10 years ago
What the hell could I have do to make her so mad at me? I'm trying to talk to her face to face and she just outright ignores me. I just ask are we okay and can we talk. She just ignores me.
latest #7
10 years ago
She just keeps her head in her phone when I try to talk to her. Jesus Christ.
10 years ago
Okay were fine now. We talked it out. It was a lesson she was teaching me, trying to get me to be more assertive and out of My shell.
10 years ago
I feel so much better having it all resolved and us being friends again.
10 years ago
SarahBeez She was trying to get me to be more open & assertive, which I actually really appreciate. She's trying to make me a better person which I'm really thankful for.
10 years ago
SarahBeez She was hoping I'd notice that she was acting like a B to me lol. I mean, I'm surprised at myself for actually confronting her about it, I'd never do that ever.
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