what good novel could you recommend to me?
latest #19
haha..i've read it nah po..aside from the twilight saga..
wahaha, wow bookworm k pla
ah yeah..i'l try that..nice daw mga novel ni paulo ai..
yap hotohori..i love reading..ahihi..
yeah..iv'e heard about his novel 11mins. nice daw..
dont have anything to do this summer,,kea i'll spend timeon books..ahihi
that's true, maganda ung may pinagkakaabalahan
ahihi..unga ai..2mos of vacation,boring pag ala paxok..ahihi..ala din allowance..ahohoh
hahah..araw2??summer job un..enge akuh sweldo..haha
hahaha..unga ai..pwd din exercise un xxe tumataba nah akuh..hahah
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