10 years ago
I am so frustrated by the current state of things in this world, in this social media frenzy age. When did it become so socially acceptable to break terrible news to people in texts and emails, or via social
10 years ago
media, rather than in person or at least over the phone in the case of long distance? And for a family member to do it, at that? Disgusting, really. Even if it was expected, and I knew it was coming, it is NOT
10 years ago
ok to send me a text message that my uncle has died, you fucking bitch. In NO WAY is it acceptable to tell me that in a text message. I'm still so shocked that she did it, even though I told my husband a few
10 years ago
days ago that it would happen like this. I called it, and it still makes me feel sick to my stomach.
I've got news like that in facebook or IMs, long distance involved, and it didn't bother me in the least, my family isn't rich to invest in long distance calls to everyone
and i knew it wasn't about me either, so it really never crossed my mind for it to be wrong, but that being said, i am young-ish and i grew up with the internet being my primary way of communication