All I have to say so far is the detail is really great so far. It's one thing to have a well-established world like Persona to work with,
but the stuff like Adachi throwing his tie over his shoulder to eat? That's like something so obvious that I never would have thought of (I dunno if he's done that in cannon)
Works perfect for his character
Ashlea's really amazing at world building. She writes a lot like vintage Stephen King? Her style is overwhelming with details and almost portraying it like a movie, where you see/smell/taste everything -- I
personally really respond to it. Those little details are so rad to uncover in her work, like the tie thing
I know you like subtleties/foreshadowing in your media with your being a theater major, too. and since you already kind of know where SC is going, even just in general
I think you'll like the little comments and shit Adachi makes periodically
it sucks because there's nothing you can do to keep Yosuke from eating it up, but it's really good at the same time
Yeah, intricate detail is what really hones you into what's happening-- I find myself more wrapped up in the small stuff than the overarching story so far
Yeah, so far the general commiserating that they relate over already tells me a lot. And it's sort of expected with the sort of people they are.
The way Yosuke is written so far is even more fragile than I'm used to hearing him, so that already worries me.
She does tend to cut from scene to scene like a movie.
It gets so tough since it feels too real. That's for sure.
Content taken out, it is really good writing.
May this journey be as painless as you can manage.
in all seriousness though it cut pretty deep, but if it hadn't I wouldn't be so inspired by it, either.
I should not be laughing at that comment as much as I am.
Li + 5 horrible person points
do you remember Persona Magica, I have a history of taking people's hearts and stomping on them for fun.
first two Persona cosplays based on fanwork: an AU based on Madoka and a fic where Souji is DEAD
I have a reputation to uphold, here
I remember you and Rhi sitting me at Rhi's computer and making me read ... I think it was "Let's go Partner" or something
And I was very sad afterwards
HAHA YEAH that's Famous Last Words and fuck that fic
odekokun: I will say that Let's Go Partner is the one story that without fail will make me cry fat tears
yes Kevin but do you like inflicting it
Sympathy Crime does that too, though
I take a Pay it Forward approach when it comes to emotional destruction
I think out of things that you rec'd, only two fics weren't in some way heartaching, that being Trousers, though I still haven't actually /read/ it and that one fic where they were possessed by their Personas
MoshiMoshiAkihikoDesu doesn't not count
Since I think we discovered that together.
I think most people have the capacity to be masochistic and sadistic
HAHA THAT CRACK FIC I forgot about that. moshi moshi, akihiko desu
i still didnt finish lol.. im prob gonna restart it very soon so when katsu comes around i can be hit with Maximum Pain from your coplays
That and you basically introduced me to Shingeki, Psycho-Pass and Shin Sekai Yori, so...
see? I have a reputation.
"THIS MADE ME SO SAD. Here, everyone, watch it."
it's the equivalent of that thing that guys do all the time of "OH MAN THIS TASTES AWFUL here dude try it"
Don't we still do this?
We need to drink this Sweet Corn Soda.
It's been sitting here. Waiting.
I didn't say I was exempt from the "dude" classification
Vicki did you read Scars and/or Every Mistake, too?
n-nooo not yet... im really bad at sitting myself down to read fics 8D;;;;
i know from your plurks it's all just pain pain painnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
squints at names Have I read these? And should I? how masochistic do I feel?
Every Mistake is the Velvet Room Souji fic that my cosplay's from, the one that Chuck designed
and The Scars We Get Together HURT ME SO BAD
would it be a bad idea if tried to read all of these at right after another
but pain inspires me _

3 im a maso
hello emote i didnt want _( :3
(Sorry for your plurk, Kevin, please update us on your pain levels)
Or how much you want to grab Yosuke and be like NO NO NO NO NO NO BAD NO NO
No, it's okay. I'll be in the pain zone soon I'm sure
I like all the descriptions of Adachi vs Souji. They are easy to relate to in a lot of ways
I read 6 before turning in for the night. Wow. Regret.
Reading rape scenes is hard, but I've never read a male/male one like this.
Wow Adachi, you just leave him there in the morning and peace out. Can you believe this guy? What an asshole.
It's a hard read, that's for sure.
Though is it bad I read the "Wow Adachi...etc" in Cecil's voice.
Good, just as planned. Glad I got the inflection right.