to-do list: check in for flight, finish packing, choose today's outfit.
They're shutting off the water for about an hour so I can't?? shower?? i guess there's a plumbing issue in another unit
But I need to shower and wash the dishes
mom is picking me up around 4:30 and she'll take me to portland
and then I have an overnight flight to fort lauderdale
and then I will be on the Oasis of the Seaaaas

I'm rly excited
oh!! i also need to turn in my rent i made the check and stuff yesterday so I need to go deliver it but I'll do that after I've gotten dressed...
oh i should be charging my DS
so i have something to do on the flight
I wish I could have music but nick's mom never brought me back my mp3 player and my phone will die if I use it for music for that long