Lishi says
10 years ago
I think SL just ate my bunk...
latest #11
Ðixxie Mint
10 years ago
Aw :-(
Hey Raven!
10 years ago
:-o no no!
ʚEvie Gilmoreɞ says
10 years ago
Oh no! Do you need me to log on and send you a new one?
10 years ago
Evie, I would be so appreciative, but do it when it's convenient for you! I'm going to bed now and won't be on again till tomorrow.
ʚEvie Gilmoreɞ says
10 years ago
Okay! I'm in bed too but first thing in the morning I'll send you one. What color did you get again?
10 years ago
pink :-D
10 years ago
and thank you! you're the best!
ʚEvie Gilmoreɞ says
10 years ago
Hey Raven!
10 years ago
Prompkin Spice
10 years ago
your the 2nd person i heard about there bunk beaing eaten
Hey Raven!
10 years ago
my bunk wasnt exactly the way i built it. i set it out and i had to adjust it. but i'd put out things, they wouldnt rez and then they werent in my inventory until i relogged.
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