ugniawoo is
10 years ago
confused. Windows 8 is like a mix between a computer and phone :-o
latest #15
千 何
10 years ago
lol i heard there's no "start" function?
千 何
10 years ago
i meant when you press the start windows button it takes you to that grid page?
ugniawoo says
10 years ago
yeah no more list of all my programs. Everything is like an app now
千 何
10 years ago
isn't it harder to find the program you need then?
ugniawoo says
10 years ago
I dont even know where to look if I need it. Apps are easier to find
千 何
10 years ago
program files (rofl)
ugniawoo says
10 years ago
was tofu soup open?
千 何
10 years ago
no (tears)
ugniawoo says
10 years ago
come again next time!!
10 years ago
i think you can change the interface because evan's got windows 8 too and his has a start button lol (but i don't know how orz)
10 years ago
<--still 研究ing (code_okok)
10 years ago
really!? whaaaat!? ive been using my laptop without start button for months XDDD
10 years ago
okay i just asked evan. he said he changed nothing. there's a button named "desktop" and, when you press it, the classic windows interface pops up
千 何
10 years ago
yeah I know, I meant when you're in the classic windows interface and press the start button in the bottom left corner, instead of a start menu popping out, you go back to that new grid-like interface
10 years ago
oh yeah true that lol
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