10 years ago
is seeking a bit of aid from Francis. He was a little red from embarrassment as he stood in front of the man's door unsure.
latest #180
Francis is
10 years ago
inside enjoying a book and a cup of hot cocoa.
10 years ago
gets over himself after a while and knocks on the door.
10 years ago
blinks up at the knock, setting his book down. <<Coming!>> he calls out, straightening his clothes before opening the door. He grins a bit at who he sees. "Ah, Ludwig my dear! Always a pleasure," he
10 years ago
greets, stepping aside to let him in.
10 years ago
steps in his clothes still a little to big for him. The red darkens a little. "Hallo Francis...I was wondering if I could ask for your help...again."
10 years ago
smiles at him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders (it wasn't often that Ludwig was small enough to do so) and leading him in. "Of course, of course! I'll make you a cup of cocoa and you can ask away~" he
10 years ago
offers, pulling away once they're in the kitchen.
10 years ago
glances at the hand over his shoulder finding it very odd since he was never this short. He lets the man lead him. "Danke, Francis. I appreciate it."
10 years ago
smiles, quickly whipping him up a cup of homemade cocoa with whipped topping and handing it to him. He had decided a cold day like this deserved a little more than coffee or tea. He leads him back to the living
10 years ago
room where his own cup was waiting, settling back onto the couch and patting the seat next to him. "So, what seems to be the issue?" he asks, smiling at the now younger man.
10 years ago
watches him quietly as he makes the rich smelling cocoa. He takes it gingerly in his hand when offered to him with a small smile before following him out to the living room. He glances at the seat
10 years ago
next to Francis when it's patted for a few moments before complying. "I...I need to find something nice that fits." He says talking about his clothes. "I want to take Elizaveta out for a special night
10 years ago
...that won't run her down..." His face goes really red at the last part.
10 years ago
hums softly, though a grin tugs at his lips at the second half, already well aware of Eliza's issues about her energetic lover. "Mmm, so you want to wine and dine her rather than marathon love making~?" he
10 years ago
teases with a grin. "Oui, I can help. I'm assuming you'd like me ot take you shopping, seeing as my clothes would also fit you wrong." They'd be closer, but still not a perect fit.
10 years ago
goes a little redder (if that were at all possible). "Ja, essentially...if it's not to much trouble..."
10 years ago
laughs a little at the blush, pleased he could tease him so easily. "No trouble at all mon fils~! I quite enjoy shopping. Would you like to go now, or sometime later..?" he hums.
10 years ago
glances at the mug if hot cocoa. "Perhaps after rush."
10 years ago
smiles, nodding. "Oui, of course. I more meant today or a different night, cher," he smiles, sipping his own cocoa. "Ahh, it'll be fun to take you shopping again. Remember when you were a little
10 years ago
baby for a bit~?" he teases, fondly reminiscing about their impromptu shopping trip that day.
10 years ago
sips at his not realizing the cream got on his upper lip. "Ja...I remember that. You were a woman."
10 years ago
blinks as he spots the moustace, covering his mouth to try and not giggle. "Indeed. That was so much fun~"
10 years ago
continues to sip at it. He hums in thought. "You don't think I'll become any younger do you? Maybe I won't turn back?" He's becoming a little worried.
10 years ago
hums softly. "I doubt it's permanent. Gregory has also changed for the time being, but I wager all will be back to normal soon enough." He grins though, motioning to his lip. "Besides, you're already growing
10 years ago
up. You've got a moustache~" he teases.
10 years ago
blinks and goes red as he realises the implications and wipes it off. "How long was it there for?"
10 years ago
laughs at that, pleased with the reaction. "Not too long, no worries~"
10 years ago
thinks back on Gregory. "What happened to him?"
10 years ago
grins and lowers his voice conspiratorily in case Gregory was around. "He's a she at the moment~"
10 years ago
makes a noise of apprehension, poor guy. He was having a hard enough time being younger but the opposite sex must have been difficult to adapt to at first. "How is he coping with it now?"
10 years ago
laughs at that, sinking back into the couch. "He's coping by teasing me," he pouts.
