10 years ago
was waiting at the restaurant he had taken Elizaveta to after the play. He was dressed to the nines, hair sleeked back and everything hoping she had gotten his note he had planted for her a
latest #289
10 years ago
few days back. He had ordered them a nice bottle of champagne to start off with.
10 years ago
spots her and immediately jumps up face a little red too but he manages to offer her a charming smile as he walks over to her and takes her arm before leading her to their table. "You look beautiful."
10 years ago
says as he pulls out her chair for her. "I'm glad you could make it."
10 years ago
pushes in her chair once she's day down and takes a sit himself. "It reminded me of you." He says pouring her a glass of champagne.
10 years ago
nods, smiling and remembering. "I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of ordering for us." He had ordered the same thing as last time but they'd eat what each other had.
10 years ago
smiles lightly. "I was hoping you would let me..." He's gently caressing the top of her hand with his thumb.
10 years ago
flushes a bit. "I've never taken you out on a proper date...and it's something different from what I've been putting you these last few days."
10 years ago
is glad when the food is brought and placed in their proper spots. "I hope to keep making you happy."
10 years ago
flushes but smile. "Guten Appetite~" He says motioning to the food.
10 years ago
was watching her more than eating and he can't help but smile. "Ja, it is a good dish. I think you only got to try it last time."
10 years ago
hums at that. "Take all the time in the world." He continues on his meal. It was quite good as well.
10 years ago
hums chewing his food. "An opera and then there are fireworks right after it. I have a nice spot for us to watch them from."
10 years ago
smiles a bit at that. "Tell me that at the end of the evening."
10 years ago
has finished his meal as well. He sips at his champagne. "We have time for some dessert if you're interested."
10 years ago
smiles and nods. "Definitely. Order whatever you like."
10 years ago
nods as he gets the waitresses attention to order the dessert for Elizaveta.
10 years ago
wasn't sure which one he wanted. "Pick one for me."
10 years ago
smiles at the choice. He was sure it would be good. The waitress was even kind enough to bring them out together.
10 years ago
quirks a brow. "Even in this?" He had tried to go for handsome but it seemed he couldn't escape being cute. He picks up his fork.
10 years ago
flushes at the compliments. "As I've said many times I really just want to treat you right. But thank you for the compliments."
10 years ago
nods. "That means a lot." He stabs a fruit with his fork trying the dessert.
10 years ago
takes the piece off of her fork, chewing it and enjoying it. He offers her some of his.
10 years ago
does too but concentrates on his for a while. "Rigoletti."
10 years ago
shakes his head. "No, not very often."
10 years ago
smiles lightly. "I like to go bit I hardly have time...I usually chose a football match of an opera."
10 years ago
smiles. "I'd love to take you to one." The idea was exciting.
10 years ago
finishes his. “We should probably head to the opera house.“
10 years ago
gets up and pulls her against him as he guides her over so he can pay. He thanks the waitress and soon guides her outside to his car.
10 years ago
smiles at the kiss and brings her over to open the car door for her.
10 years ago
goes over to his side and eases in before starting the car and driving to the opera house.
10 years ago
smiles at that but keeps his eyes on the road before making it to the parking lot and finding a good spot to park.
10 years ago
only barely manages to kiss her back before he's flushing lightly and getting out of the car to open her door.
10 years ago
leans forward to kiss her gently. He offers her his arm again. "I hope you enjoy this...I looked into many possible options. This storyline was one of the best."
10 years ago
leads her inside and takes her jacket draping it over his arm as he pulls out two tickets and are immediately directed to their seats...which so happen to be on a balcony to themselves.
10 years ago
hums, he had pulled some strings. "We get free drinks with the balcony so to be shy." He's already taking a seat.
10 years ago
smiles at her. "I wanted tonight to be special...."
10 years ago
glances up when the first sounds of the orchestra begin to signal the beginning of the opera.
10 years ago
smiles at that and kisses her temple putting an arm over her and cuddling her against his side.
10 years ago
settles and watches the opera.
10 years ago
had almost forgotten so was always pleased when they were brought to them. They were on their final act.
10 years ago
Occasionally steals some kisses for himself.
10 years ago
stands as well before taking a seat when the curtain closes. "Let's wait until it's less busy. We have a bit of time before the fireworks."
10 years ago
kisses her back lightly. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
10 years ago
kisses her lips again. "Ja, I'd really like that."
