10 years ago
wakes up curled against Elizaveta. However, there is one thing definitely different from when he fell asleep.
latest #248
10 years ago
stirs a bit as he blinks an eye open before closing it. He realises that something is very off and one of those is that his bathrobe is really constricting. He goes to shift and he hears it rip, he
10 years ago
instinctively flushes. The second thing he notices is that he's no longer small and his limbs weigh more than they did for the past week or so.
10 years ago
isn't to far away. He sat up for a minute to pull off the ripped bathrobe. Gilbert was going to be disappointed. He feels a soft hand gently graze his arm and he's pulling her towards him nuzzling his
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face against hers. "Hallo~" He breathes as if it's the first time they've spoken.
10 years ago
laughs against her lips as he pulls her even more into his arms. He kisses her firmly breathing her in. "I've been waiting to do that properly."
10 years ago
falls back onto the bed pulling her with him and peppering her face with kisses before pressing a fiercer kiss against her lips.
10 years ago
pulls her on top of him running his hands through her hair and gently touching her face like he can't believe she's real. He's quiet but he's smiling, this smile reaching his eyes. "Gott...I missed
10 years ago
doing this..."
10 years ago
lets his hand trail down her spine as he kisses the tip of her nose.
10 years ago
chuckles lightly. "Ja, that sounds good. I still need to take you to that amusement park." He hums enjoying her warmth. His hands are gliding over her skin. "I should probably get ready then..." He
10 years ago
murmurs not even making a motion to move her or get up.
10 years ago
is happy to be back. He rolls them around one more time pressing her into the mattress and kissing her almost desperately, in a good way.
10 years ago
smiles against her skin. "Ja, okay." He hums as he finally pulls himself out of bed stretching his limbs trying to get used to them again.
10 years ago
turns around and pulls her against him as he heaves her up in his arms, easily. "Let's shower together." He says as he leans forward to press a kiss to the corner of her mouth. He really doesn't give
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her much of a choice as he carries her into the washroom.
10 years ago
sets her down outside of the shower and starts it up making sure the water is warm before he's tugging her towards him and stepping into the spray of water.
10 years ago
smiles lightly as he trails his hands over her body before reaching for the shampoo and gently washing her hair.
10 years ago
lets the water rinse out the shampoo as he reaches for the body wash squirting some onto his hands and running both his hands down her arms, over her shoulders and down her back pulling her against
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his chest.
10 years ago
smiles lightly. "After I'm done." He hums making sure to wash every inch of her.
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finishes off by conditioning her hair before retracting his hands all together. "Have at it then." He smiles lightly.
10 years ago
's lip curves up at that, amused. "That's what you miss?"
10 years ago
smiles lightly. "Well unless that happens again you can enjoy that as much as you want."
10 years ago
smiles having missed that and complies, leaning down or her to reach his hair.
10 years ago
sighs contentedly closing his eyes to enjoy such a gentle feel.
10 years ago
opens his eyes quirking a brow. "Well
10 years ago
loves sex with her, he just figured it would be nice to wait for a more appropriate moment. "I'm not much of a squirmer." He smiles.
10 years ago
gently runs his hand down her wet hair. "It's good to be back." He smiles leaning down to kiss the top of her head.
10 years ago
smiles as he reaches around her to turn off the water. He's reaching out for two towels so they don't get the floor wet. He drapes one over her head before he begins to towel dry himself.
10 years ago
had almost forgotten how that felt. He laughs as he wraps the towel around his waist to go pick out something comfortable but suitable for their date.
10 years ago
ends up wearing a nice patterned sweater and black slacks coupled with his long black jacket and scarf. He smiles at her. "Ready?"
10 years ago
slips into his shoes before he's opening the door for her. He heated the car up a bit while they were getting dressed. "I believe Europa Park should still be open."
10 years ago
returns the kiss, kissing her a second time before he's wrapping an arm around her waist to guide her outside. He, of course, makes sure to lock the door.
10 years ago
glances down at her with an amused smile. "I'll try. Those things are tricky."
10 years ago
opens the door for her waiting until she's settled in before closing the door. He quickly slides into his side and they're off in the direction of the park.
10 years ago
glances at her from his periphery. "Haha, ja, it's back."
10 years ago
flushes at such an honest statement. "Ahh..." He fixes his gaze on the road. They were almost there.
10 years ago
smiles at that as he pulls up into a decently full parking lot. He finds a parking spot and smoothly parks in it as he turns off the car, takes off his seatbelt and gets out.
