Gilbert is
10 years ago
absolutely hammered, and trying to crawl in through Francis' window. He's failing spectacularly.
latest #136
Francis is
10 years ago
cooking dinner when he hears crash sounds from the living room. He frowns, stepping quietly into the living room. "Hello..?"
10 years ago
managed to fall on his head, and is just laying on the floor, curled around a rather large bottle of jager.
10 years ago
turns the corner and pauses when he sees the sight, laughing. "Gilbert, you do know you are welcome through the door?" he laughs, leaning down to help him up.
10 years ago
stumbles, leaning against Francis. "I'm...I'm the worst. Ever."
10 years ago
blinks at that, letting Gilbert lean and trying to get them to the couch. Maybe this wasn't fun drunk time. "'re hardly the worst, why would you think that?"
10 years ago
flops onto the couch, dragging Francis down with him. "He...He gave her a promise ring..."
10 years ago
lets himself be dragged down, wrapping his arm around him comfortingly. He freezes though, immediately able to know who he was referring to . "Ah... well... that still doesn't mean you're terrible, mon ami."
10 years ago
nods drunkenly. "Does...I went to see her...with flowers." Like a dumbass, what was he hoping to accomplish exactly?
10 years ago
smiles softly, rubbing his bck. "It still just means you're a lovesick puppy, cher. How did she react...?"
10 years ago
whines into his stomach. "Didn't give her....and I'm not!" ughhhhhhh
10 years ago
laughs a little. "You are, don't lie. I'm sorry that it doesn't work out for you though. I know how long you've liked her..."
10 years ago
swats at Francis, and misses by...a lot. "Shut up."
10 years ago
chuckles at the miss, humming softly. "Non."
10 years ago
huffs, squirming a little against him. "Shitty friend..."
10 years ago
laughs, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "You love me~"
10 years ago
swats at him again, missing...again. "So? Still a shitty friend."
10 years ago
chuckles. "What do you expect me to do?" he asks, threading his fingers through Gil's hair.
10 years ago
whines softly, burying against him. This sucked.
10 years ago
cuddles him close, trying to be reassuring. It was hard to tell what to do for him though.
10 years ago
would appreciate a bullet to the head. Obviously alcohol hadn't worked as well as he'd anticipated.
Francis is
10 years ago
hardly going to do that. "Would you like me to make you something to eat, or...?"
10 years ago
shakes his head. "Jus' tell me what to do...."
10 years ago
hums softly, pulling Gilbert into a close embrace. "I'm sorry amour. I do not think there is much you can do in this situation, unless the three of you agreed to work as a trio," he answers softly,
10 years ago
rubbing his back. "Ludwig and Eliza seem happy, and I'm sorry that you are still in love with her..."
10 years ago
huffs against him. "I'm a shit brother, Fran....shoulda left them alone."
10 years ago
kisses his forehead. "It's fine Gilbert, I am pretty sure they'll forgive you...."
Gilbert hopes
10 years ago
West never finds out. It was a moment of weakness, and he's happy he bolted early. "Ja?"
10 years ago
nods. "Oui. Going into it they knew you still had feelings, right?"
10 years ago
guesses so...kinda. "Told them to be together, though. Made her hate me..." Which hadn't lasted, but he remembers telling Eliza that he'd only used her for sex. He figured it would make her less guilty about_
10 years ago
_picking West, which she had.
10 years ago
hums softly. "You really shouldn't try and burn your bridges, you know..."
10 years ago
buries against him. He feels like shit, note to self, Mixing drinks only sounds like a good idea. "Had to."
10 years ago
sighs, patting him. "No, you didn't. You felt like you did, I'm sure. Eliza's a strong girl though, you know that best of all of us."
10 years ago
whines a little. She was, but... "Had to for West." With him in the way, Eliza wasn't going to date either of them, and he knew West wanted to be with her.
10 years ago
hums softly. "No, you didn't. This is what makes you a good person, Gilbert. Putting other people ahead of you, even if you seem to regret it later," he smiles, holding him close.
10 years ago
snorts at that. He was hardly a good person. He's grateful for the comfort though, and latches onto Francis tightly.
10 years ago
smiles, petting his hair back and letting him cling.
10 years ago
guesses the blonde is a good friend afterall...
Francis is
10 years ago
of course a good friend!!
10 years ago
finally pipes up "Do you have food?"
10 years ago
laughs at that. "Oui, I always have food."
10 years ago
nods. "Food...bitte."
10 years ago
smiles, patting him again. "That means you have to stop using me as a pillow."7
10 years ago
grumbles at that, latching on tighter. "No..."