10 years ago
hugs he back as he gently pulls her up. "Let's get to the spot for the fireworks." Instead of going down they end up heading up.
10 years ago
leads her out onto the roof of the opera house. A little further from them was a blanket on the ground, two chairs each with a blanket on it and a chilled bottle of white wine.
10 years ago
flushes a dark red. " took me a bit of convincing to the owner."
10 years ago
kisses the top of her head hugging her close. "I wanted too..."
10 years ago
caresses her back letting her take her time. "Let's enjoy it together." He murmurs.
10 years ago
kisses her and pulls her towards it. "It starts in ten minutes."
10 years ago
wraps the blankets around them and strokes her hair as they wait.
10 years ago
pulls away briefly to pour them some wine before getting comfortable just in time for the beginning of the fireworks.
10 years ago
sips at his remaining close.
10 years ago
couldn't agree more as he lets her. He's enjoying the night thoroughly.
10 years ago
rests his head against the top of hers.
10 years ago
wraps an arm around her waist as the fireworks continue.
10 years ago
glances at her and smiles as he leans forward to capture her lips in a firm but sweet kiss.
10 years ago
flushes a bit. "Only for you." Which was true because he had know that Elizaveta liked romantic things and made an effort to treat her every so often.
10 years ago
smiles. "Your welcome.." He replies overwhelmed by how much she seemed to like it.
10 years ago
finishes his wine. The arm wrapped around her waist gently caressing her stomach.
10 years ago
kisses her neck. "Don't worry about the how."
10 years ago
smiles against her skin nuzzling against it. "Good~"
10 years ago
pulls her close against him shifting to accommodate her weight and make her comfortable.
10 years ago
chuckles. "I've been told I generate a lot of heat."
10 years ago
kisses the back of her neck wrapping his own blanket around her too. "I'm glad."
10 years ago
pays more attention to her but lets her enjoy the fireworks first and foremost.
10 years ago
shifts laughing a bit. "Does it bother you ?"
10 years ago
hugs her. "I've seen many before."
10 years ago
nuzzles against her noes. "It does make it special."
10 years ago
kisses her back shifting her on his lap a bit.
10 years ago
gently caresses her back as he kisses her back just as deeply.
Ludwig loves
10 years ago
the dress on her and the elegance sh exhumes. He pesses forward for more kisses.
10 years ago
flushes at her. “I love you...“
10 years ago
kisses her softly. "I'm always happy to hear that."
10 years ago
kisses her. "Say it again..please."
10 years ago
looks ridiculously happy. After she's done he hugs her close and kisses the top of her head several time.
10 years ago
smiles and hums just holding her close. "They're almost done."
10 years ago
nods. "It would be a waste if we didn't."
10 years ago
does the same hugging her tightly.
10 years ago
is pleased with the ending an loosens his hold. This was all he had planned because he wasn't sure how tired they would be. "Are you tired at all?"
10 years ago
hums trying to think of something. "Well, we can go home or I think there is a place with ballroom dancing if you're interested."
10 years ago
had a feeling that was going to be the answer. "They might stare because I'm so much younger." He didn't care but he wanted to make sure she didn't either.
10 years ago
laughs. "I was quite a good dancer at this age." He smiles a little devilish. "They'll think it weird if I were kissing my aunty like this." He says as he leans forward kissing her deeply and teasingly.
10 years ago
's expression softens. "But what should we really care...ja? Let's go." He pulls her up with him.
10 years ago
shakes his head. "I'm legal regardless."
10 years ago
laughs. "Then, in that case, let's go enjoy ourselves." He says as he leads them down and out of the opera house. "We can walk there, I hope you don't mind>"
10 years ago
slips his hand into hers. "It is a nice night. Did you want your jacket?"
10 years ago
gets it ready for her to slip into.
10 years ago
flushes. "I'd help you into your coat regardless the circumstances." His hand finds hers again to hold it and keep it warm as they start to walk down the street.
10 years ago
hums as he guides her into a building. The music quite loud. He pays for their entrance and opens the door for her. "There's sitting areas so maybe find a table first and then we can start dancing."
10 years ago
|It looked as if they had gone back nearly two hundred years. "They take it very seriously here if you can notice how everyone is dressed."
10 years ago
wouldn't have offered to bring her if they hadn't dressed up. "It's a good night for it." He says gently pulling her coat off and draping it on a chair.
10 years ago
takes it and smiles pulling her out onto the dance floor.
