Scotland is
10 years ago
dressed up to the nines, with Elizaveta's help, as she struts through the house to find Francis. There was a car waiting for them outside to take them to a fancy restaurant.
latest #94
10 years ago
hums, coming down the stairs and adjusting his cufflinks. "Are you here to pick me up~" he starts to tease, though his voice dies out in surprise as he pauses, having spotted Gregory. Oh wow, she was
10 years ago
absolutely stunning...
10 years ago
Looks up, a small smirk on her lips as she hears Francis become lost for words. 'I am, do you have a problem with that?' She looks the purr up and down before biting her lip as she catches his eye. Elizaveta_
10 years ago
Had trained her well.
10 years ago
lets a slow grin grow on his face, though the red in his cheeks betrays how much he appreciated the sight. "Cherie... you look amazing," he compliments, eyes widening slightly at the
10 years ago
calculated look before stepping over to give her a kiss in greeting. "No problems at all," he smiles.
10 years ago
Keeps the kiss short, hands straightening out the imaginary lines on the front of his suit. 'Good, because I would of had to have left you otherwise.'
10 years ago
hums softly, playing along with her and smiling. "Hmm, that wouldn't be very nice," he chuckles, offering her his arm. "Ready to go, then?"
10 years ago
Nods, taking his arm with a small smile. 'As ready as you are.' Despite Francis taking her arm, she leads the way to the car.
10 years ago
smiles too, letting her lead and sneaking glances at her. He's impressed she even ordered a car, holding the door open for her before climbing in himself.
10 years ago
Slips in, maintaining her decency. When Francis climbs in after her and is settles, she presses against his side and settles a hand on his thigh. 'You're looking good tonight,' she tells him, quietly.
10 years ago
smiles as he settles close to her, wrapping an arm around her back. "So are you, mon amour," he murmurs softly, kissing her cheek. "You're nothing short of stunning," he smiles, cheeks still a bit red.
10 years ago
Beams a little with the compliments, cheeks flushed lightly. She lets her fingers trail along the inside of his thigh, pressing a light kiss to his jaw. 'Thank you.'
10 years ago
shivers gently with the creeping fingers, trying to keep himself contained. "You're welcome, cherie," he asnwers softly, tilting his head for the kiss. "So what sort of evening have you
10 years ago
planned for us~?" he asks curiously.
10 years ago
Smirks with the small shiver, moving his hand down to his knee. 'Well, dinner first~' she explains. She doubted they would get much further than that, although she did know of a ballet close by if Francis held_
10 years ago
Francis is
10 years ago
lmost disappointed when she moves her hand, but he smiles regardless. "Mm, dinner does sound lovely, but I have something so tasty right here~" he teases, licking and kissing her neck. He might not
10 years ago
make it to a ballet, though she could definitely try.
10 years ago
Bites back a soft groan with the attention, shifting in her seat. 'Then I have reserved tickets for the ballet.'
10 years ago
hums against her skin, nipping teasingly. "Hmm... that should be interesting.." he answers, though really tonight all he could already think about was her.
10 years ago
Sighs softly, resisting the urge to sink into the man's touch. She sits up properly after a moment, giving his knee a small squeeze. 'We're almost there.'
10 years ago
makes a soft sound of protest when she pulls back, but understands, straightening up himself. He smiles at her, squeezing her hand back before paying the driver aand climbing out to hold the door
10 years ago
open. He planned to be a gentleman tonight, after all.
10 years ago
Elegantly slips out, thanking him with a small smile. She starts towards the restaurant, letting Francis have a good look at her arse.
10 years ago
smiles back at her, though he can't help but stare as she walks away. He hurries to catch up with her though, cheeks a little pink.
10 years ago
Turns when she reaches the door, waiting for him with a raised eyebrow. 'You're looking a little flushed darling. Are you alright?'
10 years ago
laughs softly, shaking his head. "I'm perfectly fine, cherie," he smiles, kissing her temple before moving to open the door for her again.
10 years ago
Steps through the door with a thank you. A waiter is quick to join them both, and Gregory tells him about the reservation. They are lead to a table by the window.
10 years ago
follows her in and to the table, pulling out her chair for her before taking a seat himself.
