10 years ago
decided to go visit Australia, she hadn't yet bothered to get any fitting clothes. So she was just wearing a pull over sweater and pants with her hair pulled back.
latest #121
William is
10 years ago
lazing about in the shade with his Koala. He looks up from his book when England makes her way over, raising an eyebrow. 'Can I help you, miss?'
10 years ago
titled her head a bit as she folded her arms over her chest. "Miss?"
10 years ago
knows that stance... he raises an eyebrow. '...England?' He had maybe missed what was happening in Europe... 'When did you get tits?'
10 years ago
glared a bit at him and frowned. "When I decided to help Francis out with his child problem. I regret my choice."
10 years ago
gets up to properly greet her, taking her hand and kissing the back of it before she can protest. 'It's an improvement though,' he teases, moving back out of swinging range. 'Would you like a cuppa?'
10 years ago
snatched her hand away and frowned. "Why is everyone saying that? And yes I would love of a cuppa more than anything."
10 years ago
grins at her reaction. At least that was still the same. He leads her to the house, opening the door for her. The air conditioning is on, a nice contrast to the heat outdoors. 'What does Ireland think?'
10 years ago
shrugs as she followed him inside. She was thankful for the air conditioning. She was a few minutes short of taking her sweater off. "Don't know, he's still not around."
10 years ago
doesn't say much to that, leading her into the kitchen. He pulls out a stool from the breakfast bar for her before going to make the tea. 'Any reason you're sharing your misfortune with me?
10 years ago
10 years ago
took a seat as she watched him, "can I not come visit you every now and then?" She was starting to think William was only polite to women.
10 years ago
places a cup down infront of her, made how she likes it. 'You can, I was just curious is all.' He gives her a charming smile. He is a lot more of a gentleman when it comes to girls.
10 years ago
picked up the cup and sipped at the tea. "I see... I just wanted to see someone who isn't my brother."
10 years ago
sits himself opposite England. 'I'm surprised you didn't pick Alfred or Matthew, or anyone else really.' He sips his tea, looking the other over. 'You're a bit scrawny as a girl, aren't you?'
10 years ago
set the cup down still holding onto it though. "I don't speak to you enough..." She frowned a bit at his comment and looked down at herself. "I haven't really looked... trying to avoid that."
10 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'And you're feeling guilty now?' He hums, 'Isn't that the first thing most blokes would do? Look.'
10 years ago
rolls her eyes at that, "not interested to fight with you right now." She took another sip of his tea. "Maybe, but I'm not most blokes."
10 years ago
rolls his eyes. 'Right right.'
10 years ago
took another sip of tea and sighed a bit. "The tea is good... thank you William."
10 years ago
nods, managing a genuine smile. 'No problem.'
10 years ago
looked down at her cup for a moment before she cleared her throat. "So how are you doing?"
William thinks
10 years ago
about it, 'Fairly good actually. Been enjoying the Ashes and... oh, I was teaching Spain how to surf recently.' He sips his tea, 'Talking of the ashes, are you planning to stay for the Test?' ((Test = 5 day_
10 years ago
match. It started today. ))
10 years ago
listened and nodded a bit as she sipped her tea. "Stay for the Test?" She thought about it and shrugged. "I called in sick to work... can't go like this... So I could stay."
10 years ago
hums, 'I can set up the spare and you can crash here? My side won't be going easy on you though.'
10 years ago
blinks a few times at that but nods. "Thank you william."
10 years ago
10 years ago
moves to get up... 'Do you wanna borrow some of the clothes I had from when I was a girl....the trousers should fit at least.'
10 years ago
stared at him for a moment, "ah... if you don't mind. These don't really... fit properly."
10 years ago
nods, 'I'll leave them on the bed for you then. Help yourself to some tea while I get the room sorted... and don't look so surprised.'
10 years ago
nodded a bit, "I can help you." She moved to got up and blinked a bit.
10 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'If you want?' He leads the way to the room, opening the window to air it. 'The bedding is fresh, I was mostly just going to check the bathroom and straighten it up a bit.'
10 years ago
followed him after finishing her tea. She looked around the room and nodded a bit. "Have you seen Ireland recently?"
10 years ago
shakes his head, 'Nah. But then, I've been camped out here since it's summer. Is he on one of his benders, you think?'
10 years ago
shrugs and scowls a bit, "I don't really care anymore. I'm kind of done with his crap."
10 years ago
Laughs, 'You sound like an old wife complaining about her husband.' He heads towards his room, pulling a box out of his wardrobe and bringing it back. 'Pick what you want from here.'
10 years ago
((Pretend that is Will.))
