Because I am awake at an obscene hour, sob, sleeping pills, why do you fail me?
Let's start with Kougyoku, cause she's the easiest
She's from one of those old as balls pureblood families. Think the Blacks.
Unfortunately, cause her father's a womanizing asshole, he wound up sleeping with a Muggle woman, then taking the kid when she proved to have a ton of magic potential
How she survived, we're not sure. Possibly Koen stepped in and went 'no one fucks with my baby sister.' Possibly whatever Judar is in HP universe intervened.
Either way, her childhood wasn't awesome, but she stayed alive
So she arrives at Hogwarts, and she gets into Slytherin, which is good, cause every Ren forever has been in Slytherin. (Except those weird cousins. I can't call which houses Hakuei and Hakuryuu are in
but it sure ain't Slytherin)
And she's super proud of the whole thing, and her half-bloodedness is as hushed up as it can be
And when it's not hushed up, she gets into a shitton of duels
The teachers like her cause they're relieved she's not Kouha, who's either a year ahead of her or on the same year
And is a little nightmare
No one quite knows how she wound up BFFs with a Gryffindor (Alibaba), but it happened
Roxas, meanwhile, is so Gryffindor it hurts. Plays Quiddich (which I totes misspelled). Probably Seeker, but possibly other position.
Stays in Diagon Alley or at the school on holidays and doesn't really talk much about his parents.
Mostly because I suspect he's still a magical construct, though he isn't entirely aware of it.
His memories of home are totally normal and not fuzzy!
He's naturally curious but not book smart, so he does best in classes like flying
And mostly scrapes by in other classes. Think, say, Ron.
To continue a trend of Griff/Slyth best friendships in my character list, his best friend is totally a Slytherin
Cause Axel? Cunning and ambitious as they come. Though some might say those Gryffindor brats he keeps hanging with are a bad influence on him.
(I thiiiink Xion's also a Gryff, though I'm not as sure about her.)
Clover's tougher than the other two.
I suspect she's another old wizarding family kid, though ones more progressive/less fucked up than the Rens.
The Sorting Hat kinda goes wtf? at her
Like, okay kid, you're not that brave. You're not that intellectual.
You're not remotely hard-working or even-keeled
I guess you're a little bit cunning, though not that ambitious
So she goes in Slytherin, but it's not that firm a placement
Her brother's a Ravenclaw, so that's where she spends most of her time anyway
She does eh in most of her classes, unless she's really interested in a subject. And then, she shocks everyone by like acing Arithmancy.
Cause she's not dumb. She just doesn't care, mostly.
friends pretty much across house lines
(I suspect Alice is either Gryffindor or another Ravenclaw)
Madoka is an adorable Muggle-born witch. She and her best friend Sayaka got Hogwarts letters at the same time. Her parents recovered from the shock surprisingly quickly and are now super-curious about
She got sorted into Hufflepuff, and is super happy there, though she's sad she's not in the same house as Sayaka (SUCH a Gryffindor)
She gets surprisingly little bullying about being a mudblood, because a) she's adorable, but more importantly
cause if Sayaka doesn't kill you, the quiet girl from either Ravenclaw or Slytherin
(I haven't decided lol Homura) will.
Shion's my one rare Ravenclaw. Like, she could have been a Gryffindor, but if the hat gave her a choice, she went "I'm with the smart people, kthanx!"
Her parents were probably mixed up in the original war with Voldemort, except her dad wound up playing too many sides, possibly Snape-like
Long story short, they were both killed horribly, as were lots of other people in the vicinity. Shion doesn't talk about it. Her magic miiiiight have misfired, since she was a kid and traumatized.
She's suppressed the whole thing.
She's a prefect and head girl. Has great grades. Gets along okay with her classmates when she's not head-girl annoying them, but if you ask them anything personal about her, they'll draw a blank
Probably the closest to her teachers, and any non-humans around
And then, there's the golem she's working on for one of her advanced classes, who's way more sentient and free-thinking than a construct should be. KOS-MOS is complicated
I can't even begin to figure her out in Potterverse
idk i would place clover as a hufflepuff, seeing as one of her major defining traits is stubborn loyalty, just in a. rather more yan and incesty way than stereotypical puffs
(also you can always go puff when in doubt bc helga founded the house to take anybody whereas the other three had their types)
She'd be the weirdest Puff ever, but that's to be expected