I have to take it down to my friend tomorrow ffff
SATA and power cables are firmly plugged in?
the SATA was, but my friend at the computer store said I didn't need anything else?
Not sepeare from what's in your system, but you'll definitely need to hook it up to your PSU
There will be a bunch of cables that come out of your power supply. Usually there's several free SATA power cables
And I plugged one of the SATAs in
Awesome. There should be a second cable too, that connects to the motherboard
There's one that connects to my other drive, but not a free one
Uho, there's your problem
If you put together your own computer, usually there's a bunch of extra cables in with your motherboard
I thiiiink if you get a drive in a fancy box, they'll include one too
All of my drives I get OEM, so they're basically just a drive in a plastic bag
yeah that's how i got mine
Yeah, you're going to need to hit up a computer store and just get a basic SATA cable
Best Buy and the like will carry them, but they're usually way cheaper at small computer parts stores
(or hit up your friend at the store and see if you can snag one for free)
Sometimes one of the ends will have a right-angle plug, but that's definitely it
see when he said sata, i thought he meant - i guess it's the power?
one end into your drive, the other will hook into your motherboard (there's probably an empty plug near where your existing drives are plugged in)
Yeah, it can be a bit confusing
Okay I think I get it now
I unhooked my other cd drive and plugged it in but apparently i need software to play blu-rays which
If you aren't sure what to do when you get your cable, ping me
i will
Yeah there's some you can download, just poke around
I think .... what's that one with the security cone for an icon
Yes! iirc, that one will play DVDs and Blu-rays
VLC isn't working, so I'll have to go get the SATA tomorrow and see if I can't pick up some decent software or sth