Francis has
10 years ago
heard Spain is back... and snuck into his house to replace his tomatoes with apples as a prank.
latest #78
Antonio was
10 years ago
whistling to himself and dancing to an imaginary song as he reaches into the fridge to grab a tomato. He doesn't immediately notice but when he tosses it in the air, as his dance requires, to catch it in his
10 years ago
other hand and gazes at it, he blinks and laughs at his mistake. He goes back into the fridge and then to his box of reserves only to find they were all apples. He gasps loudly. "No, no! Que pasa!?!" He's
10 years ago
desperately rummaging through his entire house before he admits defeat and goes to sulk on his house step pouting. How did that happen?!
Francis is
10 years ago
peeking in, watching through the window and trying to hold back his laughter. When he sees Antonio head to the porch to sulk he hurries to go and appear like he's just coming from down the
10 years ago
street, eating an apple. And he waves at Antonio when he 'spots' him.
10 years ago
sees him and waves back pouting even more. "Francissss!~" He gets up and drapes himself over the man, the connection with the apple going unnoticed. He's just a heavy if not dead weight on the other man. "My
10 years ago
tomatoes are gone!!" He's whining but he doesn't care.
10 years ago
blinks as the other practically jumps him, laughing as he hugs him and does his best to keep them standing. "Anotnio mon ami, that's terrible news!" he replies, having a hard time holding back his grin.
10 years ago
can feel him tremble as he tries to contain those diabolical laughter. "I was cooking and now what wilI do?"
10 years ago
hums, rubbing his back. "I'm not sure.... have an apple instead~?" he offers, holding out his own half eaten apple, only barely able to hold it back now.
10 years ago
's eyes widen and he jumps back pointing an accusatory finger at him. "Francis!" He gasps! "So mean. Where did you put them?" He was searching the man, his hands going all over and possibly feeling him up a
10 years ago
little bit but no luck.
10 years ago
can't hold it anymore once Antonio clues in, bursting out laughing and doubling over as he does so. "Mm, I am not made of tomatos, ami~" he teases, enjoying the hands on him.
10 years ago
pouts as he pulls away. "Where are they?" He whines inching closer as he prods him for an answer.
10 years ago
grins at him, shurgging. "Now why would I know that~" he teases, leaning forward a little.
10 years ago
glances up at him desperately. "Because if not you, who else?"
10 years ago
finally gets a hold on his laughter, chuckling and wiping his eyes. "Hmmmmmm~" he laughs, obviously it was him.
10 years ago
pulls the Frenchman all pouty like and clings to him squeezing him a bit to see if he can get the information out of him. "Tell me where they areeee?!"
10 years ago
laughs, reaching up to ruffle his hair teasingly. "What do I get for telling you~?"
10 years ago
doesn't have to think to hard. "Dinner and a kiss."
10 years ago
grins at that, nodding. "Perfect~ I hid them under your bedroom pillow," he laughs, patting his head.
10 years ago
looks pleased, he's smiling again. "Do you want the kiss now or later?"
10 years ago
chuckles happily. "Now please~~"
10 years ago
's smile widens as he leans forward pressing his lips against Francis'. He kisses him deeply wanting to give him a good one since it was just that one kiss.
10 years ago
hums happily, kissing him back thoroughly. It'd been way to long since he got Toni kisses so he makes sure it's good!
10 years ago
laughs against his lips as he pulls back. "There! Part one granted. Now for dinner~" He hums looping an arm around his shoulders and guiding him inside.
10 years ago
hums happily as he pulls bavk, gladly looping arms with him. "Cooking for me, how romantic~" he grins.
10 years ago
glances at him and winks. "Only the best for you Francis~"
10 years ago
laughs happily. "Anything I can help with?" he asks.
10 years ago
smiles. "Sit down and look pretty."
10 years ago
laughs at that, nodding as he pulls away to take a seat on the counter. "Now that, I can do very well~"
10 years ago
smiles. "I know. An easy job for my guest." He hums as he fetches the tomatoes and gets to work.
10 years ago
laughs, shaking his head. "Hey, being beautiful isn't easy~" he grins.
10 years ago
turns to him and winks. "But it's easy for you."
10 years ago
grins. "Of course, but not for everyone," he laughs.
