The next couple of chapters are probably going to clinch how much Amethyst is gonna need to quest for Sterling revival marbles >.<
The last chapter has just shifted the balance severely in favor of DEATH DEATH DEATH
We now have confirmation that Sinbad can full-body-and-mind possess Kougyoku and it's not just a subtle influence
When she finds out... welp
(Note, I have
letterblade's whole-hearted OOC permission for successful murderation, if it gets warranted enough)
And they are getting along so well in Aather right now, sob
It's so cute. Meanwhile, the actual story of what's going on in canon >.<
Now, none of this will happen in Aather for a long while... But still!
And if this actually does happen, somewhere out there, Carnelian gonna sneeze and judge.
It'll be a parallel to Rin killing Gilgamesh
Tiny girl on team offs canonmate knight
Though I think Kougyoku would be ultimately more upset about it than Rin
I suspect she's one of those people who has a bit of a causality gap of "but if you kill people, they die"
Like, even if she wants to kill him, she probably still won't want him to be dead
timepiecery: In a sick way, I almost hope she comes close to falling in Aather, so that Aladdin can whammy her with Solomon's Wisdom
Yeah. Solomon's wisdom is like a conveniently placed heart exploradora
I don't have that skill yet tho. not for a while. but gawd I need to read this chapter
Both the opposing sides right now... I'm just like: GTFO!
... sinbad you... you cocksucker!!
You are all terrible people! (And awesome characters!)
OMG, if Aladdin actually calls him that!
also I am curious to find out what happens when Aladdin learns about Ugo's death caused by Kougyoku
...which reminds me, I should unlock that memory
Not prioritize that yet, but unlock it
now I am just imagining Amethyst's reaction... or Locke's reaction...
I imagine Amethyst might... try to stop her
How would Amethyst react to murderation (I mean, other than 'not well,' obvs.)
(he would. someone kills sinbad, he kills them, PERIOD)
(unless sinbad is already revived and stops him)
Tory and I are gonna plan this very carefully, if/when this happesn
for Tim it would depend on... a lot of things about his arc that are still up in the air.
For maximum drama, minimum out-of-control all-Aather-splosion
And yeah, I suspect revival will be as instantaneous as possible, since she'll be super upset about it
Either way, I'm super looking forward to all of this blowing, even if it actually happens like over a year from now
Eureka would not approve of this murder ...
slipout: any particular reason? Or just in general?
She is pretty anti-vengeance, because it begets an endless cycle that doesn't solve anything. Also, people are dicks, sometimes. And you can't kill them for that, because then you have a lot of people to kill.
She's not wrong. Problem is, a far-gone enough Kougyoku may not have a problem with 'a lot of people to kill.'
She's got a loooooooong way to fall
slipout: Also, hilariously, your comment and mine just encapsulated the main thematic conflicts of Magi. Vengeance solves nothing, but what do you do instead, if life screws you over?
Especially if you don't come from a position of power
(Which Kougyoku, against all appearances, does not)
Or, one of the main thematic conflicts, I should say
E7 said that you should deal with it ... And get a good boyfriend. Or I may have missed the rest of it.
Considering the latest bunch of chapters are well on their way to putting a serious damper - if not outright screwing up - Kougyoku's one solid no-strings friendship, I'm thinking that second part's
And the first part, she would take BADLY, cause from her perspective, it sounds like 'just keep letting people victimize you.' Because the way she'd see it, why would they stop if you don't stop them.
Omg magic continues to do things
Also, Magi, plz introduce more characters not related to Kougyoku, cause she seriously needs a romantic interest who's not a) a douche to her or b ) a dear friend who's adorkably in love with someone else
(and being pressured to possibly marry her, orz)
I imagine after the Alibaba thing they'd either go back to Aladdin or... OR
I wanna know what Haku-butt is up to!
... sorry, magic school of wizardry was super long
Baby no, stop following the happy fun Judar
coming from Kougyoku, that message is not very effective
(Still sad that after Alibaba, Judar is probably Kougyoku's most legit friendship)
Cause her siblings love her but barely know her, since they didn't know she existed till Vinea's dungeon or Magnostadt
And Judar's an ass, but they're kinda friendly asses to each other, and seem to genuinely enjoy each other's company
Also also, things I am not even dealing with right now because playercest, if this actually clusterfucks, how do I keep my characters out of conflict with one another.
Cause Clover is like Locke and would take people harming Sin badly.
mattnificent, sob. And Roxas would try to intercede
God, why do I have so much CR with Sinbad?
Occasionally, I am really, really sad Clover and Kougyoku can't meet
Cause Kougyoku would have SO MANY ISSUES with Clover. (Girl who's sleeping with the guy she loves, who gets to do what she wants...)
Only then, I think Clover would roll her up and they'd be frans
Cause Clover, in Aather, tends to roll people up when not retreated into her shell
Also, Kougyoku would remind Roxas of Asuka, so he'd have insta-dere for her
Why can't I clone myself/loan out my characters to play them opposite each other woooooooe
/belatedly creepers across this plurk
Letterblade: Sinbad, you did the bad, bro. And I plurked about it