Francis is
10 years ago
coming to visit Eliza with a freshly made batch of macaroons in hand.
latest #126
10 years ago
knocks on the door first, before just stepping in. Fear of frying pans really never made him stop just sneaking in after all. "Eliiiizaaa~ I brought sugar~~" he calls out, pleased to see the door open.
10 years ago
grins and peeks into the living room, arching a brow at the sight as he steps in. "....are you ill...?"
Francis is
10 years ago
definitely more interested with that vauge answer. He steps over, taking a seat on the couch near her and placing the container of macaroons on the table between them. "Hmm, naughty? That's my
10 years ago
favourite kind of tale, you know that~" he grins too.
10 years ago
((wouldnt this be happening after the hike plurk?))
10 years ago
hums, thanking her for the tea and relaxing back in his seat with it. "Mhmm, I had fun teasing him before~" he replies, waiting for her to go on.
10 years ago
grins, understanding immediately. "Oh heavens, I'd nearly forgotten the effects of youth~ It must have taken you two a marathon to get you looking this tired," he teases with a grin.
10 years ago
laughs too, shaking his head. "That's my girl~ I trust you have turned it around on him a couple times by now?" Meaning strap ons, of course.
10 years ago
looks veeery interested in that story, but laughs a little and pretends to zip his lips with the little shared secret. "Sounds delicious~"
10 years ago
hums, munching on a macaroon. "Ahh youth," he hums, reminiscing. "Don't you miss it~?"
10 years ago
chuckles softly, smiling at the cute kiss. "Mm true true. Not much to miss when you're reaping the benefits anyways hm~?"
10 years ago
laughs, nodding as he sips his tea and gets an idea. "Have you tried tying him up with a toy inside yet~? I bet with his stamina it'd be a great show to see," he grins devilishly.
10 years ago
blinks at that, humming. "Well, that's a bit of cause for concern then, isn't it? The world's changed quite a bit since he was that young..."
10 years ago
chuckles softly. "Well, as long as the changes don't affect his memory then I'm sure it'll be fine."
10 years ago
grins at the thought of that. "Which can only be described as adorable, I'm sure. I'm glad to hear it though."
10 years ago
laughs. "Ooh, do share, do share!" he grins.
10 years ago
leans over to look though, laughing happily at the cute photos. "Ahhh, it has been so long since he was so young, I had almost forgotten how cute he was~~"
10 years ago
grins happily. "Ahh, I hope he continues leaving his hair down when he returns to being grown again. It always looks so nice on him~" he hums, taking a macaron for himself. "I'm pretty sure a marathon like
10 years ago
that could make anyone not a teenager sore, cherie. You're hardly old."
10 years ago
laughs and shrugs at that. "That's entirely fair too," he grins. "You should try a nice warm bath with epsom salts in it, to soothe your muscles.
10 years ago
10 years ago
hums in agreement. "Oh gosh, a spa is never a bad idea. We could go together, if you'd like?" he suggests, thinking a spa day might be rather nice for him too. uwu
10 years ago
smiles. "My treat," he offers. "Do you know of a good place around here?"
10 years ago
hums in consideration and nods. "Sounds good to me, then."
10 years ago
laughs a little at that and nods. "Oui, oui. I will wait here."
10 years ago
smiles, hopping to his feet and following her. "Tres bon~ It has been a while since I last went to a spa," he smiles.
10 years ago
follows her, pulling on his coat and shoes as he waits for her to write the note. He smiles, following her out to the car too and climbing in the passenger's side.
10 years ago
grins, always happy to brag about his love life. "Very well~ Even if it is a little more like walking on eggshells around him sometimes as it is right now," he hums happily, assuming that Eliza already knew.
10 years ago
laughs, thinking to the tiny plain skirt Gregory had donned and flushing a little. "Well, most certainly better than last time, when he wore cheap department store clothes," he chuckles, shaking his head.
