Francis has
10 years ago
heard that Ludwig is even little-er, and is definitely creeping by peeking in his windows to see if it's true.
latest #90
10 years ago
was playing with Berlitz. It was really easy to spot him from the liking room window.
10 years ago
reaches the window and carefully peeks in... and has to hold back a sqweal of delight at how cute scene was. Oh gosh!
10 years ago
| The dog is nearly bigger than him. He has a brush out and is trying to brush him out but he smells Francis and practically drags Ludwig towards the window. "Berlitz! Halt! Bitte!!"
10 years ago
startles in surprise as the dog starts bounding over, ducking down beneath the window in hiding!!
10 years ago
I'd a little red faced and messy haired as he tries to glance out the window. <<There's nothing there Berlitz.>> However, Berlitz continues to paw at the window. Ludwig tries to pull him down but
10 years ago
can't manage and eventually scales his back to take a look out the window spotting a head of yellow and quirking a brow as he pushes the window open and prods the head.
10 years ago
'eep!'s as he feels a finger prodding him, looking up and laughing a bit. "Bonjour, enfant précieux~" he grins, not looking sheepish at all at being caught.
10 years ago
is holding on tightly to an excited Berlitz. " could have knocked on the door..." He's obviously embarrassed at his new state of affairs. "Did you want to come in?"
10 years ago
stands up straighter, messing up Ludwig's hair through the window. "I didn't want to interrupt any possibly cute scenes!" he grins, though nodding and climbing out of the bushes. "I'll be in in a second~"7
10 years ago
slides of Berlitz to jump and unlock the door or Francis. He struggled a bit but he managed.
10 years ago
smiles and thanks him as he steps in, swiftly picking little Ludwig up. "You're soooooo cuuuuuuute~!!"
10 years ago
makes a small sound of surprised at the swift action and has to place his small hand on Francis shoulder to stabilize himself. "Next time warn me before you pick me up like that."
10 years ago
laughs happily, holding him close. "I can't help it~ It's been so long since you were so tiny~~"
10 years ago
hums, not long enough. "I can make you some tea or coffee since you're here." He offers trying to act his age even though it almost sounded like he was playing adult.
10 years ago
grins, nuzzlign his nose against Ludwig's. Nonsense, I'll make tea~ Would you like any?" he asks, carrying Lud to the kitchen.
10 years ago
flushes at the action. "Actually...could O get warm milk with honey." His cheeks grow a little darker at that.
10 years ago
chuckles softly. "Milk it is~!" he replies, setting him down on the counter edge and kissing his forehead, before pulling away to make himself a tea, and a warm milk for the younger nation.
10 years ago
watches him quietly at first. "Did you come only to see how much smaller I am...or should I get Gilbert?"
10 years ago
laughs softly. "I came over to see you~ But that does raise the question, has Gil seen you like this yet~?"
10 years ago
nods. "He pulled out all my former toys and has taken a ridiculous amount of pictures."
10 years ago
grins at that, bringing him over the glass of milk and honey. "Ooh~ What a good idea! It's not like we had baby photos before..." he laughs.
10 years ago
takes it but places it down to cool a bit before he'd drink any. "That is true..."
10 years ago
turns back around to finish making himself a tea, nodding. "I bet Gilbert must be positively thrilled, now he has pictures to show off how cute you were," he laughs.
10 years ago
flushes at that but smiles a bit. "I've never seen him happier." He says honestly.
10 years ago
smiles, coming to lean against the counter beside Ludwig, tea in hands. "Mm. I'm happy for him then. I wonder if I could get little Sey or Canada little again..." he muses, staring off a
10 years ago
bit as he imagine it. "Maybe even Arthur..."
10 years ago
wouldn't feel so lonely if that were the case. "Elizaveta caught hers from Gregory so maybe if you put me near them it could happen."
10 years ago
hums at that, blinking. "...doesn't that mean I'm more likely to catch it, hanging around you?"
10 years ago
shrugs with a small smile. "I feel everyone is at risk. But, I haven't seen anyone else turn younger so maybe I'm not contagious."
10 years ago
tilts his head a bit, considering it. "Hmm... you still don't know how this happened then, I assume? I wonder if it works in stages for everyone..."
10 years ago
nods at that, he had theorized that. "Do you think I'm going to become even younger than this..?" That thought was unappealing.
10 years ago
hums softly, runnign a hand through the boy's hair. "It's hard to imagine you younger than this, it was so long ago..." he laughs softly. "Gilbert would be pleased. But I can't say yes or no to if
10 years ago
it would happen...?"
10 years ago
closes his eyes leaning into the touch. He liked that. "I guess only time will tell...that feels nice." He says the last part nicely.
10 years ago
smiles fondly as the other leans into his touch, continuing to stroke his hair back. "Enjoy your age while you can, in the meantime~"
10 years ago
hums softly. He eventually grabs his milk sipping at it.
10 years ago
smiles, pulling his hand back after a moment and sipping his tea, debating if he should ask Arthur to turn his babies back to babies... *u *
10 years ago
glances down at the floor realizing that it was quite far down. "Francis...could you take me to the table?"
