casha thinks
15 years ago
sl is on a melt down - a big melt down (LOL)
latest #10
La Dulce
15 years ago
agrees... SL is F'ed up!
MagzSchmooz says
15 years ago
X-( (angry)
casha says
15 years ago
trust it to happen tonight :-(
MagzSchmooz says
15 years ago
well its good that it happend now and not later
casha says
15 years ago
yes true
Thrill says
15 years ago
and this is different, how? lol
La Dulce says
15 years ago
true Thrill... true!
KC Nightfire
15 years ago
(angry) (angry) (angry)
Thrill says
15 years ago
sooo.. if you melt down SL what to you end up with? A pile of smoldering shit!
La Dulce says
15 years ago
:-o (lmao)
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