Lolo Dailey asks
11 years ago
I need a suggestion for an sl project/product. One that involves scripting. Something you wnt tht doesn't currently exist in sl. Gotta give a project to a guy & I can only think of things that don't need script
latest #9
oOo Olaenka
11 years ago
I'd love a outfit-storing hud that let you store and wear an outfit without taking up inventory space.
Lolo Dailey says
11 years ago
That sounds fun
Lils says
11 years ago
I'm currently looking for a home control system script. I couldn't say it doesn't exist but I think there's pretty much only one and I hear it's not awesome.
Lils says
11 years ago
something that controls lighting, doors, curtains, changes textures, etc.
Lils says
11 years ago
there was a guy who said he was working on one but he suddenly fell off the face of SL 4 months ago. No idea when he's coming back. If ever.
Lolo Dailey asks
11 years ago
LiliB: I thought a bunch of those existed already. U mean something standalone that u can attach to your own builds?
Lils says
11 years ago
yes, a script to put into my build. I haven't found something that does specifically all that I want.
Lolo Dailey asks
11 years ago
LiliB: oic. That one can be discussed. I really need something that can be more 50/50. But that one is a good idea for future things.
Lils says
11 years ago
K, cool!
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