10 years ago
chuckles softly at that, nodding. "Of course," he answers, setting down his tea in favour of carefully scooping the boy up. He settles him down again into a chair at the table, patting his head fondly.
10 years ago
had clung to his glass of warm milk and honey during the process. He's thankful for the move. "Danke~"
10 years ago
chuckles softly, retrieving his tea before joining him at the table. "Has Hungary seen you this little yet?"
10 years ago
nods to that too. "She didn't react as bad as Gilbert but close."
10 years ago
chuckles softly. "Well thats good then, though i'm sure it's brought up memories for her too."
10 years ago
nods at that too. "Ja, quite a few memories. Unfortunately none that I remember."
10 years ago
smiles a little guiltily, reaching over to pat his head. "I'm sure she has stories, if you ask."
10 years ago
's lips thin subconsciously but Francis was right. "I might later."
10 years ago
chuckles softly. "You don't look pleased at the suggestion."
10 years ago
glances up at him a little startled. "I'm to easy to read...I just think it's frustrating to be told a memory I'll never be able to remember."
10 years ago
hums softly. "I suppose it would be, yes.."
10 years ago
finishes off his milk and slides it onto the table. "It's fine though. Maybe there's a reason why I forgot."
10 years ago
shifts a little in his seat, nodding. "Still a shame..."
10 years ago
nods. "Since you're here is there any way I can entertain you?"
10 years ago
hums softly. "Nothing in particular, I just came to see you! Is there anything you'd like to do~?"
10 years ago
thinks about it and nods. "I'd like to go outside...ever since I turned this side no one lets me out without a chaperone. I don't understand why...I'm an adult."
10 years ago
laughs softly and nods. "It's because you look like a human child, cher. We'd get the child protection services round here in no time if you wandered on your own."
10 years ago
pouts but nods. "Is it okay if we go outside then...we can walk the dogs."
10 years ago
smiles sympathetically, nodding and standing to put the glasses in the sink. "Go get them ready, I'm sure they'll be excited for it."
10 years ago
smiles and slides off his chair as he runs over to get the dogs. He has them leashed and even had manages to put on his own small coat as well as shoes as he waits for Francis.
10 years ago
washes the cups before joining him, quickly donning his outdoor gear. "Do you need me to take a couple of them, or will they listen to you?" he asks.
10 years ago
glances up at him and weighs the pros and cons in his head. "Take Blackie and Aster. I'll take Berlitz."
10 years ago
nods, taking the leashes for those two, making sure he had a good grip before nodding that he was ready.
10 years ago
manages to open the door pushing it open and letting Berlitz trot out first before he follows down the step holding onto the handrail not to lose balance.
10 years ago
lets him go first, following him out and making sure to shut the door. He lets Ludwig lead the way, since obviously he would know the best walking paths of the area.
10 years ago
heads down the road for a good while before taking a turn into a park. Lots of people were staring at them.
10 years ago
noticies the looks but is unbothered by them, happily following alongside Ludwig and doing his best to keep control of the dogs.
10 years ago
keeps close to Francis. "Thanks for walking the dogs with me." He finally speaks up.
10 years ago
smiles at him. "Of course cheri~ he answers. "I can see why not being able to get out would be frustrating.."
10 years ago
nods as he almost gets pulled forward by Berlitz. He composes himself and scolds Berlitz flushing as he glances back up at Francis. At least Blackie and Aster were behaving really well. "It is.."
10 years ago
laughs a little as he notices Berlitz's jump, glad the other two were behaving. Dogs weren't really his forte. "Is there a specific path you follow around here?" he hums, looking around the park.
10 years ago
nods. "I just follow this one all the way around and then go home."
10 years ago
nods with a smile. "Sounds like a plan then."
10 years ago
smiles at that. "It's not more than a thirty minute walk."
10 years ago
hums. "Soooo long..." he pretend whines, though he didn't mind it too much.
10 years ago
laughs a bit shoving at his leg. "And here I thought the Italians were lazier than you."
10 years ago
laughs, shooing him in return. "No one is lazier than those cuties," he grins, ruffling Lud's hair.
10 years ago
smiles lightly. "They have their moments."
10 years ago
hums at that. "Very rarely, and usualy food related," he laughs teasingly.
10 years ago
laughs again. "True." They continue to walk the curvy path.
10 years ago
chuckles softly, content to let the conversation slide back to a peaceful quiet. He does wink at a few ladies that seemed to be checking him out as they passed, though.
10 years ago
rolls his eyes at that but concentrates on the dogs instead.
10 years ago
grins when he notices Ludwig's reaction. "Jealous~?" he teases.
10 years ago
glances up at him and gives him the 'are you serious' look. "Not even remotely." He says plus everyone outside thought he was cute.
10 years ago
laughs softly. "It's true. And it's true what they say about kids and dogs attracting women," he laughs.
10 years ago
shakes his head at him. "I'm surprised no one has asked you if I'm your son yet."
10 years ago
chuckles. "I'm pretty sure it's being assumed, even if no one asks..."
10 years ago
thinks they don't look that much alike.
Francis is
10 years ago
pretty sure the blonde hair alone is enough to make someone think they were.
10 years ago
can't disagree with that...people did make connections like that.
10 years ago
also has blue eyes like him~
10 years ago
| That is true too....
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