10 years ago
's chopping many vegetables and begins to cook some chicken. "True~"
10 years ago
watches him, reaching over to mess up his hair playfully.
10 years ago
smiles and nuzzles against his hand playfully. "Almost done. I don't have dessert but I figured we could go out for drinks."
10 years ago
laughs softly at that, petting him and amused with the nuzzling. "Drinks sound like a perfect dessert to me~"
10 years ago
smiles at him as he puts the vegetables in to dry a bit in the pan. "I know a good place with sangria."
10 years ago
hums in thought, nodding. "Sangria sounds perfect~
10 years ago
Antonio was
10 years ago
excited. It had been a while since they'd drank together.
Francis was
10 years ago
excited too, for both drinks and Antonio's cooking~ After a bit he hops down from the counter in favour of setting the table for them, wanting to help at least a little.
Antonio is
10 years ago
putting the food on the table for them. "Enjoy~"
10 years ago
smiles and takes a deep breath to take in the scent. "Ahh, this looks amazing~ Merci!" he says, taking a seat but waiting for Toni to join him.
10 years ago
brings out homemade lemon juice and serves Francis before serving himself. "All for you~" He winks teasingly.
10 years ago
thanks him again, laughing a bit. "Well, aren't I special~" he grins, helping himself and digging in. Ahhh, it was so good~
10 years ago
starts on his food quite pleased with the way it turned out. He pours them both a glass of the juice.
10 years ago
hums happily as he eats, thanking him for the juice too. "So what have you been doing~? I feel like it's been forever."
10 years ago
blinks up at him as he considers the question even though he really didn't have too. "It does feel like it's been a while. I've been gardening...and trying to deal with my horrible economy. It's kept me really
10 years ago
busy." His lips curve downwards a bit at that.
10 years ago
pouts sympathetically. "I can imagine. I hope it improves soon.."
10 years ago
smiles a bit at that. "I hope so too...but in the meantime there is sangria that can make me forget!"
10 years ago
laughs and nods. "The best solution to any problem~"
10 years ago
laughs nodding. "There is no other solution besides dancing, football and sex."
10 years ago
nods wholeheartedly. "So true, so true~" Maybe a little less football in his opinion, but still.
Antonio is
10 years ago
glad they can agree on that. "In that case will you be staying the night?"
10 years ago
hums softly. "I can if you'd like, but you know there's no more sleeping together now, oui?" he smiles.
10 years ago
pouts a bit but understands. "I guess I'll have to learn to live with that." He sighs.
10 years ago
smiles, reaching over to pat his hand consolingly, though chuckling softly at the pout. "Sorry, ami. Perhaps Gilbert can give you a little sugar to make up for it~"
10 years ago
smiles at that. "True, there is always Gilbert. I'm just sad we can't have our threesomes anymore."
10 years ago
grins. "Mhmm.. not unless Gregory is up for more foursomes," he laughs.
10 years ago
blinks a bit. "More foursomes?"
10 years ago
grins. "We had one with Eliza and Ludwig~~" he brags. "Gregory was the one to suggest it, even."
10 years ago
looks amazed! "I keep hearing things that involve Ludwig...he actually agreed to a foursome!" He kind of wishes he had been there.
10 years ago
laughs happily. "He's a lot less prude than he lets on, apparently~"
10 years ago
hums in amusement. "Apparently so~"
10 years ago
grins proudly. "He gets super flustered too, at first. It's the most ridiculously adorable thing I've ever seen."
10 years ago
hums as he imagines how that would be like. "I'll see if maybe I can convince them for a threesome. I want to see that myself."
10 years ago
laughs, nodding. "I wish you luck, dear friend~~"
10 years ago
smiles. "Sangrias? I think it's time for some alcohol~"
10 years ago
nods. "Sangrias!" he agrees, standing to help put the dishes away before they go.
10 years ago
makes sure to quickly clean them before he loops his arm through Francis and starts leading him out of the house excited.
10 years ago
helps him and happily follows him out, pleased to be going drinking with him again~
10 years ago
doesn't go somewhere far, keeping them close at a small little bar. He guides him in smiling at the bartender who seems to already know what to bring over and getting him to set down near a window. Luckily, it
Antonio was
10 years ago
heated so it was a nice area.
10 years ago
smiles and takes a seat, seeming pleased with the location already.
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