10 years ago
took a seat on the bed as she waited, when he came back she blinked and took the box from him. "Shut up, he's hardly a husband. Not even a boyfriend."
10 years ago
Sits himself down on the edge of the bed. 'In
10 years ago
*'I'm sorry it didn't work out.'
10 years ago
raised a brow at that and shrugged. "It's just reached a stalemate. So anyone special for you?"
10 years ago
Shakes his head, moving to take the box and tip it out on the bed. 'You know, despite appearances, I do want you to be happy, old man.'
10 years ago
watched him dump the contents of the box out. She moved to take a seat on the bed near him. "I'm not old and I'm not a man right now. I can prove the second part."
10 years ago
Raises an eyebrow, 'It's just a term of endearment.'
10 years ago
huffed a bit at that, "your idea of endearment is strange." She picked out a shirt and a skirt and moved to change into them.
10 years ago
moves to get up and give her privacy. 'It's the Australian way. Character building.' He heads towards the door, 'I'm gonna go make another pair of cuppas and maybe find some bikkies.'
10 years ago
wasn't feeling to uncomfortable about him being in the room. She glanced over at him and nodded as she pulled the sweater off. "Sure... thank you."
William is
10 years ago
slightly though! England was a woman now afterall. And he was brought up to be thoughtful and considerate of the opposite gender.
10 years ago
still wasn't quite used to this whole being a woman thing. "Thank you for letting me borrow some clothes by the way."
10 years ago
shuts the door after him, 'No problem.' He goes down to make said tea and plate up some biscuits.
10 years ago
changed into the borrowed clothes, they fit better at least. She pulled her hair back and braided it before she headed down stairs.
William is
10 years ago
sitting at the kitchen counter, Bruce napping in his lap. He looks the other over when she reappears, grinning. 'That looks a bit better.'
10 years ago
raised a brow at that but smiled a bit. "Thanks again." She moved to take a seat, smoothing the skirt out.
10 years ago
shakes his head, 'It's not a problem. My pleasure.' He offers her a biscuit.
10 years ago
shifts to take the biscuit with a thanks. "So you didn't answer my question earlier... are you happy?"
10 years ago
Blinks, before smiling. 'As happy as Larry.'
10 years ago
frowns and raises a brow at him. "I see... well I am glad you're keeping happy then."
William wonders
10 years ago
why the other is frowning.... What did he want to hear? 'I guess it gets a bit lonesome here, but I'm used to it.'
10 years ago
nods a bit as she nibbled on the biscuit. "You know you can come visit me... I'm not that horrible am I?"
10 years ago
Nods, 'I know... Just trying to about mental scarring. Don't wanna walk in on you and Ireland.' He has already walked in in Ireland once...
10 years ago
looked away from him with that, "you hardly have to worry about that. Haven't done more than make out really." She shrugged.
10 years ago
Makes a face, 'Scarring enough. Your mother figure and drunken uncle making out is not something you want to see.'
10 years ago
took another bite of her biscuit as she looked over at him. "And yet you've slept with your mother figure."
10 years ago
Turns a little red with the reminder and shrugs. 'That's different.'
10 years ago
stared at him for a long moment, "how is that different? Besides it was pretty good." She shrugged a bit and finished the biscuit she'd been eating.
10 years ago
Raises an eyebrow, 'Only pretty good?' He props his chin in his hand, elbow on the table. 'If you gave me the chance I could probably do better.' He's not expecting a positive answer o that.
10 years ago
rolled her eyes a bit at that as she leaned back on the couch. "Sounds like you're asking for a redo on a school project. I am sure you have little interest it."
10 years ago
Laughs. 'I can show interest if you give me the right incentives~'
10 years ago
folded her arm across her chest and frowned at him. "I don't know what kind of incentives you want William."
10 years ago
she paused with that thought though and got up. "I could make dinner. In In thanks for letting me stay here."
10 years ago
Shakes his head, perhaps a bit too quickly. 'No! You're the guest! I'll rustle something up!'
10 years ago
laughs a bit at that, "not everything I cook is that bad."
10 years ago
Prevents murmuring under his breath something to contradict that. 'I should still cook. How does steak sound?' He asks, getting up to go get things.
10 years ago
nodded as she watched him and moved to follow. "Sounds fine to me... you don't have to cook it now though."
10 years ago
Looks a bit confused, 'I thought you were about to start cooking.'
10 years ago
shakes her head, "I just wanted to see you squirm a bit."
10 years ago
Rolls his eyes. 'And you wonder why I don't visit...' He goes to grab some steak from the fridge, heading outside with it. The only way to have a steak was to grill it on a BBQ in his opinion.
