Gul Dukat
10 years ago
What's going on in IRL, The Plurk
latest #36
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
since the other was all about enabling and stuff
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
Life is actually better for us right now
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
It got worse for awhile, but then my dad got his social security disability
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
So we got a new car (the hell bucket is gone yay)
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
and we can afford basic stuff that stressed us before without a problem. Now maresuke and I are saving up for...we don't know what, but something.
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
My job is still a huge pain in the ass but that is what it is
spooky scary
10 years ago
ahhhhhh good
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
yep it's a huge relief. actually it's kind of a shock, I'm not sure how to not be stressed out about money...after so long stressing about money 24/7.
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
we keep saying silly crap like 'omg I can afford pants' and the like
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
Oh. I guess this counts as a change. :| I got glasses. My astigmatism is a bit too rough for contacts anymore.
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
glasses are strange creatures to be sure
10 years ago
Glad to hear things are on the up and up!
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
Yep, for once they seem to be heading that way :-)
10 years ago
omg hi hi hi
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
heeeeey :-D :-D
10 years ago
it's been so long
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
I know it's been forever. How are you?
10 years ago
I'm so glad things are going good for you. I'm good! just finishing up the semester
Pumpqueen Fall
10 years ago
YAY CAR!!! Omg so relieved
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
That's good to hear /o/ at least you're sticking it out with college.
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
and yes! that horrible lincoln is no more. the guy took it as a partial trade in but only kept the engine
garfs per min
10 years ago
smashes face against
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
aah! a molly! wassap
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
/flops on
10 years ago
garfs per min
10 years ago
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
hey there! oh hey! I got to photograph an owl some time ago and thought of you
10 years ago
I'm so glad to hear things are looking up for you guys! I'd been wondering.
10 years ago
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
well, I guess that whole cliche about things getting the worst before they improve was true in our case
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
It's only been about a week and a half so we're still just trying to get used to the changes.
garfs per min
10 years ago
Tell allartsuke I said kiss
Gul Dukat
10 years ago
ok I'll tell him. he's home now finally /o/
10 years ago
Hello Loren and Maresuke! You are both missed. Many snuggles for the two of you
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