Francis is
10 years ago
stumbling home drunk from a late Halloween party, dressed decidedly more feminine than usual.
latest #138
10 years ago
had gotten a makeover from a few girls he had been partying with- he now had a lack of facial hair and a gain of slightly smeared lipstick. Not to mention the curled hair, maid dress, and heels. He
10 years ago
blinks as he nearly wobbles into Alfred, taking a moment to recognize him but grinning as he does. "Mmm, looks like you had fun tonight," he greets.
10 years ago
laughs at this, bringing his hand up to tilt Alfred's chin down. "Well if you don't know me, maybe you'd like to~" he teases with a flirtatious grin, though trying really hard not to laugh at the
10 years ago
big, detailed dick on Alfred's forehead. He blinks though, glancing up. "What's in my hair?"
10 years ago
blinks as Alfred plurks the streamer out, laughing a bit as he finally gets it. "Mmm you mean Mattie has hair as nice as mine. Don't forget who he takes after~" he playfully scolds, tottering on his
10 years ago
heels as he taps Alfred's nose.
10 years ago
laughs at him, looking up and scrutinizing his face. "Please don't," he laughs, shaking his head. "Especially not these curls. They're look ridiculous on you~" he teases with a grin.
10 years ago
makes a sound of displeasure, shooing Alfred's hands away. He wanted Gregory to see this!! He does laugh though. "I'm gonna buy you a doll wig and then we'll see," he grins.
10 years ago
hums doubtfully, grinning. "Gonna let me put you in a dress too~? You've got some nice legs to show off," he grins, sliding a hand up Alfred's thigh.
10 years ago
scoffs at him! "I let them shave my face for this, thank you," he hums, shooing Alfred's hand away.
10 years ago
hums, leaning into the touch. "Wanna help me shave the rest, if it looks so bad~?" he asks teasingly, though torn on if he actually thought it was a good idea.
10 years ago
considers this a moment, before nodding. That sounded easier yeah! "Let's do it!" he agrees.
10 years ago
laughs, leaning agaisnt him and stumbling a little as they head off. "Do you wax your chest too Alfred~?"
10 years ago
grins, shrugging. "I've honestly never done it. Just shaving usually," he hums.
10 years ago
nods, laughing a bit as he totters after him. He holds the alcohol while Alfred grabs the wax, spending his time giving flirtatious looks to the other customers around.
10 years ago
lets himself be tugged along with a laugh, blowing kisses before following him. He dumps the bottles at the cash, digging through his pockets to help pay.
Francis is
10 years ago
pretty giggly throughout, looping arms with Alfred as they finally head out back home.
10 years ago
sings excitedly with him, cracking open one of the bottles of something or other, taking a drink and offering it to him as they turn into his driveway.
10 years ago
would be sure they both looked pretty foolish, but that hardly mattered now, considering the way they were dressed. He lets him inside, nodding. "Uhhh bathroom...? Or maybe bedroom should I lay
10 years ago
down," he hums, making a face.
10 years ago
hums, stripping off the dress as he heads upstairs... revealing his cute pink panties underneath. "Bedroom bedroom. Much easier," he nods, draping the dress over the stair railing before entering his room.
10 years ago
gasps as the weak elastic snaps against his rear, turning back to him with a scolding pout. "They're nicer than yours," he huffs, sticking his tongue out before going to sit on the bed.
10 years ago
hums, shaking his head. "Let me guess... they're Iron Man too?" he guesses, thinking only enough to get a towel and lay it out on the bed before laying on top of it and closing his eyes, mistakenly trusting
10 years ago
Alfred to know what he's doing.
10 years ago
blinks and looks over at him, before bursting out laughing. "That just makes it even sillier."
10 years ago
hums, flopping back down, arms spread to his sides comfortably. "You ship it don't you~" he teases.
10 years ago
gasps as the wax hits his chest, instinctively moving to pull away from the heat. "Mhm mhm, if you say so," he dismisses.
10 years ago
squirms a little as Alfred spreads the wax, a brief spark at the back of his mind trying to warn this was a bad idea. "Are you supposed to use that much wax...?" he asks, glancing at his chest.
10 years ago
furrows his brow a little, staring down at his chest. "...maybe this was a bad idea," he hums, though he doesn't move to remove them yet.
10 years ago
pokes at the drying wax worriedly. "This is going to hurt..."
10 years ago
starts to sit up, shaking his head like he's going to chicken out. He starts to protest, but as Alfred rips the strip off suddenly he gives a girly screech instead, hand coming to hold the spot Alfred had
10 years ago
torn off. "Do you have to take my skin too??"
10 years ago
shoots him a wounded look at the laughter. "At least give me the vodka if you're going to be a sadist like that," he huffs, still rubbing the sore and increadibly red spot to nurse it better.
