I'm bad at make up. I must save my white collar from most certain doom now!
latest #13
Bleach is not very effective.
Get a bar of white soap and a small brush. Wet the fabric, place on a flat surface, scrub with the bar of soap.
Once its very soapy, scrub at the stain with the brush. Rinse by hand, repeat. Soak the collar in a bowl of water and bleach, at a 3:1
For 10 to 15 minutes. Use less bleach if the fabric has any spandex in it.
Use cold to lukewarm water. If the makeup was oil based, use warm water.
Whoaaa thanks Rhi! Will it be less effective if I do this hours later?
I also cut my first wig today, a friends. I think I didn't completely screw it up
I was trying to remember all the things I've seen you do. I'm still trying to get layering and thinning down
It should be fine to do it later. And yay, wig cutting. Razors.
Oh this is so useful, I will keep this in mind
Also KEVIN I didn't realize the DR gathering was today and I really wanted to do Dangans with you guys
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