England is
10 years ago
knitting scarves for Christmas gifts.
latest #21
10 years ago
Glances over his shoulder, humming. 'Is that for me?' She asks, planning to his Arthur a fright.
10 years ago
jumped a bit at the voice and frowned when he looked over at... oh... he stared for a moment. "I didn't do that..." he pointed out to her. It was odd seeing his brother like that.
10 years ago
Chuckles when the other jumps, joining him on the couch. She sighs, 'Seriously? You didn't?' She leans back, 'Guess I will have to get used to free drinks for a while then.'
10 years ago
frowned over at her again as she sat down. "Well you do look a whole lot better like that." He went back to his knitting doing a few more stitches. "Besides if I wanted to annoy you I'd make you a kid."
10 years ago
Stretches out her legs, smirking. 'I know, right?' She ignores the kid comment. 'I bet you would even buy me a drink, huh?'
10 years ago
shakes his head as he shifted to knit another row. "Not unless I wanted to piss Brendan off."
10 years ago
Grins, 'Just what I want to hear. Although I am sure he would buy me one.' She settles for watching him knit. 'What have you two been up
10 years ago
10 years ago
shrugged a bit as he continued knitting, it was a good distraction. "Haven't seen him in a while..."
10 years ago
Isn't quite sure what to say, making a bit of a face. 'Would you like a cup of tea?'
10 years ago
paused and looked over at her before nodding. "If you're making it." He set his knitting aside and shifted, "you know it's not like I have a very social life, so it doesn't really matter."
10 years ago
Looks annoyed with that, standing up. 'It doesn't matter whether you have a good social life or not. You shouldn't be left to
10 years ago
Looks annoyed with that, standing up. 'It doesn't matter whether you have a good social life or not. You shouldn't be left to
10 years ago
*left pining away.' She moves to make the tea. She was protective over all her siblings.
10 years ago
raised a brow and glanced over to the kitchen to watch her. "Not pining away. Work keeps me busy enough. So how are you and Francis doing?"
10 years ago
Smiles, 'He's helping me do up the house. I guess you could say we're getting pretty serious.' She puts on a pot, setting it on the stove.
10 years ago
went back to knitting as he listened to her. "That's good, sounds like you're content."
10 years ago
Smiles, 'I am... Very much so. I just hope he feels the same.' He places a cup at Arthur's side, just how he likes it.
10 years ago
thanked him for the tea as he set his knitting aside and picked up his tea. "I am sure he does..." he knew Francis well enough, he was sure the man did feel the same about his brother.
10 years ago
Smiles, leaning against the counter as she sips her tea. 'Yeah.' She watches Arthur for a few moments before humming, 'You do know I just want you all to be happy.'
10 years ago
glanced over at her again and frowned a bit, "yeah... I know that. But I'm not that little kid anymore who needs your protection." He took another sip of his tea. "Sorry."
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