10 years ago
walks around to gently take a hold of her hand interlacing their fingers and squeezing it lightly. "We have a good six hours ahead of us~"
10 years ago
smiles and leans to kiss the top of her head. "Let's make the most of it then." He says as he starts leading her towards the tellers and purchasing two tickets.
10 years ago
glances around as they enter. "One of the roller coasters." His lip curves up.
10 years ago
thinks they should save the Ferris wheel for last. Ludwig grabs a map and takes a good luck at it before heading in the direction of one of the bigger and faster roller coasters.
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
chuckles as he lets her pull him along. The line was surprisingly short and they wait a good fifteen minutes before they're able to get onto the roller coaster. Ludwig let's Eliza go into the car first before
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joining in soon after and pulling down the safety harnesses.
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hums. "It definitely gets the blood pumping." He always got butterflies when the roller coasters plummeted straight down at such ridiculous rates.
10 years ago
laughs at her reaction as the roller coaster slowly goes up only to pause at the very top and ten seconds later shooting down and hitting the loops like it's nothing.
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is more on the silent front but it is evident how he's feeling and enjoying it on his face.
10 years ago
nods in agreement. "You get to pick next."
10 years ago
steps out of the ride and offers his hand to Elizaveta. "I think there's a roller coaster not to far from this one we can go on."
10 years ago
interlaces there fingers again as he passes her the map to look at. "We came at a good time."
10 years ago
smiles not at all embarrassed by the public display of affection. "I know this may be to soon but what did you want to so for dinner?"
10 years ago
had not seen that flier but he wouldn't be against it. "Fo you remember what time?"
10 years ago
nods as he leads her to the next roller coaster. He actually remembers when the park was built. "I think this one is a little slower. There's also a water ride that tends to get people very wet."
10 years ago
would have definitely flushed. "Maybe we should save that for another time...when we bring a change of clothes." He hums contemplatively as they advance in line for the roller coaster.
10 years ago
has to pause to let that sink in before he's flushing darkly and letting her pull him along. "Elizaveta..."
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always likes the thought of her wet for him but not in such a public space. "It's definitely something for later."
10 years ago
lets her get onto the cart before him before sliding in and once again fastening all the security harnesses.
10 years ago
flushes a bit and instead leans over pressing a kiss to her temple because reaching her cheek with all his restraints was a little difficulty. "I'd much rather actually kiss you."
10 years ago
straightens himself and glances forward. "I could say the same of you..."
10 years ago
| The ride takes off and is similar to the last one in velocity.
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does enjoy it quite a bit. Unfortunately if she's not looking at his face she won't be able to tell. The ride begins to slow down and he exhales a bit before they're eventually allowed off.
10 years ago
flushes and smile. "I'm not very noisy. The ride is thrilling though." He wakes beside her.
10 years ago
hugs her tightly against him as he leads her out of the roller coaster area. "What qualifies as a romantic ride?" He asks a little embarrassed that he did have to ask.
10 years ago
had been glancing down at the map before he's distracted with the exclamation of the carousel. He studies it for a second. "I can tell you want to go on it." He could always stand, he wasn't sure if
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the horses would be able to hold his weight.
10 years ago
smiles. "Ja, very." He eyes the carousel. "Well, let's hope on then."
10 years ago
10 years ago
smiles at that and starts to head towards it. "I can't remember a time I've ever been on one of these."
10 years ago
has to duck his head to get in but then he's comfortably sitting and wrapping an arm around her keeping her close as he gently kisses the top of her head.
10 years ago
flushes a bit but nods. "Ja, romantic. It's nice with you." He presses a kiss to her forehead.
10 years ago
flushes darker at the cat call but he kisses her back just as deeply before pulling away. "Maybe not in such a public place." He breathes a little embarrassed.
10 years ago
laughs at that. "I think it was because you're so beautiful~"
10 years ago
pulls her out of the carriage keeping her against him and flushing as the same individual woos them.
10 years ago
gets them a good distance away and notices that it's slowly getting darker. "Did you want to do the Ferris wheel now?"
10 years ago
smiles as they leisurely stroll to the ferris wheel. The line is smaller than at most places and it doesn't take them very long to get on the ride.
10 years ago
adjusts his arm around her so he's a little more comfortable. "It's nice. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to expect. I was never much of a theme park type of person but I really like this with you."
10 years ago
smiles against her lips kissing her properly and winding an arm around her to continue kissing her gently. There was a point they would stop all the way at the top anyway.
10 years ago
flushes and pulls away gently resting his forehead against hers.
