10 years ago
Only plurker's friends can respond
latest #27
Rin's Replurker
10 years ago
how about no
10 years ago
jeni is good people!!!!
10 years ago
i agree with this statement!! :3
Rin's Replurker
10 years ago
aw guys
10 years ago
i'm in a loving mood rn
Rin's Replurker
10 years ago
how about no
10 years ago
we lahv lahv lahv
Rin's Replurker
10 years ago
<3 thank you very much. I appreciate anything.
10 years ago
signal boosting! ...can't do much more than that as is, I'm afraid. But I do wish her well and hope she can make a speedy recovery!
Rin's Replurker
10 years ago
Thank you <3
Rin's Replurker
10 years ago
I got my cane ordered btw. It's pretty and purple. And I've been making good progress on walking further and faster.
Rin's Replurker
10 years ago
Rin's Replurker
10 years ago
legs are still wobbly as fuck but hey I'll take what I can get
/replurk and reblogs forever
Rin's Replurker
10 years ago
/touches <3
Rin's Replurker
10 years ago
homocop: was the awesome person who helped me get my cane
Rin's Replurker
10 years ago
aaa thank you omg
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