10 years ago
huffs still, taking a long chugs from the bottle and shivering heavily at the aftertaste. "Sadist," he pouts again, laying back down.
Francis is
10 years ago
about to protest again when Alfred rips off the next strip, shouting in pain agian and arching his back. "Y-you're so mean!!"
10 years ago
pouts and smacks his arm! "England raised you poorly," he huffs, taking another long swig from the bottle and feeling his head swim.
10 years ago
huffs and then cries out again, writhing on the bed as Alfred pulls off two in quick succession. "You're a monster!!" he huffs, taking deep breaths. "Shaving would've been better," he murmurs,
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taking another swig to dull the pain. "Let's get it over with."
10 years ago
's eyes are definitely damp and he's cried out each time... but he'll take the compliment. "Maybe we should do your chest next," he replies, squirming under the fresh hot wax.
10 years ago
hums, having to agree to that... he knew that Alfred was still a little boy at heart. "Just so you can see what it's like!" He whimpers this time as Alfred pulls the last strips
10 years ago
off, looking down at his chest with a pout at how bright red his skin was.
10 years ago
frowns at him, rubbing his chest when it still hurt most. "It wasn't. I'm not doing that to my legs too," he huffs.
10 years ago
hums, sitting up a little dizzily, realizing the excess of vodka hit him now. "They must be magic. Better appreciate it when you get it," he answers, accent heavier with his drinking. "I better do my
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legs before I lose my nerve," he points out, standing up now, tottering on the heels he had forgotten to remove.
10 years ago
laughs, in the bathroom now as he rummages for a razor that he didn't use for his face. "You could come help~" he teases, still dressed in only little panties and heels now.
10 years ago
chuckles at him, shaking his head as he finds a razor. "Maybe not. I'd end up with a billion cuts," he hums, resting a foot on the edge of the tub and dampening his skin with his shaving cream.
10 years ago
sticks his tongue out at him, though really his head was swimming. Maybe if he does this slowly... "I'll manage, I'll manage. Unhelpful child," he hums, starting carefully.
10 years ago
cuts himself pretty early on, making a sound of displeasure at the blood but trying to salvage it anyways, shaving around it stubbornly.
10 years ago
pouts at him but hands over the razor anyways, unable to really argue against that point. He never was too good at holding his hard liquors.
10 years ago
leans up against the wall as he extends his legs for Alfred, humming softly as he watches through a daze. "You're surprisingly good at htis," he hums.
10 years ago
laughs at him. "Do you even have to shave your face? It's like... eternal baby face it seems.
10 years ago
10 years ago
grins, shaking his head. "It's alright, I think it's really cute," he hums.
10 years ago
chuckles, shifting to switch his legs so Alfred could get the other. "You love me~"
10 years ago
laughs, leaning forward to ruffle his hair. "You love me for more than just that," he hums confidently, smiling back at him. "I love you too though, you're just so cute."
10 years ago
laughs, turning his fac just in time to catch the kiss on his lips. "It's what makes me so irrisitable~" he teases.
10 years ago
scoffs, reaching out to pinch his cheeks scoldingly at hte face. "Whatever, whatever," he hums, running his hands up his legs with a pout. "They're not smooth~"
10 years ago
pouts at him!! "But I wanna impress Gregory.." he whines, reaching for the razor to do it himself.
10 years ago
laughs at that. "Nothin he's not seen before," he hums, though referring more to battle wounds than shaving cuts.
10 years ago
humss, eventually just pouting and putting the razor down. "Fine fine, you win," he huffs.
10 years ago
hums, running his hands up his legs again and moving to rinse off the extra cream. "I hope so! Should I invite him here or show up at his door..." he muses.
10 years ago
laughs, grinning at him and coming over to drape an arm around him. "Mm, well you could come join us~"
10 years ago
hums. "No? We'd treat you well I promise~"
10 years ago
laughs, "he could come too~~"
10 years ago
pouts. "Does he not like me anymore? What did I do wrong?" he laments, hanging off of Alfred more now.
10 years ago
laughs, shaking his head. "Didn't stop us before~"
10 years ago
grins at the kiss, pleased again. "It's more fun this way, don't be mean."
10 years ago
laugh, nodding. "Hell yeah. He's probably in bed so I'll go surprise him~"
10 years ago
doesn't think his pornos are bad! At least, not most of the ones he owned. He hums, but nods in agreement. "Just try not to empty my fridge? There are a few things of leftovers you can have..."
10 years ago
laughs, kissing his cheeks back before letting go. "That's a boy. I'll be back in the morning~" he hums, going to get his dress back on before heading out for the night.
10 years ago
((hell yeah))
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