10 years ago
sighs a bit as she followed him outside, thankful for the change of clothes. "I always order in when you visit... at least I consider your opinions enough to do that."
10 years ago
Shakes his head, 'I was more referring to the fact that you enjoy making me squirm, in not quite the right way, if you get what I mean.'
10 years ago
ran a hand through her hair and shrugged a bit. "Well I don't think I would know how to do it in the 'right' way like this."
10 years ago
Laughs, 'I suppose. Although I imagine a lot of it isn't all that different. I remember it being interesting, at te very least.'
10 years ago
moved to take a seat in a lawn chair and leaned back, "you know I'm rather glad we don't follow the same conventions as humans. This would be really awkward if we did."
10 years ago
Raises an eyebrow, 'Are you talking about the lady parts or the sleeping together?' He starts the BBQ, concentrating on fanning the flame.
10 years ago
folded her arms over her chest as she relaxed. "The sleeping together."
10 years ago
Smiles, 'I suppose.' He places the steaks on the grill. 'People would say you're taken advantage of me, if we were human,' he teases.
10 years ago
((Sorry. Meant to be will.))
10 years ago
frowned at that as she watched him. "Really cause I recall it quite differently."
10 years ago
Hums, 'I remember it differently, I'm just letting you know what ther people would probably think? Since you're older just now.'
10 years ago
*you're the older one
10 years ago
looked away at that and sighed a bit. "Well it's a good thing we're not human then."
10 years ago
Nods, setting his spatula down. He would leave the steaks to cook for a bit. 'Are you after a cheeky shag just now, pap~?' He asks, raising his eyebrow.
10 years ago
stared at him for a long moment, "I'm not after anything you little git."
10 years ago
Laughs. 'Had to check... It was worth it, for your face.'
10 years ago
frowned at him and huffed a bit. "Shut up, I wont be sleeping with you unless I'm drunk."
10 years ago
Grins, 'That sounds like a challenge...' He turns back to the steaks, 'I'll have you know though, I'm quite the catch.
10 years ago
curled her legs up under herself on the chair. "Then make it a challenge and I raised you... sort of... so you better be quite the catch."
10 years ago
Looks over his shoulder, reading the other for a moment before he returns to the steaks. He wasnt sure if arthurwas playing hard to get, but he wasn't going to rise to the bait.
10 years ago
leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. She felt kind of useless. "Do you want help with anything?"
10 years ago
Hums, thinking. 'Do you want to grab some veggies and beer from the fridge? Plates as well. I thought we could eat out here.'
10 years ago
got up and nodded, "sure." She headed into the kitchen and gathered everything he'd asked for.
10 years ago
William is
10 years ago
done with the steaks by the time Arthur returns, bringing them over to a table he's set out on the patio. 'Dont say I don't treat ya nice.'
10 years ago
set everything down on the table and looked up at him. "Hmm... why would I ever say that?"
10 years ago
Replies, 'Just seems like the kind of thing you might complain about, in your old age.'
10 years ago
glared a bit at him for that as she took a seat. "I wouldn't... I appreciate you... regardless of how it seems."
10 years ago
Sets himself opposite her, dishing up their steaks. 'You don't really show it...'
10 years ago
frowned a bit but nodded, "I'm sorry about that. I should."
10 years ago
Shakes his head, 'No point in changing how you are now...' He digs in, humming with satisfaction at he steak.
10 years ago
stared at him for a long moment then sighed as she started to eat. It was pretty good.
William is
10 years ago
pleased with the spread they've created. 'So, have you said your goodbyes to the ashes yet, mate?'
10 years ago
took a bite of the steak and looked up at him pausing for a moment before nodding. "Have you?'
10 years ago
Grins, 'I have a good feeling about these ashes. You're gonna have a tough time retaining them.'
10 years ago
shrugs at that as she took another bite of her steak. "All in due time."
10 years ago
Smirks, 'Wanna put your money where your mouth is and place a bet?' Australia was Ohh so very sure he was going to be winning these ashes, this time.
10 years ago
ate a piece of broccoli and stared at him for a long moment. "Mmm no, no money for that."
10 years ago
Grins, 'Doesn't have to be money.'
10 years ago
raised a brow at him as she took a sip of her beer. "What would you like it to be then?"
10 years ago
Thinks, 'You have to be my Slave for the day and vice versa.'
10 years ago
frowns at that and takes another long sip of her beer. "I don't like the sound of that."
10 years ago
's face falls. 'What would you suggest instead?'
10 years ago
noticed that and shrugged a bit, "said I didn't like the sound of it, doesn't mean I wont agree. I wont lose." She smiled with that, "it's a bet."
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