11 years ago
[sick cat saga] Called the vet yesterday, and she told me there's a transdermal version of the steroids Lucy needs to be on. She ordered it for us, and in the meantime, Lucy's going to be boarded at the vet's
latest #13
11 years ago
They can give her the meds there
11 years ago
diabolicalmoe, your advice was awesome - I didn't know about that gap! But we still can't hold on to Lucy when she tries to escape
11 years ago
She's okay with us rubbing her ears, which is where the transdermal will need to go, so that's not a problem
11 years ago
Hopefully, it'll only take a day to ship
11 years ago
I already miss my kitty :-(
11 years ago
I hope she'll be all right over there, and everyone will love and pet her
ahih rei-yah;
11 years ago
Whenever I've had a cat have to stay at the vet's, the people working there have spoiled them rotten and always talked about HOW MUCH THEY WANT TO KEEP THEM so <3
ahih rei-yah;
11 years ago
I think she will be fine there, but I understand missing your baby 8(
ahih rei-yah;
11 years ago
11 years ago
Yeah, everyone who works there keeps telling me how sweet she is
11 years ago
And it's true!
11 years ago
Even when we were trying to pill her ineptly, she ran off, but she never scratched or hissed, and she'd come back over to purr and love us within a few minutes
comfy drow cave
11 years ago
Oh what a sweetie ;;; It's so hard to be apart but wishing you both all the best
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