
10 years ago
best final fantasy, no one can tell me different
10 years ago
it is the best for sure
10 years ago
the number of times ashe can climax in a day!
10 years ago
hm! probably at maximum 5 or 6 times before she's too overstimulated to want more (but someone continuing even after she's overstimulated is something i wanna play out... sometime)
worlds best dad
10 years ago
/jots this down...
10 years ago
healthy girl!
10 years ago
lσrd snσw
10 years ago
does ashe have a preference when it comes to her partner's size?
10 years ago
i think she would prefer her partner to be on the bigger side (even if it hurts), but it's not something she places a huge (heh) emphasis on
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