Francis is
10 years ago
building himself a pillow and blanket fort, complete with little strung up Chrismas lights inside.
latest #127
10 years ago
would say the Frenchman is losing it...
Francis is
10 years ago
going to watch movies from his cute fort and eyebrows isn't invited!!
10 years ago
((he's six you know))
10 years ago
hasn't realized the situation yet but he's completely fine with not being invited.
10 years ago
((Ah I forgot about that ><:: ))
Francis is
10 years ago
going to have tons of fun without him, huff.
England is
10 years ago
beginning to wonder if there is something wrong with him.
10 years ago
doesn't have anything wrong with him, but is silently huffy that Arthur looks older than him now....
10 years ago
knelt to stare into the fort frowning. "What the hell happened?"
10 years ago
frowns at him. "As if I don't suspect your dabbling in the dark arts causes this sort of thing," he huffs.
10 years ago
folded his arms over his chest as he stared at him. "Yes normally, but I didn't do this. Not directly anyway."
10 years ago
hums, staring him down doubtully for a moment before looking away. "I think I caught something from Ludwig, whatever it is."
10 years ago
laughed a bit and shrugged before he stood again. "Well it suits you, at least now you can act your age."
10 years ago
froms, sticking his hand out of the fort to flib him off. "You're just jealous of how cute I am."
10 years ago
10 years ago
shakes his head. "Oh no I'm not at all."
10 years ago
hums. "Definitely jealous," he decides, settling down into his blanket pile within his fort.
England was
10 years ago
not about to argue with a child about this. "If I was jealous I would just change myself into a kid. Which is something I would most certainly not enjoy."
10 years ago
frowns, but then gets an idea. "....change me back," he requests, peeking his head out again.
10 years ago
stared at him and pretended to think about it and shook his head. "Nope."
10 years ago
pouts and climbs out of his tent. "No no come on. It's Greg's birthday soon, and I can hardly do anything when I'm this little!" he protests.\
10 years ago
continues to watch him and shakes his head again. "Oh but you are just to cute like this."
10 years ago
crosses his arms, trying to stand tall... though it really didn't work. "Don't be a dick," he huffs.
10 years ago
shakes his head again and grins. "I think I will leave you like this."
10 years ago
groans, and punches England in the gut. It's hardly got any strength in the hit though, thanks to his current condition. "It's for your brothers benefit, you ass," he frowns.
10 years ago
pretended to be hurt by the punch as he raised a brow and stared at him. "So you two can celebrate with sex? Yeah I dunno if I'm that interested in changing you back."
10 years ago
pouts at him, realizing the hurt was faked. "So I can take him out to a nice restaurant and be able to kiss him in public without someone calling the child protection services!" he frowns, frustrated.
10 years ago
laughed at that and shrugged. "I would pay to see that."
10 years ago
smacks him again. "Salaud."
10 years ago
shrugs a bit as he tucked his hands in his pockets. "Fine."
10 years ago
hums at that, eyeing him. "...fine, you will?"
10 years ago
nods, "I have a feeling I wont hear the end of it from Gregory if I don't."
10 years ago
perks up a bit at that, but nods. "....yes, probably." Because he would definitely tell him if he didn't.
10 years ago
suspected as much. He was rather enjoying the whole not really talking with Gregory thing right now. It was quiet. "You a little brat."
10 years ago
10 years ago
grins up at him. "You love me still~" he answers, pleased now that Arthur had agreed to help.
10 years ago
shakes his head at that and scoffs. "No I certainly don't."
10 years ago
giggles, patting his arm but giving him a knowing look. "Do we have to go to your place, or can you pull out your little wand and do it here?"
10 years ago
didn't acknowledge the look. "My place... I don't use a damn wand."
10 years ago
grins and shrugs. "If you say so, Potter~" he teases, though pulling away to get his coat and boots on.
10 years ago
ignored that as he went to the door to wait for him.
10 years ago
pulls on his oversized coat (he hadn't let Toni spend that much on him, it would've been cruel,) and slips on the boots, looking up to Arthur and saluting him to signal he was ready. "Are you gonna
10 years ago
carry me?" he asks, having gotten used to using the Toni express.
10 years ago
stared rather blankly at him when he asked that. He wouldn't dare carry the French man. "No, why would I want to carry you?"
10 years ago
pouts at him. "Because my coat will drag on the ground otherwise?" he tries.
10 years ago
frowns at that as he looked at the coat and shrugged. "So?"
10 years ago
pooouuuttts. "How mean," he answers, trying to gather up the coat so it didn't drag.
10 years ago
watched him for a moment before he sighed and picked him up. God he was going to regret this later on.
