mostly because i maybe sorta already have pacific rim au ideas for both of them
if it's hitagi, she'll be a piloting candidate for sure and hewing close to canon
the cult her mom is involved in is the one that worships kaiju as gods yeahhhhhhhhhh
and canon things happen and it kind of messes her ability to be drift compatible because wow she doesn't want anyone else
like in her brain after all of that. that should be superfun.
if it's chuck uh well i'm still working on how to maybe work the intersect into it and potential spy things
vinea yes omg i've been pestering people all *who would i app?* and *why haven't you reserved yet?*
but i want him to enroll with the goal of finding out about his parents (presumably involved with the ppdc)
(but ooooo disappeared oooooo)
and maybe put him less into the piloting side of things and more in the science / research w/e
I just love how they have it all hashed out neatly... I would join but I'd have to figure AU stuff out first! your ideas are cool (hitagi's especially wowow)
wish i could join sooner because i want this game to live
if you need a sounding board for AU ideas you know where to find me (reading manga about losers)
since my ideas for her are a little more developed and if the games lives then i'll defo bring chuck into it
ahhh i want it to live too i mean i may already doomed it because of how desperately i love it but
hey hey you loved thegames and it's still kicking (i think!? please let this be true)
it is! but i also left quickly and probably spared it from the curse
(for new viewers, i don't actually believe i'm cursed not do i actually think i have viewers)
shhhh community is back so i'm in a meta frame of mind
yana i have your new neighbors club event
a high stakes game of the floor is lava. let hh become a post-apocalyptic wasteland of imaginary lava
i stopped watching after the first episode of season 4 ): i heard chevy chase and donald glover left--holy shit
like funner than paintball maybe
yeah the lava episode is actually the send-off for donald glover and troy c:
well s4 was kind of a mess because harmon wasn't at the helm and tbh he seems like such an enormous douchebag
but he's back this season and it's more of a return to form. still some indulgent parts but he really does have such a grasp on what makes his show work
...which is tl;dr it's fun again come watch
the question is, can i watch this without watching s4!?
ummm you can probably? what s4 developments do you need to know uh
(this turned into a community plurk lmfao)
jeff graduated, shirley got her shirley's sandwiches business, errr troy and britta dated and then broke up
they really ran the inspector spacetime joke into the ground
I'm sorry for derailing...
......tbh i might be citing s3 information i pretty much peaced on s4 (the fandom was a mess) and i don't feel like i missed anything
HAHA oh finally. for all these things.
lol i v. much do not mind i'm on such a sitcom kick so ofc i would be more than happy to babble my opinions given the smallest opening
jumping back into season 5 this coming weekend then o/ i've got a long one
oh yeah i have work
yesss i am looking forward to your the floor is lava event. please let there be post-apoc gangs.
i've been looking for a trailer for the lava ep but i can't seem to find it just behind the scenes stuff?!
*wtf nbc why do you not have any trailers????*
omg is there a pacrim au game
i am late to everything ever but have my dreams finally come trueee
yes evy come to my arms and hitagi's stapler
i'll catch you and then throw you at the reserves page please be ready for it