10 years ago
'a lip curves up at that. "Ah...unfortunate isn't it?"
10 years ago
pouts more! "It's so rude," he huffs.
10 years ago
found it a little amusing. "I'm sure if the tables were turned you would do the same."
10 years ago
hums, thinking back. "....well, yes. But that's different!" he insists.
10 years ago
quirks a brow as he finishes his cocoa. "I fail to see how it is."
10 years ago
hums. "...because it is," he huffs, though it's obvious he's hardly upset about it anyways.
10 years ago
places his mug on his lap pensively. "Do you ever wonder why stuff like this happens, Francis? This changing of age or gender."
10 years ago
considers that a moment, before shrugging a little. "I usually just blame it on England."
10 years ago
smiles lightly. "Of course...anyway, I'm ready when you are."
10 years ago
nods, finishing off his cocoa and setting the glass aside. "Let's go then~" he replies, standing and adjustign his clothes.
10 years ago
nods as well getting up and following after him. There was really no point adjusting his clothes too much considering they were quite a bit bigger than him.
10 years ago
leads him out the car, hopping in and waiting for Ludwig before starting off..
10 years ago
settles into the passenger seat and puts on his seat belt. He really is relieved Francis is willing to do this for him.
Francis is
10 years ago
always happy to help those in need of fashion assistance~! Soon enough they're at the section of the city he likes to shop in, and he climbs out, debating which stores to go to first.
10 years ago
gets out too and edges closer to Francis nearly being elbowed in the gut by a passerby.
10 years ago
blinks as he notices that, wrapping his arm around Lud's waist and pulling him close. "Alright, so where are you looking to take Eliza on this magical night out~?"
10 years ago
flushes at the action but appreciates it. "To a restaurant we went to when we went on an unofficial date...well neither onus realised what would come from it."
10 years ago
perks up at that, smiling widely. "Oh dieu, that's terribly adorable! We must find you something perfect," he hums, leading him down the street to one of his favourite stores.
10 years ago
was embarrassed sharing that. He's lead into a nice store as he steps in looking around.
10 years ago
smiles, he really liked seeing the swet side of the German like this. He lets go of him once they're in the store, going to chat with an attendant about a fitting and suggestions.
10 years ago
was glancing at some clothes as he waits for Francis and the attendant.
10 years ago
smiles, motioning Lud over so he can get fitted, as he starts to browse the suggested clothes.
Ludwig is
10 years ago
compliant as they measure his arms, back and shoulders.
10 years ago
waits for the attendant to report the size necessary before grabbing an armful of suits, coming back to Ludwig with a grin. "I am sure you'll look smashing in anything, but let's start with these."
10 years ago
flushes a bit. "If there's any way I can repay you Francis for the help let me know." He was very sincere about that.
10 years ago
grins at that. "You could give me a kiss~" he teases, handing him the first suit.
10 years ago
flushes as he takes the suit and escapes into the change room to try it on. He comes out moments later to show Francis.
10 years ago
waits patiently, smiling when he comes out. "Hmm... that looks nice on you, how does it fit?"
10 years ago
lifts his arms. "Not bad. It might be a little long on the sleeves."
10 years ago
hums, examining the sleeves. "Yes, I can see that. Also I think it's maybe the wrong colour on you..." he hums, shooing him back. "Alright alright, next~"
10 years ago
heads back in to change and come out again uncertain but wanting Francis' approval.
10 years ago
looks him over again, before shaking his head. "No, definitely not. "
10 years ago
goes back in and tries on something else before coming back out.
10 years ago
hums, getting him to turn around. "Yes to the shirt, I think. Your butt looks really nice in those pants though~"
10 years ago
flushes at that. "Should I keep the pants an shirt?"
10 years ago
hums in debate, eyeing him up. "Put it in the maybe pile and show me the next one," he smiles, obviously having fun.
10 years ago
nods as he goes back in putting it in the proper pile and fitting into the next one coming out. There were so many to pick from...Francis was thorough if anything.
