10 years ago
Somehow made it into Ludwig's house and is chilling out in the kitchen. She wanted to surprise Ludwig, although she was also here to thank Hungary.
latest #49
10 years ago
had entered the kitchen in only shorts having just finished a long jog. He hadn't realised she was there and was rummaging through the fridge for a bottle of water.
10 years ago
Can wait. She leans back against the counter, arms crossed. It gives her time to study his back, realising that he was a bit smaller than normal. 'Have your balls even dropped yet?' She asks, smirking.
10 years ago
nearly jumps bashing his head against the top of the refrigerator. He spins around flushing at Gregory. "I'm not that young..."
10 years ago
Smirks, looking him over. 'You're barely legal though, I'd guess.' She comes over, leaning forward to pinch his cheek. 'I forgot how cute you were as a kid.'
10 years ago
pushes her hand away flushing. "Francis told me you were going through something similar. I am legal thank you very much.."
10 years ago
Grins. 'Didn't say you weren't. Said you were barely legal.' She looks him over, 'You've still got a bit to go until you're fully filled out. That said, you're still fit.'
10 years ago
closes the fridge door leaning against it. "
10 years ago
flushes. "So what brings you over."
10 years ago
Smiles, 'I'm looking for your better half. I owe her a thank you... She helped me extract a little revenge on Francis.'
10 years ago
's lips thin. "My better half...she's somewhere here."
10 years ago
Raises an eyebrow. 'Is something wrong?'
10 years ago
shakes his head. "I'm fine. Do you want me to get her for you?"
10 years ago
Smiles, 'I can wait. I am enjoying the view just now.' She ruffles Lidwig's hair, cooing. 'If England was only half as you.'
10 years ago
*half as cute as you.'
10 years ago
flushes a bit darker going to fix his hair. "Not a cute kid? Never seen him that young."
10 years ago
Hums, 'He was. A lot grumpier and rebellious though...'
10 years ago
hums in understanding as he leans against the fridge. "I see...unfortunate. Did you want something to drink while you wait for Elizaveta? I can offer you food as well."
10 years ago
Hums, 'if you start the kettle I'm sure I can sort myself out. You should probably shower and change, wee one.
10 years ago
flushes a bit. "Ah...ja, that's a good idea. Make yourself at home." He says as he grabs the kettle getting it ready. "I'll be done shortly to keep you company."
10 years ago
Waits for Elizaveta to notice her, setting about making three cups of tea.
Ludwig was
10 years ago
eyeing them as the water heats. He clears his throat “I‘ll be back..“ He makes an escape to the bathroom.
10 years ago
Laughs as Germany practically flees. 'I forgot how cute he was as a kid....' She shakes off the thought, grinning as she returns to Elizaveta's question. 'It went well enough that I am being you chocolates and_
10 years ago
Wine as a thank you.'
10 years ago
Laughs at the thought, 'I dunno. Maybe he ran off for a soapy shower.' She will tease him relentlessly afterwards, if it's the case.
10 years ago
did not get a boner...he was honestly just showering.
10 years ago
comes back ten minutes later dressed and proper as he comes back downstairs to check up on them.
10 years ago
Turns when the other enters, a sly grin on her face. 'I don't remember you being that quick.'
10 years ago
quirks a brow not quite getting her meaning. "A shower shouldn't take that long."
10 years ago
Can't not grin, 'Aye. But a cheeky fiddle shouldn't be that short.'
10 years ago
's gaze turns to Elizaveta for help. "My violin is normal size...why are we talking about it?'
10 years ago
clues in and turns red. "I'm not an animal!| He was able to control himself, not always the best at it but he could do it.
10 years ago
Laughs at his reaction, 'But you are a teenager.' She slings an arm over Elizaveta's shoulder, 'You must be exhausted, poppet?'
10 years ago
flushes but shuts his mouth going to make himself a tea with the heated water.
10 years ago
Follows him, ruffling his hair. 'Fecking adorable. Cute enough to eat.'
10 years ago
tries to swat the hand away in embarrassment. "You both are horrible."
10 years ago
Grins, 'And you've come to like me too, wee one.' She makes her way back over to Elizaveta, testing out her strut. 'Any better?' She asks Elizaveta, before picking up her tea and taking a sip.
10 years ago
finishes making his tea an turns around to watch then quietly.
10 years ago
Beams, 'All thanks to you~~.' She hides her proud smirk behind her cup, humming happily.
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