10 years ago
blinks as he picks him up, laughing happily and clinging to him instead. He settles in quickly, pleased with this. =u=
England is
10 years ago
far less pleased as he carried him outside, closing the door behind them. It didn't take him long to flag down a cab.
10 years ago
leans against him happily, enjoying at least some things about being little again. It's not like he got this kind of treatment growing up...
10 years ago
had always assumed the other had been starved for attention growing up. It was a working theory he had.
10 years ago
...would never admit it.
10 years ago
wouldn't expect him to. He put Francis in the cab before he got in as well and told the driver where to go.
10 years ago
settles into the cab, buckling himself up for the ride.
10 years ago
got comfortable and determined to pay as little attention to Francis as he could.
10 years ago
decides to make that difficult, soon shimmying out of the top half of his seatbelt in favour of using Arthur as a pillow.
10 years ago
frowned but didn't shove him away. Instead he just focused on looking out the window.
10 years ago
happily settles in, staring out the window rather than talking. He soon falls asleep though, since apparently it was nap time.
10 years ago
let him sleep till they got to his place. He paid the driver and nudged Francis awake before climbing out of the car.
10 years ago
blinks awake, dazedly climbing out with the urging and waving goodbye to the driver. He takes Arthur's hand as they walk to the house, acting more like a child when half asleep like this.
10 years ago
picked him up again, sighing a bit. He really wasn't sure what to think of Francis like this. He managed to get his door unlocked and when they were inside he set Francis down before he went to put the kettle
10 years ago
on. He needed tea.
10 years ago
gasps an clings to him as he's picked up again, slowly waking now in the cold. He murmurs a thanks as he's set down, rubbing his eyes a bit and gaining his bearings before following him to the kitchen.
10 years ago
got a piece of cake out of the fridge and set it on the table with a glass of milk before he took his sweater off. "Just sit and eat some cake. I'll go see what I can do to reverse this."
10 years ago
blinks, hopping up into the seat and eyeing the cake. It looked pretty good. " didn't make this, right?" he asks, unable to help himself even though Arthur was being nice to him.
10 years ago
glared at him for that, "maybe." He left him with that as he went down to his basement. Mint bunny was soon perched on his shoulder as he grumbled to himself.
10 years ago
grimace at that, remembering the last time e had (almost) eaten Arthurs cooking. He waits until the other had left to prod at the cake gently, carefully trying a bite.
10 years ago
hadn't baked it, but he was offended the other would be concerned over his cooking. It didn't take him long to find the right ingredients and to make the antidote. Though mint bunny kept insisting that it
10 years ago
wasn't quite right he ignored the little creature. He brought the pouch upstairs and made a tea out of it with the kettle that had just boiled. "Here. Should work."
10 years ago
had been concerned for his cooking skill for a long time now, it shouldn't come as a surprise anymore. He does finish off he piece once he tastes it, blinking as Arthur comes back. "If you made that, it was
10 years ago
really good!" he compliments, smiling at him. He hifts in his sseat a little as he spots the pouch, hoping this was his magic cure.
10 years ago
hands him the cup of tea when he was done and smiled. "I didn't... here drink this. It'll make you older."
10 years ago
hums softly, smiling a little. "...welll, it was still good then," he grins, accepting the tea and blowing on it to help it cool a little first. "Will it work right away? And do I have to drink the whole thing
10 years ago
to be effective...?" he asks curiously.
10 years ago
shrugs a bit, "I don't know. I'm not a fairy god mother. I just make it. Drink all of it."
10 years ago
laughs a little at that, nodding. He pauses, setting the cup down a moment before motioning for England to lean down, as if telling him a secret.
10 years ago
frowned at that staring at him. He wasn't sure he trusted him... he shifted to lean down though. "What?"
10 years ago
smiles, pulling him in and giving him a big childish kiss on the cheek. "Thank you~" he says sincerely, before turning to start sipping his tea.
10 years ago
pulled back quickly at that and huffed a bit. "Yeah yeah," he went and poured himself a cup of tea and sat down to drink it.
10 years ago
((not the same tea, right?))
10 years ago
((I think I'll have make a mistake, should be normal tea.))
10 years ago
hums softly, sipping at his tea and hoping it worked and didn't turn him into a frog or something... that'd be right up Arthur's alley after all. He doesn't notice Arthur pouring himself the wrong
10 years ago
tea, smiling at him as the other sat back down.
10 years ago
sipped at his own tea and leaned back in his chair. "So how'd you end up a kid in the first place?"
10 years ago
hums softly, and shrugs. "I hung out with little Ludwig... and then woke up like it one day..."
10 years ago
nods a bit, he'd heard of that happening to nations, but he hadn't been able to figure out what caused it. "I see."
10 years ago
smiles at him and shrugs. "I think it happened with gender too, to Gregory and Eliza..." he says, finishing off his tea. He was starting to feel a little tingling in his belly, hoping that was the start of
10 years ago
the transformation.