Francis was
10 years ago
truthfully enjoying having Ludwig put on a personal fashion show. Too bad he couldn't get a few more risque outfits for him too... He hums, looking him up and down and grinning when he sees the
10 years ago
next suit. "Oh, yes. This one makes you look like a man again~" he teases, coming over to smooth the arms down and admire him.
10 years ago
flushes but appreciates the comment. "Really?" He sounded hopeful. Francis would have to get him drunk before he tries risqué outfits for him.
10 years ago
grins, nodding. "Oui, obviously a bit thinner, not as buff. But you look pretty good still~" he answers, stealing a quick grope of his butt.
10 years ago
jumps his face turning red at the public grope. He was just as bad as Elizaveta. "Francis...we're in public..."
10 years ago
laughs softly and shrugs. "That's alright~" he teases.
10 years ago
's lips thin but he doesn't protest further the man was helping him. "Is this the one than or should I try on a few more?"
10 years ago
hums in debate, looking him up and down again. "What do you have left to try on?"
10 years ago
peeks into the change room and pulls out a jacket and two pants. "These but I won't be to vexed if I don't have to try them on."
10 years ago
hums, coming over to take the jacket from him and look it over critically. "Hmm... if it's just one outfit we need to get you today, then the one you're wearing is better than this one," he answers,
10 years ago
hanging it back up. "And paired with the previous pants, I think we have a winner."
10 years ago
wouldn't want to buy another one. He's assuming the change isn't permanent. "Just one."
10 years ago
nods. "Alright, alright. This one it is then~! Now we need you a nice tie and cufflinks. Do you have shoes?"
10 years ago
shakes his head...none that fit right. "No, ...My feet grew an extra seize a few years later..."
10 years ago
smiles and pats his shoulder sympathetically. "Alright, I know just the place~ Go change," he smiles, stepping back to let him do so.
10 years ago
steps back in quickly changing and grabbing the outfit they had decided on before coming back out to meet Francis a bit lost. He does have hi wallet out though.
Francis is
10 years ago
browsing through the ties that the store has, but doesn't seem pleased with any of the choices. He smiles when he spots Ludwig though, stepping over to him, and ready to let him pay for it.
10 years ago
puts the purchase through thanking the man before heading out making sure to hold the door open for the Frenchman. "Are we staying in this area?"
10 years ago
thanks him and hums, looking around. "There's a good shoe store about three blocks down that way," he says, motioning. "Would you like to drive, or walk over?"
10 years ago
glances in that direction. "Let's walk. It's a nice day."
10 years ago
smiles in agreement, leading the way. "I do hope the weather lasts... it's been so nice."
10 years ago
falls into step beside him. He was feeling a lot better about this decision to come ask the man for help. "I've looked into the forecast and it's supposed to be consistent for a while. You may get
10 years ago
many more." He says conversationally.
10 years ago
smiles and nods in agreement. "You can come visit me if it doesn't stay nice in Germany~" he offers. "I always enjoy having a hunk around~"
10 years ago
flushes. "I'll keep that in mind. Don't be a stranger yourself."
10 years ago
chuckles at the, grinning up at him at the flush. "Of course not~ Especially not when you're this cute~"
10 years ago
runs a hand through his hair and hums unsure what to say with looking more embarrassed.
10 years ago
grins, patting his bum 'comfortingly'. "The stores just up ahead here," he points out, stopping when they're in front of it.
10 years ago
would not have called that comfortingly. He enters the store glancing around but staying near the Frenchman. "What do you recommend?"
10 years ago
grins as he walks in after him, pausing to consider the choices around. "Hmm... something dark, of course.. mayybe....." he hums, looking at the selection and pulling a pair off the shelf. "How do
10 years ago
these look to you?"
10 years ago
eyes them an reaches for the one on the right. "I really like this one...could we get it in a size that I can still use when I go back to being normal?"
10 years ago
nods at his choice. "Oui. How close are your current feet to your usual size?"
10 years ago
doesn't have to think to hard. "One size off."
10 years ago
hums. "Well, it'd be better to get you a proper sized pair for your date then. But if you'd rather, you could also try wearing oversized socks to wear them at your usual size?"
