Tiny Ninja
10 years ago
Guys I need some advice. I have a sister I met once when I was 14 and she was 8, We have different moms and live on opposite sides of the country. Our only connection is the same dad, and I'm pretty sure
latest #8
Tiny Ninja
10 years ago
She hates him a lot. He and I are... ok. Should I reach out and message her or leave things be? I found her facebook and I have a niece who is a couple years old and maybe a nephew? IDK.
10 years ago
I think you should! You never know how far a simple "Hey, I'm here for you" can go.
Tiny Ninja
10 years ago
I feel like it's a bit awks too though. Like, we have spent 2 weeks together EVER. and the whole time I was babysitting her and she would walk up to strangers at the Y and be all "That's my sister but we have
Tiny Ninja
10 years ago
different moms. That's why she is white and I am black" and I was like... um yeah hi stranger
Tiny Ninja
10 years ago
that was 16 years ago.
Abby McMillan
10 years ago
Doesn't hurt to reach out, and if she doesn't want to connect at least you tried!
Tiny Ninja
10 years ago
I sent her a message with a happy birthday since today is her bday!
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