10 years ago
changingred IT'S THIS WEEK
latest #32
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
alos some run down of plans!
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
so Wednesday night the student village is having their thanksgiving thing, so when you get here we can go there and chill out for the night
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
then thursday on thanksgiving we're planning to make some food together and have a semi-traditional college student version of thanksgiving dinner down at Liz's place
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
then we can stay the night at Liz's place and on Black Friday we can go out and 晃
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
maybe see if we can go to Serious Pie
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
also Liz has a queen size bed and a couch, so sleeping arrangements at her place kinda have to revolve around that
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
(which is kind of troublesome, because I don't want to put you two in the bed because you don't really know each other, but I also don't want to kick the host out of the bed, ALTERNATIVELY WE COULD ALL SLEEP ON
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
THE QUEEN SIZE BED i think we'll all fit)
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
and then over the weekend we can go out and do whatever XD
10 years ago
changingred: sounds good <3
10 years ago
Also I can take the couch and stuff if three's a crowd
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
aahhhh I've never actually been out on Black Friday, it actually feels a little exciting XD
10 years ago
changingred:I'm actually a bit scared hahahaha
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
oh man XD;;;;
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
also I am accidentally writing Claudia a 4-5 page paper
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
10 years ago
changingred:lol it's fine haha she thinks you guys are cool
10 years ago
Also do you have fake blood?
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
...nope, I have washable red paint that I plan to turn into blood at some point though XD
10 years ago
changingred: oh it's fine. I have a surprise for you when I get there ;-)
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
eeeehhhhh~~~~ <33
10 years ago
Also do you guys have a gym?
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
there's a tiny workout room, and then there's a movement room~
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
the movement room has the type of padded matting that you'd see used for gymnastic places
10 years ago
changingred: Ok~ so no machines? I know, I'm weird, I just wanna know if I should bring my gym clothes
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
not really a lot of them XD
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
it the workout room there's a treadmill, a rowing machine, an eliptical, and then some weights
曉紅 [RED]
10 years ago
but that's about it XD;
10 years ago
Okie~~ I'll bring gym clothes in case I feel like running around~~~ I CAN'T WAIT OMG
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