10 years ago
shakes his head. It wasn't worth it. "I'll just get the proper size...I don't
Want to be tripping over my feet especially if we go dancing."
10 years ago
smiles at that thought, nodding in agreement. "Good choice. I like this other pair then, but you ought to try them on to make sure~"
10 years ago
nods as he flags the attendant and asks for both shoes in his side before sitting down and waiting for him to come back.
10 years ago
smiles, letting him do so. He comes over while Ludwig's waiting, starting to play with his hair. "So are you slicking it back again for this, or...?"
10 years ago
nods. "Do you have a better suggestion?" He asks at the same time two boxes are brought over to him and he's trying on one set of shoes.
10 years ago
hums, considering it as Ludwig tries on the shoes. "Short of a cut, there's not a lot your hair can do..."
10 years ago
takes off the first pair, after walking a bit in them, and tries the second. "It is quite short...really only two things I can do with it and you've seen them both."
10 years ago
nods, watching him walk around. "What if you styled it up, like the younger generation is fond of nowadays?" (( ))
10 years ago
quirks a brow at that sitting back down. "How is that again?" He asks as he pulls off that pair to contemplate them both.
10 years ago
smiles at him, running a hand through the teen's hair to push it up. "Like that, or something close to it...?" he hums in debate, trying to tell if her likes it on him, or if it was too unnatural.
10 years ago
can't really see it but understands now. "Maybe if I were playing football." He says as he pushes it up a little more so Francis could see it properly.
10 years ago
hums, nodding in agreement. "Perhaps not the best choic for a formal dinner," he shrugs.
10 years ago
has made his decision. "I think I'll take these ones."
10 years ago
smiles at his choice. "Bon. They fit you well enough for dancing?" he double checks.
10 years ago
nods. "Very well actually." He affirms.
10 years ago
grins, taking the pair from him so he can put his other shoes back on. "Excellent~ I am sure you'll swep her off her feet," he smiles, admiring the shoes. "All that's left then is a good tie.... unless you want
10 years ago
something fancy to wear underneath to surprise her~" he teases.
10 years ago
puts his shoes on and tries to decipher what he meant from that. "A tie would be good."
10 years ago
means lace panties or something equally naughty... he did know how much Eliza liked gender play, after all. "Mhm. Go pay for these, and I know a god suit shop nearby that has a whole wall of ties, usually."
10 years ago
nods as he gets up and pays. He's ready very quickly and stands by the door waiting for Francis.
10 years ago
follows after him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and leading him further down the street. "So, doing anything ore than dinner and dancing~?"
10 years ago
nods. "I have tickets to an opera and then there are fireworks I want to watch with her."
10 years ago
smiles, swoonign teasingly. "You're such a good boyfriend~~"
10 years ago
flushes. "I thought this was normal..."
10 years ago
hums happily. "It is. Among good boyfriends~" he smiles, pleased that Ludwig was such a good kid.
10 years ago
lets Francis continue leading. "It's good to know I'm doing something right."
10 years ago
pushes open the door to the next store, letting him in first. "I do appreciate how Eliza has made you loosen up a little though. Not as stuffy as you used to be," he teases.
10 years ago
flushes again. He wasn't sure how to take that comment. "Ah...thank you?" He seems a little confused bit he enters the shop anyway wanting to make quick work of this.
10 years ago
chuckles at his confusion. He follows him in, going straight for the collection of ties and looking over them thoughtfully.
10 years ago
follows him and occasionally points one out to get the others opinion.
10 years ago
hums, turning down quite a few, being picky. Eventually he does come to a decision though, offering up a tie to him.
10 years ago
studies it quietly for a second befo
10 years ago
before nodding. "Ja, that's a good one."
10 years ago
smiles, handing it to him. "Bon! In that case... I think you're set~"
10 years ago
is pleased that it was so quick. He goes to pay an gives Francis an appreciative smile. "Tell me how I can make it up to you. I want to show my gratitude."
10 years ago
hums happily. "Mm, nonsense, I had fun! I wouldn't mind a kiss~" he winks.
