he won the last skill game, so he should have basic iaijutsu if I would do my registry
he like to stab himself with it due to lack of skill?
this makes him somewhat proficient at killing people
... And then you answered my question
mllelaurel: no but he's still visibly mongled from trying to strangle Bunny
like, he should not be trusted with the ability to kill people
which is true to canon but also.......worrisome
At least a lot of people in Aather can take him in a fight
yeah but not the people he's most likely to kill
... i would say rin would tell him not to kill people but tbf she is the only teammate to ever bring a corpse home
no like the people Mitsunari is most likely to kill are Bunny and Tamaki in a fit of blind rage
and like he would not really be ok with killing his teammates even though they deserve it
at some point I said "Carnelian needs an adult" and got in response "isn't Mitsunari an adult?"
we should get a spraw bottle
like ok he's like 20 but he needs an adult SO BADLY
s-sob no mitsunari is way less of an adult than the twelve-year-old
tho teammates would interfere with any killing attempts prolly and both shiny and rin have Magics
voreyeur: good that's entirely reasonable
at this point mitsunari is slinking around aather vaguely upset with everyone and aware that he deserves to go sit in the corner
like this is a bad time to give him weaponry
i should thread with him again
yeah he's in a really special place right now
not even for much of a good reason
bunny is a dick and tamaki is dishonest, which is worse, and there was a trauma game in which other people got shot in the face and he didn't, so clearly he was not giving it his best
omghjfajk IF HE'S OUT SOMEWHERE link me i will attempt threads
and nobody here is LORD HIDEYOSHI even though shiny walks around all commanding with light in his fist
uhhh he's in Tamaki's intro
I think he's legit just walking around with the crown from Mira's game because it gave him a good memory. hopefully he has managed to jam it in his coat pocket rather than walking around petting it
and he is also bruised and battered because Bunny punched him in the face several times (also kicked him in the balls. I mean, Mitsunari started it)
he's being INCREDIBLY ridiculous right now and on some level he knows but that just makes it worse
wait when was there a skill game
a week ago Saturday, I think? Mulan's game
Mitsunari's favorite game ever
He walked a very long distance by himself, took a sword from a field full of corpses, and then won
oh! ok that's what I thought, I need to track that down
he was very proud off himself until [all the rest of this plurk] happened
oh no Mitsunari
I feel bad because there are so many people who have much better reasons to be upset and taking people's shooshpapping time
Mitsunari is just......incredibly needy
also I am really sad that Leah seems to be
the most adult member of the team now because
please nobody ever let mitsunari be in charge of anything
the actual child is a much better choice
(gentle reminder that obi is probably one year older than mitsunari)
which I actually thought you had already done for some reason until I realized like if you weren't still around we didn't have enough Carnelians