10 years ago
strokes her hand as he pulls her around the dance floor in good form. It had been a while.
10 years ago
remembers all the other times they had danced together. It was nice, he never really did it with anyone before hand.
10 years ago
flushes. "This you can actually blame Roderich...he wouldn't let me leave until I had perfected the steps."
10 years ago
laughs. "Sounds very much like Roderich." It seemed they both couldn't escape his instructions.
10 years ago
, at the time, had been more interested with Gilbert's physical training to want to properly learn how to dance. "No, I doubt he did."
10 years ago
smiles. "I can tell."
10 years ago
continues to guide her around the room ignoring the occasional odd look.
10 years ago
laughs. " Can we do it naked and then fall asleep afterwards?"
10 years ago
takes them around one more time before he's tugging her off the dance floor. "Let's go home."
10 years ago
grabs her jacket and readies it for her.
10 years ago
pulls on his before grasping her hand. "Of course, let me know when you want to come back." He leads her out and back in the direction of the opera house parking lot.
10 years ago
slides his arm over her shoulders. "It was a really busy evening but I'm glad." He smiles as they make it to his car and he's opening the door for her.
10 years ago
smiles. "I'd not done we still have one more part." He winks as he enters his side of the car and starts it shifting in reverse and then shifting again to drive off back home.
10 years ago
stops as close to the door as possible before turning off the engine. He sits there for a second. "Thank you for actually coming out."
10 years ago
's lip quirks up as he finally gets out to go open her door at the very least.
10 years ago
gently pets her hair as he wraps an around around her waist. He guides her awkwardly up the stairs and unlocks the door for them.
10 years ago
gets fed up with the mild struggle and just lifts her up in his arms. He gives her an impressed look but obviously he doesn't actually mean it before heading upstairs to their bedroom.
10 years ago
flushes at that. "I'll make up for it now." He says as kisses the side of her face first before gently lowering her on the bed and kissing her properly.
10 years ago
lays at her side on his side so he can kiss her firmly and passionately.
10 years ago
can't help but agree as he starts giving her open mouth kisses.
10 years ago
pulls her closer smiling into the kisses. "This was a really good idea." He breathes.
10 years ago
had to stop to help her unbutton his jacket, best and shirt. He was wearing a few layers.
10 years ago
smiles at her. "I had a feeling you would like this." He says as he shrugs the jacket and vest off keeping his unbuttoned blouse on.
10 years ago
watches her for a bit. "Take off my pants."
10 years ago
lifts his hips by putting all the weight on his forearms.
10 years ago
| They were already half off anyway. "Ja, that too."
10 years ago
glances up at her in only his blouse. "Do you want me to take yours off? Or do you want to do it yourself?"
10 years ago
smiles as he sits up, spreading his legs to pull her into the space as he unzips her dress his chin on her shoulders as he nuzzles her neck.
10 years ago
smiles as he blows against her skin. He's tugging her dress down letting it pool at her feet.
10 years ago
laughs. "Sorry." He trails a hand down her back. "I like your matching bra and underwear." He kisses the top of her breast.
10 years ago
smiles nuzzling his face against her. "I loved it on you."
10 years ago
chuckles. "Well that you never have to worry about."
10 years ago
kisses her back. "Lay down with me..."
10 years ago
smiles and joins her settling in against her an wrapping his arms around her.
10 years ago
kisses her. "I do too."
10 years ago
flushes a bit. "I've heard stories and....there are movies and books..." It was mildly pathetic.
10 years ago
still feels embarrassed. "Did it bother you that I was inexperienced?"
10 years ago
nods a bit as he pulls the blanket over them. It had never been a priority when he was younger not had he had much opportunity either.
10 years ago
nods lightly. "You haven't told anyone have you?"
10 years ago
hums a bit at that. "I see..." He closes his eyes when she begins stroking his hair.
10 years ago
smiles lightly. "I'm not worried."
10 years ago
buries his face against her. "I like this...I always like this." He was referring to what they were doing right that moment.
10 years ago
snuggles in closer resting his head against her. "It is..." He has an arm draped over her stomach.
10 years ago
tightens his hold on her pulling her better against him. "I like the sound of that." He presses a kiss to her skin. "Good night, Liebling."
10 years ago
hums as he gently caresses her skin trying to lull her to sleep. "It was my plesaure."
Ludwig is
10 years ago
awake for a bit longer before he's falling asleep too.
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