Scotland is
10 years ago
enjoying all the attention, seating herself with a small smile. 'Thank you.'
10 years ago
smiles back at her, nodding. "You're welcome, amour," he answers, reaching over to hold her hand.
10 years ago
Crosses her legs over, running her foot briefly up the inside of Francis' leg. Her thumb runs over the back of his hand, 'do you want to pick the wine?'
10 years ago
flushes gently at that, though smiling at her and squeezing her hand gently. "Of course cherie. Red or white tonight~?" he smiles, pulling out the wine menu with his free hand.
10 years ago
Hums, 'I am easy with either... Perhaps a warm red, to combat the weather?' She takes the time he's studying the menu to look around the restaurant.
10 years ago
nods, quick to look over the menu and pick out the best one. "Perfect~" he hums, waiting for the waiter to come back before placing the order.
10 years ago
Glances over, smiling to herself. 'Do you think we would have ended up in this relationship, if I was a woman all the time?'
10 years ago
blinks up at her at that, tilting his head a little. "Of course, why would you think otherwise..?" he asks softly.
10 years ago
Isn't quite sure, 'I dunno. Maybe I wouldn't have pursued you quite as much?' She shrugs, 'Not that it matters.' She squeezes his hand, eyes warm as she catches his eyes. 'What matters is that we're together_
10 years ago
Now, right?'
10 years ago
arches a brow at that, though he smiles. "Do you not like me as much when you're like this?" he teases, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing her knuckles. "All that matters is that I love you, and
10 years ago
you love me~"
10 years ago
Smiles with the affectionate gesture. 'Knowing so many strong woman, I dunno if I would have bothered with it.' She looks pleased though, flashing the waiter a smile when he finally makes his way over.
10 years ago
hums softly, smiling at her. "Well then I'm glad you were your usual grumpy self," he laughs, before sitting up straighter so that he can place their order.
10 years ago
Slips off her shoe, running her toes up the inside of his calf and up his thigh as he orders.
10 years ago
sputters halfway through his sentence, surprised though he really should've expected it. He flushes a little and clears his throat before continuing, trying to brush it off as nothing.
10 years ago
Squeezes his hand, eyebrows furrowed in mock concern a she allows her foot to brush his crotch. She turns to the waiter with a small pout, <<I think he may need some water as well, if you don't mind?>>
10 years ago
inhales shakily as she presses her foot against him like that, the blush on his cheeks worsening a bit. "A-ah yes, water please.." he agrees, coughing this time to try and cover up his reaction.
10 years ago
Looks even more 'concerned.' She pulls back her foot, leaning over to touch his forehead. 'Are you sure you're okay, love?'
10 years ago
hums softly in relief as she pulls her foot back, arching a brow at her. "I'm fine, cherie. Thank you for your concern," he replies, catching her wrist and kising her hand again, before straightening to
10 years ago
finish the order and dismiss the waiter.
10 years ago
Tries to look as innocent as possible when the waiter leaves, picking up the menu to leaf through it. 'The Salmon looks good, supposedly it's Scottish? What are you thinking of?'
10 years ago
arches a brow at her, though he picks up his menu as well. He knows this game, and he knows acknowledging her means he loses. "I'm thinking the lamb, it sounds delicious," he hums.
10 years ago
Glances over to said item, humming in thought. 'That looks good too...' She hums, 'I think I will go for that.' It was rather silly to eat Scottish Salmon while in France... It would be much fresher if she had_
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It at home. She closes her menu, putting it to the side. 'I hope he comes over with that water soon....'
10 years ago
chuckles softly, nodding. "Good choice." He flushes a little though, smiling though shaking his head a little. "I am sure he'll be back shortly," he answers.
10 years ago
Hums. She is fairly certain they have scared the poor man... She looks out the window, looking as though she was enjoying herself.
Francis is
10 years ago
content to just hold her hand for the moment while they wait, half watching her and half glancing out the window. The waiter does come back shortly though, setting down the
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water and wine and ready to take the order. Francis smiles at him, stealing a glance at Gregory before telling him that they'd both like the lamb.
10 years ago
Behaves herself this time, glancing towards the other with a smile. When the waiter leaves with ther menus she adjusts in her seat slightly, leaning closer as she hooks her ankle around Francis'. 'I love you,'_
10 years ago
Tells the other, just wanting to remind him.
