SL Cupid
10 years ago
I need your help. I am creating the form for Blind Valentines, and I don't want anyone to be offended or left out of the gender category.
latest #45
SL Cupid
10 years ago
I also want to add a sexuality question, but don't want to offend or leave anyone out there.
SL Cupid
10 years ago
So for gender... what should I list?
Pam Spam says
10 years ago
SL Cupid
10 years ago
And for sexuality... what should I list?
10 years ago
Penis? Yes or no.
SL Cupid
10 years ago
That would probably work much better.
SL Cupid
10 years ago
But what do I list? I am a... man, woman, transgendered male, transgendered female? Or do I need to get that specific?
10 years ago or woman is fine.
♡ Bunny
10 years ago
Some people dont identify on the binary gender norm
♡ Bunny
10 years ago
so you could put Other as a third gender option
SL Cupid
10 years ago
I just don't want anyone to feel like their option is not on the list.
SL Cupid
10 years ago
♡ Bunny
10 years ago
for sexuality i would try using the ones that a lot of sites use, like straight, gay, queer, pansexual, bisexual, and put other in as another catchall
♡ Bunny
10 years ago
but i dont know if that really matters for the purpose of what you are doing with which i am not too familiar xD
10 years ago
add cactus to that list too.
SL Cupid
10 years ago
ASimpleGuy: I can't put in a good emote, cause I have no karma. lol
10 years ago
10 years ago
^ fill in the blank is good
SL Cupid
10 years ago
Ok I'll do that (LOL)
10 years ago
if you're coding it, fill in the blank is going to give you nightmares.
SL Cupid
10 years ago
I'm using google documents.
10 years ago
Do you think you are going to get that many "other"/fill-in-the-blank answers? I doubt it, personally. I wouldn't worry about that.
10 years ago
Let them fill in the blank.
SL Cupid
10 years ago
Could you guys fill this out for me and let me know if it works?
ahh some of these questions require some thought behind them (LOL)
10 years ago
ok i'm done too
SL Cupid
10 years ago
SL Cupid
10 years ago
sweet... it's working!
yay have fun matchmaking
as a Trans Girl in RL and SL, i'd like to see Trans Men and Women included. As for sexuality, I'd leave that blank and let the person fill it in themselves if possible? 'Cos i identify as Trans-Lesbian
and that's just one of many possibilities. Straight, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Trans-Lesbian, Trans-Gay, Queer etc.
SL Cupid
10 years ago
I just left it fill-in-the-blank so people can put in whatever they want! Hope that works ok!
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