10 years ago
was waiting for Roderich in a small cafe as they had agreed on. He was sitting near a window sipping at his hot chocolate and eyeing his watch every few minutes.
latest #52
10 years ago
knew that the German counted every second and he did not bother to think of the consequence if he was late. As he arrived, he waived at Ludwig while glancing at his watch - approx. 329 seconds early.
10 years ago
was impressed. He waves back and points to the drink and cake he had ordered for the man. It was what e remembered Roderich at least liked at the time. "Hope you don't mind I took the
10 years ago
liberty of ordering or you."
10 years ago
He glanced at the chocolate cake and found it satisfactory. "No, not at all- I am generally pleased with most cakes and coffee. It is the quality that matters." The man took his time to get seated.
10 years ago
nods a bit at that. He honestly preferred the decaffeinated drinks unless he was working. "I had a feeling. It's nice to see you here early."
10 years ago
"I am seldom late either-" He would have pouted if he was Gilbert, but instead he grimaced. "I see you try to avoid caffeinated drinks again. I frankly do not think that caffeine takes a toll on us - as in, the
10 years ago
energy it brings us is not enough when we need it."
10 years ago
quirks a brow. "Now what had you that impression?" He knew it was obvious what he was drinking but from drink Roderich could tell that much?
10 years ago
"What? Oh, you do not have a glass of still water next to your drink?" Coffees were mostly offered with a glass of water next to the plate anyway.
10 years ago
thinks that's a wild assumption. "Indeed I don't. How have you been Roderich?" He changes the topic.
10 years ago
followed along. "I am attempting to fix a Bösendorfer about three decades younger than you are. It proved to be a rather exhausting task. Ah- I was monitoring the changes of government as well." He took the
10 years ago
liberty of starting his refreshment.
10 years ago
looks interested in that. "Where did you find it and how are the repairs going?"
10 years ago
"From the same person you received a BMW Dixi from. It turns out the professor horded too many antiques that need immediate attention." He did not that he hordes, however.
10 years ago
hums at that sipping at his drink. "And the repairs? Are they going well?" The Professor had a lot of stuff when he had gone to pick up the car.
10 years ago
"I have a feeling that I need to go chop off some trees for the repair..." Roderich shakes his head in exhaustion. "Most hammers are out of function. The keyframe is rotting...
10 years ago
I hope I do not need to replace the soundboard."
10 years ago
thinks that it sounds like quite a task. "Sounds like it was in horrible shape when you got it."
10 years ago
"It appeared not too badly until one examines closely. At least petrol oil doesn't fly out of somewhere when I fix it - that is relieving. How is your Dixi?"
10 years ago
nods a bit at that. "It's fine. I was worried about the engine but besides minor repairs and cleaning. The rest should be easy to fix. I need to replace some of the interior of the car as well as find
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a new stirring wheel."
10 years ago
"There should be some in the flea market- or can you take some spare ones from a museum?" Roderich used to take old palace furniture from the museum for his own use, but that's just him...
10 years ago
would never take anything from a museum. He gives him a critical look at that. "I'll be able to find one. I'm not worried. You take things from museums?" He was aghast by this knowledge.
10 years ago
"Do you not know that civil servants of Austria can 'rent' out imperial furniture from Hofmobiliendepot for a modest fee?" He appeared unaffected.
10 years ago
thinks that's quite a gamble. "No, I had no idea."
10 years ago
"There are honestly too many chairs and couches in the palaces piled up in the museum, such that renting is allowed." Roderich hums at the thought. "Though not many people actually takes the risk since they
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are required to keep the furniture scarless."
10 years ago
had assumed as much. "I wouldn't take the chance either if I were them."
10 years ago
"I assume you did not notice a quarter of my furniture are more than two centuries old, then," though with some of his rooms undergoing modernisation in styles, some of them were sent back already.
10 years ago
had noticed but didn't think he had rented them from a museum. "I did notice actually."
10 years ago
"Of course, there are a few collection of my own," but many of them got destroyed during WWII, so Roderich did not bother mentioning them. "2014 is approaching. Any new year resolution?"
10 years ago
quirks a brow. "That's unfortunate."
10 years ago
"What- A new year resolution is unfortunate?" Perhaps Ludwig needs some coffee.
10 years ago
(( I think I need some coffee, haha, completely misread that, off. ))
10 years ago
blinks and then flushes. "Gott...I didn't quite hear that properly..." He feels embarrassed by the misunderstanding. "Personal or national resolution?"
10 years ago
He wonders what is wrong with Ludwig today. "Let's say, both are interesting and I would like to hear them all."
10 years ago
sits back in his chair a bit nodding. "Let's start with national. The continuation of strong work relations with other nation states of the EU and the world, maintaining a strong economy as well as
10 years ago
work ethic, and reaching out more to nations who need a bit of help. As for personal, well, I'd like to work harder this year but also enjoy the time I have off...I haven't put to much thought in my
10 years ago
personal resolution...I'd like to make smarter decisions and spend more time with my brother..."
10 years ago
Roderich thinks that Ludwig's national resolution is as bland as his work ethic can get. Corroboration between EU states might be as difficult as it was in 2013, but he doesn't bother commenting it out loud_
10 years ago
He takes a sip of his coffee and nods in agreement to his resolution. "Personal resolution is supposed to be more specific wishes. It is difficult to determine what "harder" and "smarter" is. If you wish for
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generic matters, it gets harder to accomplish. Maybe you can simply say that you will perform more efficiently during work by spending less time, so you have more time to spend with Gilbert?"
10 years ago
frowns at that. "Is that in the New Years resolution rule book, Roderich? That it needs to be more specific?"
10 years ago
"No? It is a general advice if people wants their New Year resolution to be completed." The German really likes rules. A bit too much, actually.
10 years ago
was being sarcastic. "That is very superstitious. I'd rather just accomplish it rather than worry on whether it will come true or not because I phrased it right or made it to general rather than
10 years ago
10 years ago
"It is not superstitious. It occurs often among people who wish to lose weight. People are more motivated when they see a number - for example, losing 30kg - then to a general comment. Facts and figures help
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making something come true."
10 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "Being efficient is still quite broad. It could mean anything depending on your definition of the word. Regardless, I've never needed numbers to help me achieve my general
10 years ago
10 years ago
hums. "That's great for you then. Unfortunate, I am old and I do need some incentives periodically."
10 years ago
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