10 years ago
laughs softly, nodding as he climbs out. "It's one of the things I find cute about him though. And I can't argue that the kilt is a lovely invention," he hums happily.
10 years ago
grins, catching up to fall in stride with her. "Mmm you know me, Eliza. Do you really think we wouldn't have a lot of fun together~~"
10 years ago
laughs, holding open the door for her. "Bon~" he grins, following her in.
10 years ago
hums softly. "Massages are a must. SAme with time in the hot tub. Past that... maybe that hot stone treatment, or a pedicure...?" he suggests.
10 years ago
smiles happily. "Tres bon~ Hopefully this will help your aches," he smiles teasingly.
10 years ago
laughs. "Definitely!"
10 years ago
follows with her, glancing around at their surroundings as he thanks the person that lead them. He's quick to change, eping his back to Eliza for modesty's sake~
10 years ago
didn't think she would, but he's being a gentleman! He nods in aagreement, smiling. "Oui~" he agrees, offering his arm and leading them out to the next room.
10 years ago
nods in agreement, leading her into the room with two massage tables set up, letting her lay down first before joining her. "Who can ever say no to a good massage~"
10 years ago
lays down as well, settling in. "I hope it helps~" he teases a little, the masseuses soon coming in to start.
10 years ago
smiles softly, relaxing into the soothing hands of the masseuse. This had definitely been a good idea. uwu
10 years ago
would tease her for that, if he wasn't much in the same sort of modd now, the soft background music and the soothing hands making it easy to feel warm and relaxed.
10 years ago
manages to stay awake despite the temptation, chuckling a little at Eliza's yawn as he sits up too, stretching out his back a bit. "Ahh merci~!" he thanks the two masseuses, stepping over the Eliza. "Better?"
10 years ago
nods in agreement, grinning. "Hot tub. For sure," he agrees, letting her lead the way this time.
10 years ago
lets her get in first, climbing in happily and settling into a seat at the edge of the tub, instantly feeling relaxed.
10 years ago
hums, letting his head rest on the lip of the tub. "everything is going wonderfully~" he smiles happily. "Gregory keeps teasing me though. How about you?"
10 years ago
laughs a little and nods. "He's become quite the minx," he agrees. He hums at that though, glancing over at her. "Hmm, yes so I have heard," he smiles, though he did feels a little bad for Gilbert.
10 years ago
leans over to get a look at it, smiling softly. "It's gorgeous, Eliza. You're a lucky woman~"
10 years ago
nods in agreement. "I wish he didn't across so uncute all the time like he does~" he sighs.
10 years ago
chuckles softly. "Get him to share that cuteness then~"
10 years ago
laughs. "Ahh, poor Ludwig~"
10 years ago
chuckles softly, sliding his foot up her leg playfully. "That you are~ It's a shame that having two German brothers after you didn't work so well."
10 years ago
arches a brow at that. "Well, he has always had Gilbert looking after him, so I suppose it can't be that surprising~"
10 years ago
chuckles and shakes his head. "Gilbert loves doing it himself, oui. But that doesn't mean he didn't raise his brother to be a 'good boy'~" he hums
10 years ago
10 years ago
shrugs. "Apparently not, if he's inexperienced before you got your hands on him~"
10 years ago
laughs. "Ahhh, well... I'd say that one surprises me more than if he was a virgin then," he grins.
10 years ago
hums, relaxing up to his chin in the water. "So tell me, what sort of kinky things have you been up to with him anyways~"
10 years ago
siiiiiiiighs! "But it'd be such good teasing material~~"
10 years ago
pouts. "So sad," he smiels, obviously not that upset.
10 years ago
hums softly. "Good idea~ I'll do that next I see him," he grins.
10 years ago
grins, scooting over to drape his arm around her. "Feeling better now~?"
10 years ago
chuckles happily. "Ah bon~ You know if you ever need a spa partner, I'm always here for you~" he winks.
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