Shiin says
11 years ago
Stephi, I took some pictures for you!
latest #9
Shiin says
11 years ago
I had no idea it was snowing until
I went to catch the bus this morning and saw my poor car buried under 3 or so inches of snow, and it kept going
Shiin says
11 years ago
There was a LOT more on it when I got home but I forgot to take a pic before I got started. Anyway, this is what I wanted to show you - had to SHOVEL the snow off because there was so much XD
Shiin says
11 years ago
Shiin says
11 years ago
And for shits n giggles, here is me standing in front of the big snowbank in front of our house XD It's almost as tall as I am! A bit higher than it looks in the pic too.
Kayiko says
11 years ago
Hahahaha fuck ALL of it!! I'm so over snow. Did you get any Thundersnow tho?!?!?!
Kayiko says
11 years ago
And Canada snow looks different then American Snow. What's up with that?!? It looks more real in Canada!
Kayiko says
11 years ago
You are a trooper for shoveling it yourself! Roar! (gym)
kina says
11 years ago
Awwwww lol man I don't really miss that.
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