10 years ago
hums softly, smiling at her as he leaves and happily hooks his ankle with hers. "I love you too~" he replies softly, obviously happy to be here with her, despite the previous stunt.
10 years ago
Runs her foot up and down the back of his calf, keeping it at that for now. 'Have you been to the ballet recently?'
10 years ago
shivers gently, but shakes his head. "Non, not lately. I've been kept busy with work," he pouts.
10 years ago
Smiles, 'It was a good call then, huh?' She hums, 'Although, it is only a showcase of new talent...'
10 years ago
chuckles softly. "Ah drats. I am sure it will be delightful, regardless."
10 years ago
Smiles. 'I like showcases. Doesn't that give you an indication of who to watch?'
10 years ago
nods. "Oui, but a coherent story is a lot of fun," he hums, running his thumb over the back of her hand. "So tell me, what inspired you to create this lovely night out?"
Scotland thinks
10 years ago
it over, leg trailing up the back of his calf. 'I wanted to give you a night that you could enjoy.'
10 years ago
hums at her, flushing a little but smiling. "Well merci cherie. Any night spent with you is a night I enjoy~"
10 years ago
|It's Scotland's turn to flush, pleased. 'It's the same for me... Perhaps I also wanted an excuse to steal you say for the night.'
10 years ago
chuckles softly, pleased at her blush. "Oh heavens, how charming," he smiles happily. "I just want you to know that your blush beneath your freckles has got to be the cutest thing in the world," he murmurs
10 years ago
a little softer.
10 years ago
Turns a brighter red at that, eyes glancing away. She hums in response, trailing her foot up his calf and along the inside of his thigh. 'I'm glad you approve,' she settles for as a response, finally catching_
10 years ago
His eyes again,
10 years ago
grins, though he flushes a bit himself and surpresses a shiver when she teases him again like that. He smiles at her, cheeks darkening a bit when she looks back at him. "Of course cherie~"
10 years ago
Looks pleased with the control she has over the man. She keeps her touches PG, straying ever so teasingly close to his crotch before pulling back to run her foot up and down the inside of his calf. She looks
10 years ago
To see if the food is coming. When she spots them she takes the opportunity to pour them both a fresh glass, foot retreating for now.
10 years ago
whines softly when she teases him closely, letting out a breath when she retreats. His face is still a bit red when the waiter comes, and he thanks him before smiling at Greg.
10 years ago
Looks down at the food with wide eyes. She was famished. She waits for everything to be sorted before she digs in. In some respects, she is still very much her male self.
10 years ago
chuckles a little as she digs in, fond of all of her of course and finding it endearing. He starts in on his as well, humming softly at how good it was.
10 years ago
Looks up with the hum, 'It's good, isn't it?' After her initial gusto she begins to eat a little more daintily.
10 years ago
smiles at her and nods. "It's delicious~ I take it you enjoy yours?"
10 years ago
nods, swallowing her bite before replying. 'It's braw. The texture is perfect, really good.'
10 years ago
smiles at that, nodding. "This was a good choice~"
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*he compliments, knowing Gregory only picked the pricey place on his behalf.
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Might be developing a taste for the pricier food. She smiles happily, 'Hopefully dessert will not disappoint.' She works on finishing her plate, easily clearing it.
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would be happy to know it! He smiles at her. "I bet it will be just as delicious," he replies, soon finishing up as well.
10 years ago
Would admit it only on her deathbed. She folds up her napkin when they're done, looking around the restaurant for a moment before moving to stand. 'Would you excuse me?'
10 years ago
would expect nothing less, really. He hums as she gets up, nodding. "Of course cherie~" he answers, though a little confused.
10 years ago
Heads towards the bedroom. Now if Franci was anything like herself, the man would be watching her walk away and thus see the strut she and Hungary had painstakingly worked on. She disappears into the bathroom,_
10 years ago
Freshening herself up and smudging her lipstick. Just like Hungary had advised. She takes her time, leaving Francis curious.
10 years ago
Francis was
10 years ago
definitely watching her as she walked away, noticing the amazing strut and licking his lips a little in want. After a few moments though he starts to wonder if he should follow her for some fun...
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