10 years ago
has snuck to Francis' with a bag of beer and other such alcoholics. He was equally curious the effect on their smaller bodies. He knocks on the boy's door flushed again like the last time he was
latest #86
10 years ago
at this door.
10 years ago
Francis was
10 years ago
just playing with Pierrot when he hears the door, standing and making his way over to peek outside. He blinks when he sees who it is, smiling and stepping aside to let in. "Ludwig~~"
10 years ago
(( dammit! He was also...** ))
10 years ago
smiles lightly an a little guiltily as he enters and puts down his backpack. "We're you joking about finding out how alcohol affects us?"
10 years ago
shuts the door behind him to keep out the cold, perking up and grinning at the question. "Of course not, I just didn't want to try on my own~" he answers with a grin.
10 years ago
unzips his bag to show what he had brought. "Usually I can drink more but I'm no longer six three. This should be enough...I hope."
10 years ago
peeks into the bag, rumaging through it just to see what he had. "If by some miracle it's not enough, I still have a full cellar of wine as well~" he grins, excited. "Where do you want to set up for this?"
10 years ago
hums as he thinks it over. "The living room or bedroom. Somewhere soft."
10 years ago
nods, considering a oment beofre deciding. "Bedroom then. That way if we pass out it'll be comfy," he laughs, picking up the bag and leading the way upstairs.
10 years ago
nods as he follows after the boy. The bedroom was a much better idea.
10 years ago
leads him up there, climbing onto the bed and setting the bag in the middle, waiting for Ludwig. "I hope this is enough, I don't really wanna have to walk down all those stairs tipsy and like this," he giggles.
10 years ago
had brought a lot. "I'll think we'll be fine." He says as he grabs a beer and opens it drinking some with a satisfied sigh. Even at this age he enjoyed it.
10 years ago
nods in agreement, grabbing one himself and cracking it open. He sips at it daintily... not much of a beer drinking when an adult but still enjoying it.
10 years ago
had never done this when he had actually been young so for some reason feels guilty and rebellious at the same time...even though he was an adult. "How many or how long before we feel the effects?"
Francis feels
10 years ago
much the same... though he did have drinks now and then when he was physically young before. Not enough to get drunk, mind you. "Uhh usually it depends on the person I guess...? Probably not
10 years ago
too long.." he shrugs, taking longer drinks from his now, as he gets used to the taste.
10 years ago
nods cradling the large beer in his hand he tries to down it quickly but nearly chokes, coughing a bit before recovering. He looks embarrassed and decides to go a little slower.
10 years ago
blinks as Lud chokes, worried for a moment before he bursts out laughing, seeing he was fine. "Guess we don't retain our skills," he laughs.
10 years ago
flushes darker and shakes his head. "Apparently not."
10 years ago
(( Can they please fall asleep naked? xD It would be funny if Gregory walked in on them like that or even Eliza. ))
10 years ago
((was def planning on it. drunk francis loses his clothes no matter what age!))
10 years ago
laughs, shaking his head. "Good to know~" he grins teasingly, taking a carefully large gulp of his own.
10 years ago
manages to finish his beer and starts on his second. He should move but he doesn't and starts on his second.
Francis is
10 years ago
close to finishing his first, though he is noticing it a bit already... dang, maybe he was a lightweight when he was younger.
10 years ago
shifts a bit and already things are spinning. "I don't think we can handle this well...or at least I can't..."
10 years ago
laughs, finishing off his drink and setting the bottle aside before crawling over to him. "Come on~ It's for science!" he grins, a bit buzzed already as it starts to affect him.
10 years ago
falls back against the bed giggling a bit. "Science...ja, that's good." He managed not to spill any of his beer.
10 years ago
giggles, patting his belly and grabbing himself another drink. "To science!" he cheers, carefully chugging it back a bit.
10 years ago
manages to pull himself up to so the cheers as he drinks more beer happily. He was in a good state of being. "Science!"
10 years ago
grins at him, pleased to convince him. "The best reason," he laughs, finding it easier to drink now as he leans against Ludwig.
10 years ago
presses his face against Francis shoulder. "You can do so much with science..." He rambles on whether Francis is really listening or not.
10 years ago
laughs a little, though he's only half listening as the other rambles on. He really was a lightweight like this, already past tipsy.
10 years ago
tries to make an effort to drink the rest but finds it increasingly difficult as time goes on.
10 years ago
giggles, only about a quarter of the way through his second. "Guess we had more than enough," he laughs, falling over in favour of watching the ceiling spin.
10 years ago
nods as he sets his beer can on one of the night tables.
10 years ago
grins, daring to down more of his, but not really managing a whole lot before he decides to do the same. "Ugh it's hot," he whines, tossing his shirt away easily and falling back over on the bed.