10 years ago
shrugged a bit as he tried to think about it. He was drinking his own slowly. It tasted a bit off though.
10 years ago
blinks as he freezes and understands what growing up would mean... and doesn't hesitate to hop off the chair and hurry to undress, getting off his child clothes just in the nick of time before he
10 years ago
transforms in a puff of smoke.... what's happened isn't quite right though...
10 years ago
watched him run off and shrugs a bit as he took his own tea to the living room with him. "Since your an adult again, you can find your own way home."
10 years ago
grins as he realizes he's taller, though upon running his hands over himself he notices that he's not quite full grown yet. "....Arthur!!!" he calls out, stressed. "It didn't work!" he huffs, following him
10 years ago
and looking very much like a teenager now.
10 years ago
had barely sat down on the couch before he felt oddly sick. He heard Francis shouting about something but when he looked up he his tea cup had fallen on the ground.
10 years ago
stomps in after him. "Arthur! I'm only a teen now!" he protests, before stopping in his tracks as he sees what happening. "...merde, are you alright?" he asks, approaching carefully.
10 years ago
blinked a few times before he felt like he was choking on smoke. In a cloud of smoke he changed. When it cleared he blinked again a few times. "Fuck me..." he felt fine,
10 years ago
his clothes still fit... more or less. They were tight in a few places. He paused to look himself over and flushed darkly. "I made a reversal spell...
10 years ago
should have worked fine for you, but I guess it wasn't strong enough. I think I drank it too."
10 years ago
jumps in surprise at the sudden smoke, eyes widening at the sight. He grins when the smoke clears, eyeing over the other. " Well now, this is definitely an improvement."
10 years ago
glared at him before hair fell in front of his eyes. "Well guess what, you get to wait out your teenage years now."
10 years ago
bristles at that, groaning. "Aww noo, you promised you'd help!" Well, maybe he never said it. But it was implied!
10 years ago
shakes her head at that as she got up, tugging her shirt down a bit. "No, no I will not help you anymore."
10 years ago
whiiiiines. "Come on Arthurrrr, Greg's going to tease me even worse like this..."
10 years ago
shakes her head, "can't. Used the last of what I had for that. I wont be able to collect more for a week or so at best. You might as well wait it out. I have to wait this out."
10 years ago
sighs dramatically, dropping down onto the couch and looking over his hands with a pout. "Ugh, I should've known better than to trust your black magic nonsense.."
10 years ago
glared over at him again as she got up and tried to fix her clothes. "It's normally reliable."
10 years ago
hums in doubt. "Apparently not," he huffs, crossing his arms. He was still naked.
10 years ago
got up and went up to his room coming back down shortly he tossed him a set of clothes. "Put something on you idiot."
10 years ago
makes a sound of surprise as the clothes are tossed at him, eyeing them warily. He'd have to change as soon as he got home, ugh. "Merci..." he hums, slipping them on anyways.
10 years ago
made a displeased sound at that. "Just get yourself home."
10 years ago
laughs a little, shrugging and standing up. "Thanks for nothing," he hums, disapproving of being kicked out.
10 years ago
frowned at him again, "oh gee you're welcome." She stared at him for a moment before sighing. "You can stay the night if you need to."
10 years ago
hums in debate, before shaking his head. "I'll leave you to your peace," he huffs, heading to the door. He knew she didn't actually want him there.
10 years ago
sighed a bit as she watched him head for the door before she got up. "Stay the night, I'd rather you got home safely and you wont in that state."
10 years ago
frowns at that, turning back to him and crossing his arms. "I'm not a girl Arthur, I'll be able to handle myself.."
10 years ago
raises a brow at that and frowns. "No you're a teenager, you wont get far on your own."
10 years ago
purses his lips in frustration. "This is like being a baby all over again," he complains, though flopping down on the couch. "Should I call you mum now?"
10 years ago
ignored that as she got up to get the phone. She was going to call for take out.
10 years ago
sighs, relaxing on the couch. He'd be grateful for take out instead of Arthur cooking.
10 years ago
needed to go shopping before she could cook anything. She called for Thai food before returning to the living room.
10 years ago
would be grateful. He has slipped his feet up onto the couch by the time she returns, debating whether to actually stay the night or not. "Will you let me give you a makeover?" he asks without looking up.
10 years ago
frowns a bit at that as she put the telly on. "... Why would you want to do that?"
10 years ago
hums, looking her iver. "Because you look frumpy now and I trust my taste better than yours."
10 years ago
folded her arms over her chest... of under it and frowned at him. "And why do you care how I look? It's not like you've ever cared before."
10 years ago
arches a brow. "Because you actually have potential to be cute now."
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