10 years ago
flushes at that. He glances around quickly to make sure no one was looking and pecks his cheek his face going even redder. The colour was even rubbing down his neck.
10 years ago
grins, nearly squealing at how absolutely adorable that was!
10 years ago
tries to hide his face by looking to the side.
10 years ago
laughs happily, pulling him in for cheek kisses before letting him go pay for the tie.
10 years ago
is beet red and scurries over to pay for the tie getting asked if that was his boyfriend, which causes him to become even redder before making his way back to Francis side his gaze on the floor.
10 years ago
grins happily, draping an arm over his shoulders as he leads Ludwig back out to the street, pleased with embarrassing him. "Shall we go for drinks to celebrate this fine day?"
10 years ago
thinks that's a great idea. "Ja, I'd like that actually."
10 years ago
smiles. "Excellent~ Let's take your new suit back to the car, and I know a little place just past where we parked we can go~"
10 years ago
follows him to the car and makes sure to place it in the trunk before closing it and stretching a bit. "Lead the way~"
10 years ago
unlocks the car and waits for him, smiling. "Just up here," he confirms, leading the way to a little restaurant. He leads him in, quickly getting them a table near the window.
10 years ago
studies the place and smiles. "Nice place." He hums taking a seat.
10 years ago
smiles at the compliment. "Thanks~ I always enjoy coming here after a hard day's shopping~" he laughs.
10 years ago
chuckles at that. "I can imagine. That was probably easier than most shopping experiences." It was far from his favourite thing to do.
10 years ago
laughs a little. "Usually it takes me a lot more time to decide on things.." he hums. It was easier shopping for someone else.
10 years ago
smiles as he glances over the options of beer. "I usually know what I wan when I do decide to go shopping."
10 years ago
hums. "I have a rough idea!" he defends, though smiling.
10 years ago
decides on one. "A rough idea, no wonder it takes you so long."
10 years ago
laughs, having already decided on his usual drink. "It's alright, it makes it more fun~"
10 years ago
catches the waiters attention so that they can both order. "I'm not sure about that."
10 years ago
just laughs in reply, greeting the waiter. It was obviously someone he was familiar with and he chats him up a bit before placing his order.
10 years ago
smiles lightly at the waiter. He really hoped the beer was good.
10 years ago
usually didn't get beer, so he hadn't an idea what to tell Lud about that. He smiles and relaxes back in his seat. "I don't tell him, but his grandfather was a very good friend of mine. I helped him out a bit
10 years ago
when he first opened this place..." he sighs dreamily, a little nostalgic.
10 years ago
smiles at that. "Interesting how we can see things like this flourish over the decades and centuries."
10 years ago
nods, smiling softly at him. "It can be so nice to watch the world grow up..." he hums softly.
10 years ago
nods. "It really can..." He didn't want to also say that it could be incredibly depressing as well.
Francis was
10 years ago
refraining from bringing it up as well. He smiles when the waiter brings over the drinks though, thanking him before he goes on his way again.
10 years ago
pulls his beer closer and sips on it pleased. "It's a nice place Francis. Thanks or bringing me here."
10 years ago
hums softly in agreement, sipping his wine. "Of course, on ami. Any time you want a day out in France, just ask~"
10 years ago
smiles appreciatingly. "I'll let you know."
10 years ago
smiles back at him. "Bon~ You're fun to play dress up with," he winks teasingly.
10 years ago
flushes a bit and hides behind his beer mug. "I'm sure there are more fun people to dress up."
10 years ago
hums in consideration. "Perhaps, but I really like how embarrassed you get over it~" he teases.
10 years ago
flushes a little darker and shoots him a none meaningful glare at his teasing. "Something's really never change."
10 years ago
laughs delightedly. "They don't need to~"
10 years ago
can't help but smile a bit at that. "True, I'd wonder what was wrong with you if they did."
10 years ago
chuckles, shaking his head. "How rude."
10 years ago
smiles. "Rude or true."
10 years ago
hus in thought. "...both."
10 years ago
10 years ago
laughs. "Fair enough."
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