Scotland is
10 years ago
returning from Bonfire Night, cheeks flushed red with the chill.
latest #86
Scotland is
10 years ago
surprised to see Alfred, eyebrows shooting up. 'You didn't go to see the fireworks?'
10 years ago
Grins back, joining him on the porch. He's huddled into himself, hands in his pockets. 'Trust you. Aye, that's what you do on bonfire night. Make a bonfire and watch fireworks.
10 years ago
rolls his eyes, hugging him back. 'I do have some fireworks I was keeping for Hogmanay, do you want to set them off?'
10 years ago
laughs, 'Then my life is complete again.' He pulls back, moving to stand. 'I might put the kettle on first though. I'm effing freezing
10 years ago
10 years ago
hums, 'Aren't you cold? Do you want a coffee?'
10 years ago
lets them both in, already putting the heating on. 'You just need to wrap up and you'll be fine.'
10 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'You know... they call it snuggle weather for a reason. Take advantage of it.' He whacks the other with his scarf.'
10 years ago
can think of a few things, 'Snow ball fights, snowmen... etc.' He smiles, 'I am sure you could manage, for him... right?' He is using the tone he uses when he gets protective of someone, in this situation,_
10 years ago
10 years ago
nods, 'Good.' He leads him into the kitchen, putting on the kettle.
10 years ago
arches away from the touch, 'Of course I worry about you! Just in a different way.'
10 years ago
hums, 'I worry about the harm you'll cause to yourself.' He grins, nudging the boy back.
10 years ago
grins, 'The truth can be rather rude at times, can't it?' He hands Alfred his coffee, offering him milk and sugar.'
10 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'Do you want fireworks or not?'
10 years ago
smirks, finally settling against the island with his cuppa. 'Good boy~.'
10 years ago
Raises an eyebrow, trying not to laugh. 'Francis? A boy toy?' He asks, voice full of mirth. 'He's good... Keeping me on my toes.'
10 years ago
Looks mortified that Alfred knew about that, cheeks turning a violent shade of red. 'H-how do you know about that??'
10 years ago
Looks mortified and dies a little. This is why he worries about Matthew a little more. He had more exposure to Francis' eccentric ways. '...right.' He looks over, 'are you alright?'
Scotland was
10 years ago
asking after his mental health. 'If you're sure... Thanks for helping him, atleast.'
10 years ago
nods, rubbing his temples. He sips his tea, glancing outside. 'How about we start the fireworks, huh?'
10 years ago
takes his tea with him as he leads Alfred out to the backgarden. He takes the fireworks from the shed and starts to set them up, standing up the rockets and attaching the Catherine's Wheel to the fence. 'Which_
10 years ago
one should we start with?'
Scotland thinks
10 years ago
, 'Probably the Catherine's Wheel? It lasts the longest.'
10 years ago
nods, making sure Alfred is standing far enough away before lighting the end. He makes his way back, turning to face the firework just as it starts. It spins as the firework sparks, making for an amusing sight.
10 years ago
nods, 'Not quite the big displays that you are used to...' He hums, 'But this way you can appreciate each individual firework.'
10 years ago
nods, 'Agreed.' He sips his tea, 'I can also drink tea I made myself out of my own mug.'
10 years ago
goes to fill a bucket of water as the wheel fizzes out, dousing it in water. 'Should we start a rocket, next?'
10 years ago
nods, guessing Alfred was mature enough to be safe about it! 'Why not?' he agrees, handing him the stove lighter.
10 years ago
waits for him to return, watching the rocket with badly concealed excitement. He is rather fond of fireworks.
10 years ago
watches it explode in the sky with a grin. This had been a great idea.
10 years ago
moves to start the next one with a lighter. 'How about two at once?' he suggests, waiting for Alfred to move to a second.
10 years ago
Waits until Alfred has lot his, before lighting his own. He makes his way back to the spot they were standing up, eyes already on the sky.
10 years ago
Watches the red and white fireworks fill the sky, grinning to himself. 'Looks good.'
10 years ago
nods, already lighting up a second firework.
10 years ago
stands back. He would have to agree.
10 years ago
guesses it's akin to going on shooting trips, in America. Kind of an uncle, nephew activity.
10 years ago
tried to make all his nephews feel like they had a family. Someone hadto
10 years ago
nods, 'Yeah. Only got a couple left. I'll rustle something up after we light these last two?'
10 years ago
moves to light the second last one, standing back with a grin. 'I'm leaving the best for last.'
10 years ago
waits until it's stopped fizzing before lighting the last. This one explodes into a the sky and the tendrils fizzle down to create a sheet like effect.
10 years ago
might have pulled some strings to get that one. He was happy he could share it with Alfred. 'I've got some things up my sleeve.'
10 years ago
nods, 'Years of cultivation have been working towards this moment.' He jokes.
10 years ago
rolls his eyes, rubbing his own arms as he heads towards the door. 'Lets get in, before we catch a chill.'
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