10 years ago
So on Thursday I got let go from my research job but it is for the best
latest #6
10 years ago
I pretty much got all that I could out if it and with one semester left they didn't want to train me for anything new
10 years ago
10 years ago
the study you were working on ended?
10 years ago
No but they do other studies as well. they explanations didn't really make sense.
10 years ago
One if the issues was I have difficulty with a task that I never get assigned to (partly for that reason and when I'm there they either need me for the other part our they're not doing the study at that time)
10 years ago
Then there was apparently some issue with data entry for some ones study but I only did data entry for that study once on the first day of this past fall semester do if there was an issue no one told me
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