10 years ago
hums, he was quite dazed. "It is...I think it's your duvet."
10 years ago
hums as if in deep thought, though really he was just stalling to seem smart. "Maybe...." he answers at least, turning his head to look at Ludwig and enjoying the small rush. "It's better without
10 years ago
clothes~" he giggles.
10 years ago
flushes at that he hadn't really noticed the other take his clothes off. "Really?"
10 years ago
nods, waving his hand at him. "Yeah. perfect," he hums, kinda zoning out to his own world. The bed was probably too comfy of a place to have started drinking, cause the more the alcohol
10 years ago
kicked in the more it made him want a nap...
10 years ago
(( Haha! ))
10 years ago
tries to pull off his clothes but struggles getting them off. " me!" He sounds alarmed that he's having so much trouble pulling his clothes off, usually such a simple task.
10 years ago
startles a bit at the cry for help, sitting up and feeling dizzy from the suddeness. "You can't get them off??" he asks, crawling his way over to try and tug his clothes off for him.
10 years ago
sighs when they both finally managed to pull them off and he's laying back down completely nude and drunk.
10 years ago
laughs happily, flooping down next to Ludwig, using his belly as a pillow. "Better~"
10 years ago
nods watching the ceiling spin. "Much better..."
10 years ago
giggles, burying his fac against Lud's tummy and nuzzling it. "Smooth baby skin~~" he smiles, leaving a little kiss.
10 years ago
flushes and shivers lightly at the affection. "That tickles...and your skin is just as smooth." He says sitting up a bit to run a hand over his arm.
10 years ago
giggles, lifting his arms to let Lud do so, watching. "I've ne'er been so hairless in my life..." he laughs, forgetting technically this had been a part of his life....
10 years ago
falls back down against the bed. "It's strange huh..."
10 years ago
laughs, squirming a bit to drape himself more fully onto Ludwig. "You're so soooofffttt. No muscles," he teases, prodding his chest.
10 years ago
pouts. "Don't be mean...I get them later on."
10 years ago
giggles again at the pout, leaning in to kiss it better. "I know you get less cute," he answers.
10 years ago
flushes a bit at the kiss unsure how to process it. Francis had such soft lips.
10 years ago
grins down at him, before resting his chin on Lud's chest again. "Kissed ya speechless~" he mururs, though if nothing else happened soon he would likely fall asleep.
10 years ago
can't quite get rid of his flush. He does shift to pull Francis completely on top of him. "C-can you do that one more time?" He looks embarrassed. This was probably not a good thing.
10 years ago
hums, letting himself be pulled closer and snuggling in. He blinks in a bit of a daze though, looking up at him. "Do what..? Kiss it better?" he asks, comfy now on top of him.
10 years ago
hums nodding. "Ja, that.."
10 years ago
giggles, nodding in reply before giving him little sloppy, but mosty innocent, kisses.
10 years ago
responds back just as sloppily. His face a dark red and his fatigue catching up on him. "Francis...I'm tired..." He murmurs against his lips.
10 years ago
giggles and makes a sound of agreement, laying his down on Lud's chest again. "Tell the romm to stop dancing so we can sleep," he mumbles.
10 years ago
laughs but it sounds as if he doesn't really have to tell the room anything because he's close to falling asleep.
10 years ago
hums softly in reply, patting his 'pillow' gently. "Sleep tight mister sleepyhead," he teases, though he yawns, just as close to falling asleep.
10 years ago
doesn't take very long to drift to sleep pleased with the warmth of Francis as a semi-blanket.
10 years ago
plays with his hair a little lazily, snuggling against the warmth that was Ludwig. Soon enough though, he falls asleep too, sucumbing to the comforting buzz of the alcohol.
10 years ago
((ps guys we want scottie or eliza to find them... shouldve mentioned that earlier i guess haha))
10 years ago
10 years ago
((mhmm theyre in francis's house jsyk))
10 years ago
| There were several beer cans littered around the bed as well as two naked child figures on the bed and discarded clothes. Both seemed fast asleep.
Francis is
10 years ago
draped over Ludwig, the sheets not even close to covering them at all.
10 years ago
wakes up blearily startled by the shriek and still a little drunk. "E-elizaveta....?" His cheeks are really flushed and he looked drowsy more than anything.
10 years ago
startles awake, but flops back over and tries to go back to sleep with a groan. Life wasn't fun yet.
Ludwig is
10 years ago
now flushing in shame and embarrassment. He doesn't say anything just remains quiet as he peeks a glance at Francis.
10 years ago
whimpers as Eliza continues shaking him, eventually sitting up but letting the hair cover his face to shield the light. He whines something unintelligible at her, though it's likely along the lines of
10 years ago
telling her to stop yelling...
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