10 years ago
laughs softly. "Then I suppose food will just have to wait," he hums, threading his fingers through Gil's hair.
10 years ago
slowly relaxes a little. He will never ever admit to liking the petting, but he does. "Fraaaaaaaan.."
10 years ago
hums softly, smiling down at him. "Giiiilll~" he replies, continuing the petting.
10 years ago
huffs softly. "Danke..."
10 years ago
smiles fondly. "Of course, mon ami. I'm always here for you~" he murmurs softly.
10 years ago
pauses for a moment. "I miss Antonio..."
10 years ago
hums softly, nodding. "I wish he were around more..."
10 years ago
mumbles in agreement. He was probably...napping in a field or..something.
10 years ago
chuckles at that, nodding in agreement. "Do you still want me to make you food, or would you like to nap...?" he asks softly.
10 years ago
sighs. "Dunno..." He sounds very distressed about it. "I'm hungry, and tired..." He's not sure which one he wants more.
10 years ago
laughs gently, leaning down to iss his forehead again. "I'm going to make you something to eat, or else you'll just be up halfway through the night and ask for something then," he hums, trying to gently
10 years ago
slide out from under him.
10 years ago
grumbles a little, trying to move around so Francis can escape. "Okay..."
10 years ago
smiles, sliding a cushion under his head to make up for it. "Now don't go falling asleep before food's ready, alright?" he challenges, patting Gil's forhead before walking off to the kitchen.
10 years ago
huffs. "I won't!" But he curls onto his side, eyes already dropping closed.
10 years ago
just laughs, knowing he'd have to wake the other. He makes him a quick sandwich and a tall glass of water, bringing it out on tray for him.
Gilbert has
10 years ago
halfway dozed off, not having heard Francis come back into the room.
10 years ago
arches a brow when he sees this, pausing at the edge of the couch before shouting out an old battle cry, just for the hell of it.
10 years ago
startles, jumping up and mumbling in German as he puts up his fists.
10 years ago
laughs, staying where he is to avoid getting punched. "I warned you not to fall asleep~"
10 years ago
flops back onto the couch. "Fuck you." Auugh. "Food?"
10 years ago
grins happily, sitting down next to him and carefully handing over the tray. "Food. Eat up sleepy head, and make sure you drink that entire glass of water."
10 years ago
leans against his side, nibbling at the food. It was delicious, but the last thing he wanted was his stomach throwing a revolt.
10 years ago
smiles and wraps his arm around Gil's shoulders, content to support him while he ate.
10 years ago
sighs softly, offering some to Francis between his bites.
10 years ago
chuckles softly, accepting a bite but insisting that Gilbert eat most of it.
10 years ago
only hums softly, still nibbling and drinking some water. He still feels dizzy and tired, but he's sobering up a little bit.
Francis is
10 years ago
pleased that Gilbert seems to be looking better. He rubs his back a little consolingly, smiling at him.
10 years ago
tries to smile back at him a little. "What do I do?"
10 years ago
hums softly, smiling at him. "We go and find Antonio, and you two fuck until it's not even an issue anymore~" he teases.
10 years ago
snorts at that. "Antonio..." He missed the other a lot, he did. "Hasn't been seen in ages." He's not really thinking it over, but he did miss the Spaniard's ass..
10 years ago
laughs happily, nodding. "He should be around more soon, I'm pretty sure. And of course, you should let me watch, even if I'm not allowed to join~" he winks.
10 years ago
snorts at that. "You should join. Tell Greg to watch."
10 years ago
chuckles, shaking his head. "I doubt he'd enjoy that... he can get a little possessive~" he grins, conspiratorially whispering the last part.
10 years ago
glances at him, an eyebrow raised. "Don' tell him then."
10 years ago
tuts at him. "I gave him my word I wouldn't cheat on him."
10 years ago
siiighs, long and exaggerated.
10 years ago
pats his back with a little laugh.
10 years ago
continues nibbling at his food, watching the other carefully. "Oi..."
10 years ago
hums, looking over at him again. "Oi?"
Gilbert is
10 years ago
trying to word his thoughts properly. "I'm...not completely shitty...right? I mean..." All he can think of is Eliza again, and he shakes his head, pushing more food into his mouth.
10 years ago
blinks at this, sighs softly and smiling at him sympathetically as he realizes what he's referring to. "You're not shitty Gilbert. You do some shity things... hell, we all do.. but you're not a shitty guy."
Gilbert wonders
10 years ago
about that. He feels like a shitty guy a lot of the time. "You're sure?"
10 years ago
nods, looking very certain. "I'm sure. Would I really count you as a best friend if you were a terrible person?"
