11 years ago
I have a networking question. In our new house, the router will be too far from our bedroom for a good signal.
latest #16
11 years ago
What would be a good way to get wifi there?
11 years ago
there are many devices for amplifying/extending the signal
11 years ago
don't get anything unless you really have to....if your WIFI router has dual bands and is less than 2 years old, the signal will go a long way. Try it out in the new house first.
11 years ago
your results could be surprising
doon says
11 years ago
What Router are you using? What Bands. What is the constrcuction of the interior walls. Things like plaster/wire mesh act like faraday cage.
doon says
11 years ago
What I do fo good coverage in my house. is firewall in basement. then Time Capsule in the Office(bridged) and Airport extreme upstairs (bridged) Same SSID, Different Channels. but I also have Cat-5 in walls
doon says
11 years ago
they do make range extenders/repeaters. but YMMV depending upon lots of factors. but as scaryoldguy says, try it first and see what signal level looks like
11 years ago
While the walls are open, I was wondering if I should string a wire from the "office" to the bedroom or living room, and, if so, what type of wire.
11 years ago
Thank you
11 years ago
if you think you can crimp RJ45s on both ends correctly, do out! (or purchase long ones that are complete) - well worth the speed and security!
11 years ago
making CAT5 cables is not difficult - if you have the parts available you can network the whole pace!
doon says
11 years ago
yes the walls are open, i would run minimum CAT-5E everywhere you can. Or better yet, interduct with pull strings :-). If going in wall, get riser cable. Crimping / punching it down really isn't hard.
doon says
11 years ago
if doing a limited number of runs, you can get cat5e jacks at lowes/home depot that snap into face plate in a single gang box.
doon says
11 years ago
then just need to run cable and follow instructions/color codes for punching it down. you can run GIG-E 100M, and no worries about interfence (Well don't run the wall cable inline/phase with AC power).
11 years ago
Thank you so much. I have a Cisco Linksys E4200 router. It's about 3+ years old, but is dual band. I am thinking of a new router when I move.
11 years ago
If you are staying with wireless, look at brands/models that have matching booster/companion boxes so you'll have the easiest time.
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