SL Cupid
10 years ago
Fill out the form here if you'd like to participate!
latest #27
SL Cupid
10 years ago
Here's how it works: I will do the best I can in matching you up with someone who is a good match. I'll set you up on a blind date inworld, and will give you both SLurls and a time to meet. You will not know
SL Cupid
10 years ago
who your blind date is until you both show up at the SLurl!
SL Cupid
10 years ago
10 years ago
This is a cool idea.
SL Cupid
10 years ago
Also, please be patient with the intricacies. It may be a big difficult to get the times coordinated, but I'll work with it!
10 years ago
Ooo cool idea...
10 years ago
Hmm this is a nice idea
SL Cupid
10 years ago
Wow submissions are flying in!
SL Cupid
10 years ago
So far, it looks like we're gonna need more men!!! :-D
10 years ago
...Or ladies...
azrael says
10 years ago
I'd participate as a fun date but I don't sl anymore my working computer hates it and my schedule is crazy. If anyone needs a plurk buddy
azrael says
10 years ago
Or late night text friend I can help
maybe you could ask the guys if they are open to two blind dates or something lol
10 years ago
Or lots of lady-lady dates
Kae will
10 years ago
replurk for the singles! :-))
10 years ago
10 years ago
Gonna pass.
If only I were single...haha
SL Cupid
10 years ago
ShaeSixpence: no, I didn't delete it!
SL Cupid
10 years ago
ASimpleGuy: But but you're a guy!
10 years ago
Submitted, good luck on finding the perfect match for me
SL Cupid
10 years ago
kattington says
10 years ago
ahah i wish i wasn't so aloof. this seems fun!
SL Cupid
10 years ago
oh come on!
Nieve Thor/Ani
10 years ago
i signed up for fun ;-)
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