Gilbert gives
10 years ago
him a look, and he's trying to conceal his amusement. "You're dating Greg. You have shit taste in people."
10 years ago
frowns at him. "That's dangerous territory to go for someone who came crying to me over relationships earlier.." he scolds.
10 years ago
grumbles softly at that. "Jaaa, well...." Gregory was so...gruff. He didn't see the appeal.
10 years ago
hums at that. "What's wrong with Gregory? He's been there for me for years.."
10 years ago
shrugs, drinking some of the water. "I guess. Wouldn't be my choice, though."
10 years ago
furrows his brow a bit. "If you have something to say, you should tell me you know.." he says, getting a bit defensive.
Gilbert thinks
10 years ago
Francis is overthinking it. "What? Fran..." He rolls his eyes. "Nein. Nothing. If he's good to you, then great." The other was getting worked up too easily.
Francis was
10 years ago
basically just told he had terrible taste in boyfriends, so of course he's worked up. He eyes him suspiciously, humming in doubt but letting it drop.
Gilbert is
10 years ago
still a little drunk, so he doesn't think much by his words. "Hey Fran...I think I left my chick at home.."
10 years ago
could tell, and that's why he was letting ti drop. "I haven't seen him, so I'll wager you did," he agrees.
10 years ago
siiiighs. "Poor him...I miss him."
10 years ago
pats his back. "I'm sure he's enjoying his time away from you," he teases.
10 years ago
swats at him, missing by...not as much as before. "Rude."
10 years ago
laughs, leaning away a bit. "You love me."
10 years ago
huffssss. "I do. Ass."
10 years ago
grins, kissing his cheek. "Finish your water."
10 years ago
drains the rest of his glass, flopping against Francis' side. "I'm hot... You'd bang me, right? Again? Theoretically if you were in a position to be banging other people?"
10 years ago
laughs a bit wrapping an arm around. "Oui, I would 'bang' you. We have in the past, why wouldn't I now?"
10 years ago
shrugs. "Dunno..."
10 years ago
pats him sympathetically.
10 years ago
should probably stop thinking about Eliza. At least while this drunk. "Wanna distract me?"
10 years ago
laughs a little at that. "How shall I distract you then?"
10 years ago
huffs. "You used to distract me with sex. Now you can't..."
10 years ago
chuckles, shaking his head. "No, which is why I asked instead this time... perhaps I could offer you a massage though? I am not sure if it would help.."
10 years ago
doesn't know if it will either. "That depends. Are you massaging my dick?"
10 years ago
smiles at him, arching a brow you'd have to ask Gregory about that one."
10 years ago
hums. "Don't think he'd agree...."
10 years ago
chuckles and shakes his head. "Definitely not."
10 years ago
siiiiighs. "Laame."
10 years ago
pats his head.
10 years ago
leans against him. "Can't I just...steal you?"
10 years ago
wraps an arm around him. "Trying to steal my affections away? Mm, tsk tsk how naughty of you~" he teases, leaning in to kiss Gil's forehead.
10 years ago
siiighs. "Jaaaaa, it used to be so easy."
10 years ago
chuckles softly. "Sorry love~"
10 years ago
scoffs slightly, tucking his face into Francis' neck. "You're not..."
10 years ago
pats his back. "Maybe not entirely," he admits.
10 years ago
huffs against him. "Can I sleep here?"
10 years ago
smiles softly and nods. "Of course cherie. I'll set you up in the guest room for the night."
10 years ago
whines at that. "Can I sleep with youuu? No sex."
10 years ago
hums a little, but of course gives in. "You're going to make me wear pajamas? tsk," he teases, but stands to lead Gil to the bedroom.
10 years ago
leans against him, stumbling every so often. "I love you. Danke, Francis..."
10 years ago
laughs a little, doing his best to keep him upright, and eventually duping himm in bed. "Je t'adore, Gilbert. Get comfortable, I'll get you a bucket and a facecloth before joinging you."
10 years ago
hums, wriggling out of his pants, and pulling off his shirt. "Don't need a bucket." He wasn't that bad...was he? Maybe..
10 years ago
hums, he used it as pretty standard for drunks. "Are you sure? If you throw up on my bed, you're the one cleaning it up.."
10 years ago
pauses for a second, before making a hand motion for the bucket. Just in case.
10 years ago
smiles, disappearing for a moment to get everything and to shut off the lights so he can climb into bed too.
10 years ago
sets the bucket next to the bed, and settles under the covers. He waits until Francis has settled in as well, before latching onto him.
10 years ago
hums, starting to settle in and unable to help but laugh softly as Gilbert immediately clings to him. "Goodnight dear~" he teases gently, settling in comfortably.
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