10 years ago
peers out when they hit the top. "It really is...such a good view as well."
10 years ago
leans down to kiss her one more time. "Did you still want to go to that dinner?"
10 years ago
laughs lightly but fondly. "You sound so lovestruck." He couldn't help but feel happy about that. "We can go home too and I can make you a dinner."
10 years ago
smiles. "This time I cook~"
10 years ago
smiles and follows her before stepping into pace with her. He squeezes her hand and tugs her closer. He's pulling out his car keys as they pass the exit gates.
10 years ago
slips his hand out from her and wraps it around her waist heaving her up so he's partially carrying laughing lightly. Eventually he shifts his hold and throws her over his shoulder only putting her
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down when he's made it to the car an has her door open. He places her down in her seat and leans in to kiss her firmly.
10 years ago
brings a hand to her cheek kissing hat a little more firmly before pulling back with a smile. "You liked that?"
10 years ago
laughs and kisses her back without much complaint, not that he ever had any when it came to kissing her.
10 years ago
hums as he pulls back. "I love you too." He whispers back as be pulls all the way back and closes her door to slide into the drivers side and get them heading home.
10 years ago
doesn't wake her but can't help but gaze at her a few times before he makes it home. He gets out of the car and rounds his vehicle to open her door and gently nudge her. "Liebling...wake up."
10 years ago
nods. "Ja, you slept the entire trip are you sure you don't just want to go to bed?"
10 years ago
nods again as he offers his hand to her. "I'll get to work on dinner and I'll come get you when it's ready."
10 years ago
has a hand on the middle of her back to steady her as he gets the door open and gets then both inside. "Coffee or tea while you wait?"
10 years ago
smiles lightly when he feels her lean against him before taking both their jackets and putting them away to head for the kitchen. "I'm going to make the assumption that coffee is preferable at this
10 years ago
10 years ago
starts with that before he's taking out all the ingredients he needs to start cooking.
10 years ago
takes the time to cut everything properly and season the meat right before placing them all in the oven to bake properly. He looks quite determined to make a good meal.
10 years ago
glances over his shoulder at her and smiles. "Glad you think so. Did you want anything else while you wait?"
10 years ago
chuckles lightly and presses a kiss to the top of her head.
10 years ago
smiles releasing her a bit to check on something. "I do like being in the kitchen." He'd never call himself a cook but it was a pastime he quite enjoyed.
10 years ago
can hear the teasing tone. "It should be ready in the next forty minutes. What would you like to do in the mean time?"
10 years ago
laughs and lifts her so she's sitting on top of the counter as he settles between her thighs to kiss her. "Good idea~"
10 years ago
smiles against her lips nipping at her bottom lip. "I'll give you that."
10 years ago
hums against her lips. "I've been seducing you this entire time, secretly of course."
10 years ago
nods as he grows quiet to kiss her more.
10 years ago
rests his arms on either side of her. He hums against her lips pressing a little more firmly. "You are hard to resist."
10 years ago
smiles in amusement against her lips. "I only want to treat you right." He chases her lips.
10 years ago
pulls back to gaze at her properly. "Gut..." He smiles at her. "I'm glad to hear that."
10 years ago
kisses her softly. "I am sorry about that..."
10 years ago
kisses her again. "It happens...I understand that."
10 years ago
chuckles lightly. "Ja, not a bad idea. I doubt Francis would want to go hiking with us." He says as he pulls away altogether to check on the food, turning off the stove and pulling it off. "It's
10 years ago
10 years ago
fixes them both a proper plate and brings it over to the table for them. "I hope you're hungry. I cooked a lot."
10 years ago
places it in front of her. "Guten appetite~"
10 years ago
smiles at that. "It was my pleasure." He replies working on his food.
10 years ago
pushes his leg out for her spreading them abit as he shifts in his seat. "You think so?"
10 years ago
shifts his chair further in as he clears his throat a bit nodding at the compliment. "I do believe you're much better though."
10 years ago
has to pause in his eating exhaling shakily as she keeps rubbing at his thigh. So close but not close enough.
10 years ago
's lip thins as he tries really hard not to react. He eventually shifts enough to slide his hand down to grasp her ankle. "Ja...okay. Enough." He was semi hard already from that teasing.
10 years ago
flushes a bit. "Let me at least put the food away and clean up..."
10 years ago
Nods and then shakes his head flushing a little darker.
10 years ago
shifts his thighs apart for her biting his lip, his face a little more flush than before. He keeps his arms still on the table a little tense in anticipation.
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